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Panini and his successors point 3

The earliest author whose discussions are available is katyayana 3rd century BC. Takes up problematic issues concerning particular rules sutra nominative plural sutrani in his vaarttikas and patanjali mid 2nd century BC whose mahabhasya not only incorporates katyayana vartikas which are paraphrased and translated but also independent considerations of certain problems... Traditionally Varttikas are viewed as intended to consider what is said what is unsaid and what is possibly wrongly said in the sutras.

Panini and his successors point 4

Commentatorial works on paninis grammar fore produced before katyayana commentaries continue to be produced letter right up to the present day...

The commentatorial works on grammar differ among themselves not only as concerns interpretations accepted and defended but also in the way they organise a source text

Panini and his successors point 5

Some follow the order of the sutras as found in the ashtadhyayi the most famous and widely used commentary of this type is kashika vritti 7th century a.d. of jayaditya and vamana.. it is based on a conflated version of ashtadhyayi including additions and modifications suggested in vaarttikas of katyayana accepted by Chandragomin in his grammar Chandra vyakarana