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49 Cards in this Set

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An object is neutrally bouyant when it displaces an amount of water less than it's own weight?
Why is bouyancy control, both on the surface and under water, is one ofthe most important skills you can master?
On the surface: Saves Energy - safety
Underwater - Stay off the bottom - May Damage Sea Life
Because water is denser thanair, the pressure change for a given distance ascent or decent is significantly greater in the water than in the air.
The same object would be more bouyant in_____________ than it would be in___________
Salt Water

Fresh Water
What is a Squeeze?
A condition that causes pain and discomfort when the pressure inside an air space of your body is less than the pressure outside an air space.
Describe the techniques used to equalize air spaces during descent?
a. Block your nose and attempt to gently blow through it
b. Swallow and wiggle the jaw from side to side
c. Block your nose and attempt to gently blow through it while swallowing and wiggling the jaw from side to side
State how often you should equazlize your air spaces during descent?
Every few feet
Define Reverse Block
A condition that occurs when expanding air cannot escappethe body air space during acent, causing pain and discomfort.
What action should you take if you feel discomfort during acent due to air expansion?
Go back down
State the most important rule in scuba diving?
Do not hold your breath - Breathe Continuously
What is the best way to prevent water from entering your scuba tank?
Never empty it
What is the most important feature for consideration when purchasing a regulator?
Ease of Breathing
When Scuba Diving why must your nose be enclosed in the mask?
The mask create a space you must equalize during descent to prevent mask squeeze.
Underwater objects appear _____by 33%, making them appear _____ and or ______.
Since it travels about 4xs faster in the water than in air, you will have difficulty determining the origin of ____ underwater.
Water condust heat away fgorm the body _____ than air does.
Describe the proper breathing pattern for diving?
Consistently slow and deep
To pervent overexertion:
1. Move slowly and avoid extended strenuous activity
2. Know your physical limits
What should you do if you become over exerted while diving?
Underwater: Stop all activity-
Breathe Slowly-Rest
At the Surface: Establish Bouyancy - Drop Weights, Stop Moving- Rest- Catch your breath
Describe four techniques used for air control?
a. Use your tongue as a splash guard by palcing the tip onthe roof of your mouth
b. Inhale slowly
c. Avoid rapid, jerky movement
d. Inhale cautiously
The most important feature of any weight system is?
A quick Release Mechanism
Why should you not wear a tight fitted hood?
The hood can compress arteries in your neck, which can cause your heart to slow down
An alternate air source should be?
Conspicously Marked
Where should you attach an alternate air source to your body?
Under your chin and the lower corners of your rib cage.
A Diving knife is used as a tool (to measure, pry dig, cut and pound) but is not intended to be, nor should it be used as a weapon.
How do you check for proper Weighting?
Float eye level
Exhale to go under water
What factors effect the viisbility of water?
a. Weather
b. Water Movement
c. Ambient Pressure
d. Suspended Particles
What do you do if you are caught in a current at the surface?
Establish Bouyancy and Swim Parallel to the to the shore to clear the rip area.
Signal for help
If a current is present you should generally begn your dive?
Against the current
A rip current can be recognized as a line of turbid, foamy water moving?
List three ways to prevcent or control most diving problems that occur at the surface"?
1. Dive within your limitations
2. Relax while you dive
3. Esatblish and maintain positive bouyancy while on the surface.
What are the 5 low-air/out-of-air emergency procedures in order of priority from 1-5?
1. Normal Ascent
2. Alternate Air Source
3. Controlled Emergency Swimming Ascent
4. Buddy Breathing Ascent
5. Bouyant Emergency Ascent
If you become entangled underwater, you should?
Stop, think and then work slowly and calmly to free yourself.
A detailed log book isthe proof of experience documentation typically requested in many dive situations. List 2
1. For additional diver training
2. When diving at resorts or on boats
Ho do you prevent problems with contaminated air?
Buy air from a reputable dealer
List the some ways divers prevent problems with oxegen
1. Dont have your cylnders filled with enriched air
2. Don't use a tank marked as enriched air
3. Don't exceed recreational dive limits
What are the following symtoms related to:
Impaired Coordination
Foolish Behavior
Nitrogen Narcosis
What can you do to prevent Nitrogen Narcosis
Avoid Deep Dives
List some symptoms that relate to decompression sickness
Moderate Tingling
Weaklness and prolonged fatigue
Outline the firstaid procedure for assisting someone with decompression illness
Lie down and breathe Oxegen, contact local emergency medical care, Contact local emergency dive center
When using either version of the dive planner, you must ascend at a rate that does not exceed 18 meters/60 ft per minute.
What is the maximum limit for Open Water Dives?
Maximum depth limit for divers with Deep Diver training?
What is the Maximum depth limit for divers with training and experience beyond the Open Water Diver level
List 3 required situations in which a safety stop should be made
1. Diving 30m/100ft or Deeper
2. You reach any limit on your dive table or computer
3. Your dive comes within 3 pressure groups on the NLD RDP
If you exceed a no-decompression limit or an adjusted no-decompression limit by no more than 5 minutes, you sholud slowly ascend at a rate not faster that 18m/60ft per minute to 5m/15ft and remain there for____ prior to surfacing. After reaching the surface, do not dive for at least _______ hours
8 minutes, 6 hours
State the altitude above which the Recreational Dive Planners should not be used unless special procedures are followed.
To be reasonably sure that you remain symtom free from decompression sickness when flying in a commercial jet airlinner after diving you should wait?
12 hours
What is the procedure you must follow when planning a dive in cold water or under strenuous conditions using the Recreational Dive Planner?
Plan the dive as if it was 4m/10ft deeper