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33 Cards in this Set

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What are the principles of the OT Code of Ethics.

The principles of the OT Code of Ethics are:

1. Beneficence.

2. Nonmaleficence.

3. Autonomy and Privacy.

4. Duty.

5. Justice.

6. Veracity.

7. Fidelity.

The OT Code of Ethics, Principle # 1, is beneficence. What does it mean and what is the way to remember it?

The way to remember it is that B.E.N. means good, as in "do good". (Other such words are benefit, benefactor, the Spanish word bien, etc.)

Beneficence: We must demonstrate a concern for the safety and well-being of the patients.

The OT Code of Ethics, Principle # 2, is nonmaleficence. What does it mean and what is the way to remember it?

The way to remember it is that m.a.l. means bad. Exactly like the Spanish word mal. Also like malicious, malcontent, etc.

Nonmaleficence: Do no harm.

The OT Code of Ethics, Principle # 3, is Autonomy. What does it mean?

Autonomy: We must respect that the patient is autonomous and therefore respect their right to privacy. The patient has the right to refuse services, decide who is included in their treatment, etc. And of course all of their info should be help private.

The OT Code of Ethics, Principle # 4, is Duty. What does it mean?

Duty: OT personnel shall maintain high levels of competence.

The OT Code of Ethics, Principle # 5, is Justice. What does it mean and how do you remember?

Remember by Lady Justice, who represents the law.

Justice: OT personnel shall honor Lady Justice and comply with all laws and association policies.

The OT Code of Ethics, Principle # 6, is Veracity. What does it mean and how do you remember the son of a bee-yotch?

Veracity means "dedication to the truth". The root v.e.r. is part of the Spanich word "verdad", which means truth.

Veracity: OT personnel should tell the truth; should provide accurate information.

The OT Code of Ethics, Principle # 7, is Fidelity. What does it mean?

Fidelity means faithfulness to others as demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support.

Fidelity: OT personnel should treat colleagues and other professionals with fairness and integrity.

Board exam example of an ethical dilemmas question: An ethical dilemma is when there are 2 morally correct, but mutually exclusive, ways to solve a problem. Example. Bidding on a contract at a school, but none of the required OTAs have appropriate experience. What could be some options to resolve this?

One option would be to not bid on the contract. Another option would be to bid, and if it is won, to hire OTAs that have the appropriate experience instead of using your dead beat, loser, idiot, useless, punk-daddy OTAs who don't have the needed experience.

Let's talk OTA roles, bee-yotch. What is an O.T.A.s primary role?

An O.T.A.s primary role is implementing treatment.

Regarding O.T.A. roles and responsibilities, what can an O.T.A. do and what cannot an O.T.A. do?

1. Evaluation. I can contribute, but cannot independently evaluate or treat in any way until OT's evaluation.

2. Intervention plan. I can contribute to the development and implementation of.

3. Outcome. I can contribute to monitoring & documenting response to intervention.

OT Aides. Who delegates tasks to OT Aides and what kind of tasks can they do?

Tasks are delegated by O.T.s or O.T.A.s. These are supportive, non-skilled tasks that include the following examples.

1. routine maintenance and clerical activities.

2. Preparation of the clinic area for interventions. and/or

3. Specified, supervised aspects of a treatment session, like contact guarding a patient while the O.T.A. teaches transfers.

What are the 2 basic types of supervision and define them?

The two basic types of supervision are direct and indirect.

1. Direct supervision is face-to-face contact between the supervisor and the supervisee.

2. Indirect supervision is non face-to-face contact, like email, written and telephone.

Name the components of the supervision continuum and define the slappy bass-turds.

Close, routine, general, and minimal.

1. Close supervision is daily, direct contact at the work site.

2. Routine supervision is direct contact bi-weekly, with indirect contact in between.

3. General supervision is monthly direct contact with supervision available between.

4. Minimal supervision is on need-only basis

Who determines the type of supervision that is most appropriate?

The supervising OT determines the type of supervision that is most appropriate.

What type of supervision to OT Aides require?

OT Aides require one of following:

1. Intermittent supervision for non-patient related tasks.

2. Continuous supervision for patient related tasks.

What are the different levels an OTA can be at?

An OTA can be at one of the following levels:

1. Entry-level

2. Intermediate-level

3. Advanced-level

Who can supervise an entry-level OTA and what type of supervision is required?

An entry-level OTA must receive close supervision by any OT or by an intermediate or advanced-level OTA.

Who can supervise an intermediate-level OTA and what type of supervision is required?

An intermediate-level OTA must be supervised by any OT or by an advanced-level OTA. Supervision must be routine or general.

Who can supervise an advanced-level OTA and what type of supervision is required?

An advanced-level OTA can be supervised by any OT or by an advanced-level OTA. General supervision is required.

Why do you need to know the different roles of team members?

Know the roles because the NBCOT exam can ask questions whose answer a referral to another team member.

Does an OTA's scope of practice have limits and why do I need to know this for the test?

Of course the OTA has limits. Know the limits for the test the exam may present a scenario where you should not handle the situation yourself, but instead refer them to a team member. Example: wife complains of life and the relevance of her faith. The correct answer may contain active listening and a referral to pastoral care.

What should you do if the therapist and consumer or family member do not speak the same language?

If ya'll don't speak the same language, you should get an interpreter.

Role: What role do Home health aides and Personal care assistants play?

Home health aides,or HHA, and Personal care assistants, or PCA, provide primary care to enable a person with a disability to remain in his or her own home.

Team member role.

What is a physiatrist and what do dey do?

A physiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Physiatrists diagnose and treat acute and chronic pain and specialize in a wide variety of nonsurgical treatments for the musculoskeletal system.

Which team member is responsible for ordering transfers to long term care settings and for determining competence and the need for involuntary treatment?

The psychiatrist is responsible for ordering transfers to long term care settings and for determining competence and the need for involuntary treatment.

Team members roles.

What is a physician's assistant?

A physician assistant (P.A.) is a mid-level medical practitioner who must work under the supervision of a licensed MD or D.O.

Team member roles.

What is a certified respiratory therapy technician?

A certified respiratory therapy technician (CRT) is concerned with maintaining or improving the respiratory function of patients of all ages. They treat or manage acute and chronic breathing disorders, as through the use of respirators or aerosol spray medication.

Team member roles.

What is a Certified Orthotist and what the focking fock helll do they do? Oh, and what is the root meaning of the word and the memory tool?

A Certified Orthotist, or CO, evaluates the need for, and designs, fabricates, and fits orthotic equipment (splints and braces.) . .

Memory Tool. . The root of ortho- means straight, right, correct. The Orthodox Church thinks it is right and correct. The purpose of orthotics is to set the bone straight and correct, keeping it with established doctrin (or the -doxy part of Orthodox.)

Team member roles.

What is a Certified Prosthetist?

A Certified Prosthetist, or CP, evaluates the need for, and designs, fabricates, and fits prosthesis for proper fit and to promote functional abilities.

Team member roles.

What is a Biomedical Engineer?

A Biomedical Engineer designs systems and products, such as artificial internal organs, artificial devices that replace body parts, and machines for diagnosing medical problems. Also serves as a technical expert to recommend commercial products, adapt available devices, and modify existing environments.

Team member roles.

What is a Social Worker and what are the thing-ah-ma-booze they do?

Social Workers provide social services, acquire funding, and provide counseling. They provide crisis intervention and recommend additional services. Their focus is physically, economically, mentally and socially disadvantaged people.

Social support services could include home care, support groups, etc. Needed funding could be Medicaid, food stamps, etc.

Team member roles.

What is a Recreational Therapist?

Yo dog, a Recreational Therapist conducts individual or group interventions to acheive the following:

1. develop leisure interests and skills.

2. to facilitate community, social, and recreational integrity.

3. to manage stress and symptoms.

4. to help people adjust to disability.