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18 Cards in this Set

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Bright and early

E.g: We left the camp bright and early to take advantage of the good weather.

Early in the morning

صبح زود،سحر خیز و سر حال

Fixed phrases with two key words,usually joined by and or or

Fixed phrases with two key words,usually joined by and OR or

Take advantage of sb/sth (verb-based idioms)

Make good use of sth;to make use an opportunity

E.g: she took advantage of the children's absence to tidy their rooms.

E.g: We took full advantage of the hotel facilities.از فرصت استفاده کردن،بهره گیری کردن

Don't ask me

Exclamations or short spoken phrases

INF: used to say that you don't know the answer to sth. SYN: search me INF

از من نپرس،من نمیدانم

A piece of cake

Noun phrases

INF: a thing that is very easy to do

E.g: It's a piece of cake.

کار آسان و خوشایند،آب خوردن

Famous last words


E.g: Everything's under control. 'Famous last words!'

M: Used when you think sb is speaking with too much confidence about sth that they think will happen.

M: People sometimes say famous last words! When they think sb is being too confident about sth that is going to happen.

جوجه رو آخر پاییز میشمرن،زهی خیال باطل،آره جون خودت،شاهنامه آخرش خوشه،ولی حرفش غلط از آب دراومد

Change your mind

Verb-based idioms

E.g: Nothing will make me change my mind.

Change your decision or opinion about sth

تصمیم خود را عوض کردن،نظر و عقیده رو عوض کردن

Set off

E.g: we set off for London just after ten.

To begin a journey

راه افتادن،رهسپار شدن

Get/go nowhere/get sb nowhere

Verb-based idioms

Make no progress,or have no success;to not enable sb to make progress or have success.

E.g: We discussed it all morning but got nowhere.ما تمام روز را درباره آن بحث کردیم اما به جایی نرسیدیم.

E.g: Talking to him will get you nowhere.

به جایی نرسیدن،کسی را به جایی نرساندن

E.g: Taking that kind of attitude will get us nowhere.اتخاذ این نوع نگرش ما را به جایی نخواهد رسانید.

In that case

Prepositional phrases

Used to say what will happen,or what you will do,as a result of a particular situation.

در آن صورت،در آن مورد،در آن حالت

E.g: In that case, we should give Tim a ring.

E.g: 'I've made up my mind.' ' in that case, there's no point discussing it.'

In charge (of sb/sth) Prepositional phrases

Prepositional phrases

Having control or command (of sb/sth)

E.g: Tim Collier was in charge of our group and I know he'd be furious that we'd got lost.

Get through (to sb)

Idiomatic phrasal verbs

Make contact with sb by phone

تماس برقرار کردن(تلفنی)،صحبت کردن(تلفنی)،رسیدن(به دست کسی)

E.g: I couldn't get through.

نتوانستم تماس برقرار کنم(با او صحبت کنم)

Thank heavens

Exclamations or short spoken phrases

Used to say you are pleased and relieved about sth.

خدا رو شکر

A stone's throw

Noun phrases

E.g: We could see we were only a stone's throw from the main road.

A short distance

A stone's throw is the distance that you can throw a stone _ in other words,only a short distance from where you are standing

فاصله ی کم،در نزدیکی

More or less

Fixed phrases with two key words,usually joined by and or or


E.g: I've more or less finished the book.

2: approximately

E.g: She could earn $200 a night, more or less.

کم و بیش

Laugh sth off INF

Idiomatic phrasal verbs

E.g: He laughed off suggestions that he was going to resign.

E.g: As we passed Tim,I tried to laugh it off.

1: Joke about sth to show you think it is not serious or important.

2: to try to make people think that sth is not serious or important,especially by making a joke about it.

با خنده گذراندن یک موضوع(ناراحت کننده)،عادی نشان دادن(ظاهر خودمون رو عادی و خوب نشان بدیم)

Better late than never

Saying /proverbs

E.g: All of us have been waiting for you for two hours_but better late than never.

It is better for sb or sth to be late than never to arrive or to happen/ than not at all

Be supposed to do sth

Verb- based idioms

E.g: You are supposed to be back by five.

E.g: I thought we were supposed to be paid today.

E.g: How was I supposed to know you were waiting for me?

If you are supposed to do sth, you should do it because sb told you to do it,or because it is your responsibility to do it. SYN: be meant to do sth

قرار بودن که،فرض بر این بودن که

March off

E.g: He marched off.

To walk somewhere quickly and with determination,often because you are angry

با عصبانیت راه رفتن