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127 Cards in this Set

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The quad screen includes (blank) for test analysis?

HCG, estriol, inhibin A, AFP

Triple screen includes what in the test analysis?

HCG, AFP, Estriol

Second trimester, painless vaginal bleeding is most often associated with?

Placenta previa

Painful vaginal bleeding in second trimester may occur as a result of?

Placental abruption

Triple screen testing is performed when?

15-20 weeks

There is an earlier first trimester screening for maternal blood 11-14 weeks and this covers which labs?

Reveals what abnormality?

HCG, PAPPA, fetal NT.

Find out if baby had T21, T18, T13 and sex chromosome abnormalities.

Triple screen can identify what abnormalities?

Anembryonic pregnancy, (miscarriage), abortion, Down syndrome, neural tube defects, anencephaly, cephalocele, omphalocele, molar pregnancy, Turner syndrome, gastroschisis, spina bifida,

In the abdominal circumference view wha other structures aside from fetal stomach and umbilical vein may be seen?

Trv thoracic spine, right adrenal gland, fetal gallbladder

Head circumference, what structures are seen in this measurement?

At the level of third ventricle, thalamus, CSP, falx cerebri

Femur length measurement at at long or short axis of the femoral shaft when the ultrasound beam is what to the shaft?

Long axis, perpendicular

Biparietal diameter measurement has what structures seen?

At the level of third ventricle, thalamus, CSP, falx cerebri

What is it called when the fetal legs are flexed at the hips and there is flexion of the knees as well.

Complete breech

What is it called when the fetal legs are flexed at the hips and there is flexion of the knees as well.

Complete breech

Fetal buttocks seems closest to the cervix, what is the fetal presentation?

Frank breech

What is it called when the fetal legs are flexed at the hips and there is flexion of the knees as well.

Complete breech

Fetal buttocks seems closest to the cervix, what is the fetal presentation?

Frank breech

All of the following may be visualized at the correct level of the head circumference except?

A. Third ventricle

B. Thalamus


D. Falx cerebri

D. Falx cerebelli

This is the inner sac that contains the embryo and amniotic fluid seen during first trimester within the gestational sac?


What is anembryonic gestation?

Abnormal pregnancy in which there is no evidence of a fetal pole or yolk sac within the gestational sac. Aka blighted ovum

Blighted ovum is?

Anembryonic gestation. Abnormal preg. No evidence of fetal pole or yolk sac in gestational sac.

Outer membrane yet surrounds the embryo, this structure is?


What contains the extraembryonic coelom?

Chorionic cavity.

(Space between the chorion and amnion sac that contains the secondary yolk sac aka extraembryonic coelom).

The developing fetus before 10 weeks gestation is termed?


Chorionic sac is also referred to as the?

Gestational sac

The earliest definitive sign of IUP is seen at __________ mIU per mL with transvaginal exam.


What size of gestational sac can a embryo be seen?


What is the first sonographic identifiable sign of pregnancy?

Decidual reaction

What is the first structure seen with ultrasound within the gestational sac?

Secondary yolk sac

The yolk sac in early embryo development is connected to the embryo by?

Vitelline duct (AKA Omphalomesenteric duct)

The chorionic cavity lies between what and the amniotic cavity contains?

Chorionic cavity: lies between the chorion and amnion and has the secondary yolk sac and fluid.

Amniotic cavity: contains fluid and developing embryo.

The chorionic cavity lies between what and the amniotic cavity contains?

Chorionic cavity: lies between the chorion and amnion and has the secondary yolk sac and fluid.

Amniotic cavity: contains fluid and developing embryo.

What gest week does chorion and amnion fuse?

Fuse around middle first trimester; until 16 weeks gestation.

The placenta is formed by?

Decidua basalis (maternal contribution) and chorion frondosum (fetal contribution)

What are the most common abnormalities assoc with increased NT?

Trisomy 18, trisomy 21, and Turner syndrome, and congestive heart failure.

In the 11-14 weeks, combining NT with what other first trimester lab findings is a high detection rate for abnormalities like T21, T18, Turner syndrome.


NT measured when?

Between 11 - 13 weeks 6 days

What are factors that contribute to ectopic pregnancy?

Hx of ectopic, pelvic inflammatory disease, advanced maternal age, multi parity, undergoing infertility treatment, previous tubal surgery

Pt arrives with pain, vaginal bleeding, palpable abdominal / pelvic mass, finding?

Clinical finding: shoulder pain, low hCG,

Ectopic pregnancy

Which GTD form is most common; partial or complete molar pregnancy?

Reason for molar pregnancy?

Complete molar pregnancy.

Unknown, possible normal sperm fertilized an empty ovum.

Which molar has potential to become malignant: partial or complete molar pregnancy?

Complete molar pregnancy

Finding enlarge uterus, hyperemesis gravidarum, hCG levels > 100,000 mIU/mL, heavy vaginal bleeding, HTN.

Large complex mass within uterus. Snowstorm appearance. Hypervascularity around the tissue but not within it.

Molar pregnancy

Finding enlarge uterus, hyperemesis gravidarum, hCG levels > 100,000 mIU/mL, heavy vaginal bleeding, HTN.

Large complex mass within uterus. Snowstorm appearance. Hypervascularity around the tissue but not within it.

Molar pregnancy

Partial or incomplete molar pregnancy has diploid or Triploidy?


Most malignant form of trophoblastic disease is?

Choriocarcinoma. Affecting common sites for metastatic being liver, lungs, vagina.

Large irregular gestational sac without embryo or yolk sac. Poor decidual reaction. Vaginal bleeding, low hCG, reduction of pregnancy sx.

Blighted ovum (anembryonic gestation)

Vaginal bleeding, small for dates, closed cervix, low hCG levels.irregular shaped gest sac and fetus.

Fetal demise or embryonic demise

Vaginal bleeding, pelvic cramping, passage of products of conception.


Vaginal bleeding before 20 weeks gestation, closed cervical os. Low fetal heart rate.

Threatened abortion

Vaginal bleeding before 20 weeks gestation, closed cervical os. Low fetal heart rate.

Threatened abortion

No intrauterine products identified in endometrium, prominent endometrium.

Complete abortion

Vaginal bleeding before 20 weeks gestation, closed cervical os. Low fetal heart rate.

Threatened abortion

No intrauterine products identified in endometrium, prominent endometrium.

Complete abortion

Thickened irregular endometrium, enlarged uterus, part of products expelled.

Incomplete abortion

Vaginal bleeding before 20 weeks gestation, closed cervical os. Low fetal heart rate.

Threatened abortion

No intrauterine products identified in endometrium, prominent endometrium.

Complete abortion

Thickened irregular endometrium, enlarged uterus, part of products expelled.

Incomplete abortion

Missed abortion is?

No fetal heart rate, abnormal fetal shape.

Vaginal bleeding before 20 weeks gestation, closed cervical os. Low fetal heart rate.

Threatened abortion

No intrauterine products identified in endometrium, prominent endometrium.

Complete abortion

Thickened irregular endometrium, enlarged uterus, part of products expelled.

Incomplete abortion

Missed abortion is?

No fetal heart rate, abnormal fetal shape.

Vaginal bleed, dilated cervix. Low lying gest sac.

Inevitable abortion

Where is a subchorionic hemorrhage located?

Bleed between the endometrium and the gestational sac

Pt presents with cramping, vaginal bleeding or spotting sometimes. Finding: Cervix is closed. Hypoechoic structure adjacent to gestational sac. Suspect?

Subchorionic hemorrhage

What is a common pelvic mass in first trimester sonographic examination?

Uterine leiomyoma

Lemon head shape associate with which anomaly?

Arnold chiari II malformation

Dolichocephaly is associated with?


Brachycephaly is associated with which anomalies?

Craniosynostosis, trisomy 18, Trisomy 21.

Macrocephaly is associated with?

Beckwith Weidemann syndrome, hydrocephalus, hydranencephaly, intracranial tumors.

Macrocephaly is associated with?

Beckwith Weidemann syndrome, hydrocephalus, hydranencephaly, intracranial tumors.

Microcephaly is associated with??

Trisomy 13, Trisomy 18, TORCH infections, Meckel Gruber syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome.

Most common neural defects are?

Anencephaly and spina bifida

Elevated MSAFP is associated with?

Gastroschisis, omphalocele, spina bifida, multiple gestation, fetal death.

Spina bifida occulta means?


Spina bifida occulta means?

Hidden; occult lesions are closed lesions, covered by skin.

Spina bifida apperta means?


Postnatal period, sacral dimple, hemangioma, lipoma, or tuft of hair midline of newborn directly over distal spine.


Spina bifida occulta

Most common location of spina bifida is?

Lunbosacral region

Lemon shaped skull with a banana cerebellum associated with? Elevated MSAFP, obliterated CM, Colpocephaly, Hydrocephalus. Suspect?

Spina bifida (aperta)

What’s kyphosis?

Scoliosis and kyphosis are associated with

Abnormal posterior curvature of the spine.

ABS, LBWC, VACTERL association.

Scoliosis is?

Abnormal lateral curvature of the spine

Short or absent umbilical cord, marked scoliosis, craniofacial and limb defects. Elevated MSAFP. Suspect?

Limb Body Wall Complex

What is the most common non lethal skeletal dysplasia?

Heterozygous Achondroplasia

What is the most common non lethal skeletal dysplasia?

Heterozygous Achondroplasia

Sonographic findings in utero is micromelia, macrocrania, frontal bossing, flattened nasal bridge, trident hand. Suspect?

Heterozygous Achondroplasia

Both parents are dwarfs. This is fatal in first 2 years of life. Child has frontal bossing, trident hand, micromelia or macrocrania. Suspect?

Homozygous Achondroplasia

Finding: Absent mineralization of skeletal bones, severely shortened limbs, large skull, narrow chest and distended abdomen, polyhydramnios.


Bell shaped chest, multiple fractures, demineralization of the skull. Transducer Pressure on the skull can alter the shape.

Osteogenesis imperfecta

Most common lethal skeletal dysplasia, cloverleaf skull.

Thanatotrophic dysplasia

Sono finding in utero: Bell shaped chest, polyhydramnios, hydrocephalus, depressed nasal bridge, telephone receiver shaped long bones, clover leaf skull.

Thanatophoric dysplasia

Bilateral renal agenesis accompanies this condition. Lethal. Lower extremities fused, Oligohydramnios, two-vessel cord, cardiac anomalies.


SCT is considered?

Germ cell tumor, most common congenital neoplasm and more frequently found in females.

(Sacrococcygeal Teratoma)

SCT is considered?

Germ cell tumor, most common congenital neoplasm and more frequently found in females.

(Sacrococcygeal Teratoma)

SCT associated with?

congestive heart failure, Hydrops

What first branch off the aortic arch does the blood exit into?

Innominate artery originates Brachiocephalic artery.

Hypoplastic left heart syndrome, if female suspect? Connection to what other anomaly?

female- Turner syndrome

Also a connection to trisomy 18.

Most common cardiac defect?

Ventricular septal defect

Test of the amniotic fluid that predicts fetal lung maturity?

Lecithin to sphinomyelin ratio

(L/S ratio)

Outflow tracts: RV / LV leads to ?


LVOT - leads to aorta

Pulmonary artery normally should be anterior to aorta and crossing over it .

Outflow tracts: RV / LV leads to ?


LVOT - leads to aorta

Pulmonary artery normally should be anterior to aorta and crossing over it .

What’s the most anterior positioned chamber of the heart?

What is the most posterior chamber of the heart?

Right ventricle.

Left atrium

What is anterior to the fetal spine?

Left atrium

Leading. Size of cardiac death in neonatal period?

95% die in the first month of life if surgery is not performed.

Hypoplastic left heart syndrome

Leading. Size of cardiac death in neonatal period?

95% die in the first month of life if surgery is not performed.

Hypoplastic left heart syndrome

Enlarged left ventricle, absent or small right ventricle. Fetal Hydrops. Pulmonary stenosis or atresia.

Hypoplastic right heart syndrome

AVSD are associated with?

Trisomy 18, trisomy 21, aneuploidy

Malformation or malposition of the tricuspid valve results?

Ebstein anomaly

Narrowing of the aortic arch, right ventricular enlargement, pulmonary artery enlargement?

Coarctation of the aorta

What is tetralogy of fallot?

Visualize aortic root overriding,subaortic VSD, pulmonary stenosis, right ventricular hypertrophy. Suspect?

Transposition of great vessels visualized four chamber view?

No, can’t tell. The 4 chamber view appears normal.

EIF is located in what ventricle and associated with?

Left ventricle, trisomy 21.

The most common fetal cardiac tumor is?

That tumor is associated with?


Associated with Tuberous Sclerosis

This group anomaly combines ectopic cord is and existing omphalocele.

Pentaology of Cantrell

For lung maturity what test is completed?

Assessed using L/S ratio; an amniocentesis is performed for this test. The lab findings indicate the levels of L/S in the amniotic fluid.

Normally: Lecithin levels increase. Sphingomyelin decreases.

What is a common finding with pulmonary hypoplasia?

Oligohydramnios, bilateral renal agenesis, abnormal facial features (potter syndrome)

Lung mass that is solid / cystic. Echogenic mass in the lungs, unilateral. Pleural effusion present, suspect?


Separate mass of non functioning lung tissue with its own blood supply?

Pulmonary Sequestration (or) Bronchopulmonary Sequestration

Separate mass of non functioning lung tissue with its own blood supply?

Pulmonary Sequestration (or) Bronchopulmonary Sequestration

Echogenic triangular shaped mass in the fetal chest. PE present.

Pulmonary Sequestration

What’s the most common reason for the heart to be malpositioned?

Diaphragmatic hernia

Most common location for diaphragmatic hernia is on right or left side?

Name the type?

Left side, Bochdalek hernia.

Between diaphragmatic hernias; name the one left posterolateral and the right anteromedially in the diaphragm?

Left posterolateral - foramen of Bochdalek.

Right anteromedial- Foramen of Morgagni.

Which is a lack of muscle in the dome of diaphragm?

Similar appearance to?

Eventration of the diaphragm.

Similar appearance to diaphragmatic hernia

Hypoechoic structure located anteriornchest at level of sternum between the lungs, finding?

Thymus gland

Hypoechoic structure located anteriornchest at level of sternum between the lungs, finding?

Thymus gland

What is DiGeorge Syndrome?

Absent or hypoplastic thymus, leads to immune system problems (susceptibility to infection, cognitive disorders, congenital heart defects, palate defects, hormonal abnormalities.)

Group of anomalies that includes omphalocele, ectopic cordis, cleft sternum, anterior diaphragmatic defect, pericardial defects.

Pentalogy of Cantrell