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48 Cards in this Set

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A Third Class Medical Certificate is issued to a 36-year-old pilot on August 10, this year. To exercise the privileges of a Private Pilot Certificate, the medical certificate will be valid until midnight

August 31, 5 years later.

To operate under BasicMed the pilot-in-command must have completed a physical examination by a state-licensed physician within the preceding

48 months

Except when necessary for takeoff or landing, what is the minimum safe altitude for a pilot to operate an aircraft anywhere?

An altitude allowing, if a power unit fails, an emergency landing without undue hazard to persons or property on the surface.

Each person operating an aircraft at a VFR cruising altitude shall maintain an odd-thousand plus 500-foot altitude while on a

magnetic course of 0° through 179

Each person who holds a pilot certificate or a medical certificate shall present it for inspection upon the request of any

local law enforcement officer

A certificated private pilot may not act as pilot-in-command of an aircraft towing a glider unless there is entered in the pilot's logbook a minimum of

100 hours of pilot-in-command time in the aircraft category, class, and type, if required, that the pilot is using to tow a glider

If an alteration or repair substantially affects an aircraft's operation in flight, that aircraft must be test flown by an appropriately rated pilot and approved for return to service prior to being operated

with passengers aboard.

Except when necessary for takeoff or landing, what is the minimum safe altitude required for a pilot to operate an aircraft over congested areas?

An altitude of 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle within a horizontal radius of 2,000 feet of the aircraft.

What minimum flight visibility is required for VFR flight operations on an airway below 10,000 feet MSL?

3 miles

Which VFR cruising altitude is acceptable for a flight on a victor airway with a magnetic course of 175°? The terrain is less than 1,000 feet.

5500 feet

When operating below 18,000 feet MSL in VFR cruising flight more than 3,000 feet above the surface and on a magnetic course of 0° through 179°, any odd thousand-foot MSL altitude plus 500 feet

To act as pilot-in-command of an aircraft carrying passengers, a pilot must show by logbook endorsement the satisfactory completion of a flight review or completion of a pilot proficiency check within the preceding

24 calendar months

During operations outside controlled airspace at altitudes of more than 1,200 feet AGL, but less than 10,000 feet MSL, the minimum flight visibility for day VFR flight is

1 mile

If recency of experience requirements for night flight are not met and official sunset is 1830, the latest time passengers may be carried is


Except when necessary for takeoff or landing, what is the minimum safe altitude required for a pilot to operate an aircraft over other than a congested area?

An altitude of 500 feet AGL, except over open water or a sparsely populated area, which requires 500 feet from any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure.

For VFR flight operations above 10,000 feet MSL and more than 1,200 feet AGL, the minimum horizontal distance from clouds required is

1 mile

When would a pilot be required to submit a detailed report of an emergency which caused the pilot to deviate from an ATC clearance?

Within 40 hours, if requested by ATC

FAA Advisory Circulars containing subject matter specifically related to Air Traffic Control and General Operations are issued under which subject number?


How should a VFR flight plan be closed at the completion of the flight at a controlled airport?

he pilot must close the flight plan with the FAA upon landing.

During operations outside controlled airspace at altitudes of more than 1,200 feet AGL, but less than 10,000 feet MSL, the minimum distance below clouds requirement for VFR flight at night is

500 feet

When must a pilot who deviates from a regulation during an emergency send a written report of that deviation to the Administrator?

Upon request

The pilot of an aircraft that has been involved in an accident is required to file an NTSB accident report within how many days?


The pilot of an aircraft that has been involved in an accident is required to file an NTSB accident report within how many days?


Before passengers can be carried in an aircraft that has been altered in a manner that may have appreciably changed its flight characteristics, it must be flight tested by an appropriately-rated pilot who holds at least a

Private Pilot Certificate

What is the specific fuel requirement for flight under VFR at night in an airplane?

Enough to fly to the first point of intended landing and to fly after that for 45 minutes at normal cruising speed

If an in-flight emergency requires immediate action, the pilot-in-command may

deviate from any rule of 14 CFR Part 91 to the extent required to meet that emergency

Under what condition, if any, may a pilot allow a person who is obviously under the influence of drugs to be carried aboard an aircraft?

In an emergency or if the person is a medical patient under proper care.

FAA Advisory Circulars (some free, others at cost) are available to all pilots and are obtained by

ordering those desired from the Government Printing Office.

In addition to a valid airworthiness certificate, what documents or records must be aboard an aircraft during flight?

Operating limitations, and registration

To act as pilot-in-command of an aircraft towing a glider, a pilot is required to have made within the preceding 24 months

At least three qualified glider toes with a rated glider pilot

With respect to the certification of aircraft, which is a class of aircraft?

Airplane, rotorcraft, glider, balloon

Except when necessary for takeoff or landing, what is the minimum safe altitude for a pilot to operate an aircraft anywhere

An altitude, allowing if a power unit fails, an emergency landing undo hazard two persons or property in landing

Before a person holding a Private Pilot Certificate may act as pilot-in-command of a high-performance airplane, that person must have

Received ground and flight information from an authorized instructor who endorses the persons logbook

How soon after the conviction for driving while intoxicated by alcohol or drugs shall it be reported to the FAA Civil Aviation Security Division?

No later than 60 days after the motor vehicle action

With certain exceptions, when must each occupant of an aircraft wear an approved parachute?

When intentionally pitching up the aircraft 30° or more

Which VFR cruising altitude is appropriate when flying above 3,000 feet AGL on a magnetic course of 185°?

4500 feet

The definition of nighttime is

The time between the end of civil twilight and the beginning of morning, Civil Twilight

To determine the expiration date of the last annual aircraft inspection, a person should refer to the

Aircraft maintenance records

What action, if any, is appropriate if the pilot deviates from an ATC instruction during an emergency and is given priority?

File a detailed report to the chief of the ATC facility within 48 hours if requested

What is the minimum weather condition required for airplanes operating under Special VFR in Class D airspace?

1 mile visibility

Each recreational or private pilot is required to have

Biennial flight review

Which records or documents shall the owner or operator of an aircraft keep to show compliance with an applicable Airworthiness Directive?

Aircraft, maintenance records

The operator of an aircraft that has been involved in an incident is required to submit a report to the nearest field office of the NTSB

When requested

What document(s) must be in your personal possession or readily accessible in the aircraft while operating as pilot-in-command of an aircraft?

Appropriate pilot certificate, and medical certificate required

Appendix II of the Advisory Circular Checklist contains the Circular Numbering System wherein advisory circular numbers relate to Federal Aviation Regulations subchapter titles and correspond to the parts and/or sections of the regulations. The four to remember are:

20 -- Aircraft;

60 -- Airmen;

70 -- Airspace; and

90 -- Air Traffic and General Operating Rules


No person may operate an airplane within Class D airspace at night under Special VFR unless the

Airplane is equipped with instrument flight

What is the specific fuel requirement for flight under VFR during daylight hours in an airplane?

Enough to fly to the first intended landing and to fly after that 30 minutes in normal, cruising speed

If an aircraft is involved in an accident which results in substantial damage to the aircraft, the nearest NTSB field office should be notified


The three takeoffs and landings that are required to act as pilot-in-command at night must be done during the time period from

One hour after sunset, and one hour before sunrise