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61 Cards in this Set

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Tx for extramacular TRD?
observation. Treat when threat of mac detach
ICG pattern in EAMD most useful in directing laser Tx
3 signs of CNVM
Pigment ring or mound
SR heme
oval or round grayish-white SR lesion
Retinal changes in Louis-Bar
none (aka ataxia-telangiectasia)
Name findings in retinitis pigmentosa besides pigmentary changes
attenuated arteries, waxy pallor of ON, cataract, vitritis, CME, ONH drusen
Juxtapapillary CNVM
1. Which organism should you consider
2.Region of highest incidence?
1. histoplasmosis (POHS)
2. Ohio-Mississipi River Valley
In RP which cells are damaged?
Identify eight things that have CME without leakage
JUNG & Restless use AT&T:
Juvenile XL retinoschesis, Usher's, Nicotinic acid, Goldman-Favre, RP, Abraxane, Taxotere, Taxol
Psuedoxanthoma elasticum
1. Ocular findings
2. systemic findings
1. angioid streaks, ONH drusen, peau-d-orange retina
2. plucked chicken skin, AVM's, gi bleeds
Identify three disorders that will give heme pre, intra and subretinal
macroaneurysms, shaken baby/trauma, sickle cell
a patient with a short eye and thickened sclera results in recurrent effusions.
1. name this syndrome
2. why does it occur
3. Tx
1. uveal effusion syndrome
2. thickened sclera causes a constriction on vortex veins
3. sclerotomies around the vortex veins
Tx for RD associated with CMV
VTx, sil oil, endolaser
Pars plana cysts
1. how common?
2. contain
3. assoc Dz
1. 16-18% of population
2. mucopolysaccharidoses
3. Multiple myloma (but not diagnostic)
Retinoschisis layers:
1. juvenile X-linked
2. Reticular
3. involutional
1. NFL
2. NFL
3. OPL
Gyrate atrophy
1. deficient enzyme
2. increased molecule
3. chromosome
1. Ornithine aminotransferase
2. ornithine
3. 10
Are ERG amplitudes reduced in carriers of:
1. Juv Xlinked RP
2. Choroderemia
1. yes
2. no
Most common location of tears following PVD?
between 10 & 2
Pathophysiology of commotio
disruption of photoreceptors
Order of retinal tears following blunt trauma
dialysis>Giant RT> flap tears > tears from lattice
Prognosis of shaken baby syndrome?
poor, due to macular scars
signs of DIC
Serous RD, RPE changes, fibrinoid necrosis of choriocapillaris
FA findings of solar/photic retinopathy
acute: hyperFL/staining, no leak
longterm: hyperFL/window
Most common complication of MFC
what physiologic factor predisposes to choroidal effusion following PRP?
Short axial length (<23mm)
What physiologic factor protects against PDR?
Complete PVD
Tx for ROP can have what kind of long tern effects?
Decreased night vision (decreased rods), loss of K sensation or accomodation (involvement of long ciliary nerves)
What is the % of spontaneous regression of ROP
Uncommon causes of RAO
fat emboli, cardiac myxoma, talc, mitral valve prolapse, vasculitides, connective tissue d/o's
Most common cause of bull's eye maculopathy
Cone dystrophy
Up to which layer does the retinal vascularity provide O2/nutrients
inner nuclear layer
Paving stone degeneration represents what pathology?
Occlusion of the choroid
Which Dz (VKH or SO) involves the choroid?
Describe the Purkinje shift
a shift in peak spectral sensitivity from 555nm to 505nm with dark adaptation
What is an abnormal Arden ratio?
1. ataxia, pigmentary retinopathy, deaf, cardiac myopathy - name Dz?
2. age range
3. abnormal lab
4. Tx
1. Refsum's Dz
2. infantile and adult forms
3. Elevated phytanic acid
4. dietary restriction
Abnormal EOG in what medications?
chloroquine & hydroxychloroquine (late finding, not good for screening)
What is the minimum frequency to isolate cones in ERG?
Normalization of scotopic ERG after 4-8 hrs of dark adaptation is a hallmark of what? Why?
fundus albipunctatus
prolonged rhodopsin regeneration rate
Prevalence of cobblestoning in adults?
Prevalence of lattice in adults?
Portion of symptomatic PVD's with hole/tear?
Percentage of patients with nonischemic CRVO that will progress to NV?
Prevalence of AMD in Americans >55 y/o
1 in 10,000
Most important aspect of pneumatic retinopexy
surface tension
annual incidence of CNV of fellow eye in POHS and unilateral CNV
Percentage of patients that have progressive POHS over 5-15yrs
describe the clinical differnces of fundus albipuncatas, retinitis punctata albescens, and familial drusen
all have multiple white/cream appearing lesions in the midperiphery. RPA has attenuated vessels, FD has non-uniform lesions that form grapelike clusters
What fatal condition can be associated with AMPE?
cerebral vasculitis
phacomatoses with seizures?
The ones with a capital S
Tuberous Sclerosis (Bourneville's)
Phacomatoses that are sporadic?
Those with a capital W in the name:
Wyburn Mason
Key aspects in color deficit naming
Pro = red
Deu = green
Tri = blue
describe pigmented retinal lesion seen in a Gardner's syndrome
increased central pigment with lighter halo and a tail pointing to the ONH
Difference in RF's for BRVO vs CRVO
DM is a RF for CRVO but NOT BRVO
Radiation retinopathy.
1. When does it occur?
2. Tx?
1. ~18mo after rad Tx
2. similar to DM
Vitreo retinal tufts
1. name the different types
2. what are the associated RD risks
noncystic: no RD risk
Cystic: <1% risk of RD
Zonular traction: 2-10% risk of RD
1. inheritance
2. onset
1. Xlinked recessive
2. late childhood
Annual w/u for patients with VHL?
imaging of the head, abd, and urinalysis
Stary Sky DDx
LSU Cheerleaders Hate Playing Volleyball on Mondays
Uveal effusion syndrome
Hypotony maculopathy
Posterior scleritis
MCP and malignant hypertension
Peripheral NV DDx
Fires of Thor
Incontinentia pigmenti
Eales Dz
Sickle Cell
FA findings in ocular ischemic syndrome?
leaking veins in late FA
1. inheritance
2. early appearance
1. AR>>AD
2. beaten metal