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56 Cards in this Set

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(Ignore this card)
List presumptive pregnancy signs
amenorrhea, fatigue, N/V, Urinary frequency, breast changes, quickening, uterine enlargement, linea nigra, chloasma, striae gravidarum
Slight fluttering movements of the fetus felt by a woman, usually between 16 to 20 weeks of gestation
List probable pregnancy signs
abdominal enlargement, cervical changes, Hegar's sign, Chadwick's sign, Goodell's sign, Ballottement, Braxton-Hicks contrations, positive pregnancy test, fetal outline felt by examiner
List positive signs of pregnancy
Fetal heart sound, visualization of fetus by U/S, fetal movement palpated by an experienced examiner
McDonald's method
Method of determining gestational age: measure uterine fundal height in cm from the symphysis pubis to the top of the uterine fundus (between 18-30 weeks gestation). The gestational age is equal to that of the fundal height.
number of pregnancies in which the fetus or fetuses reach viability (approx. 20-24 weeks or fetal wieght of 500g (2 lb))
Does lung capacity increase or not during pregnancy?
What happens to the amount of urine produced during pregnancy
remains the same
What happens to B/P during 1st trimester
remains the same
What happens to B/P during the 2nd trimester
DBP and SBP decrease by 5-10
What happens to B/P during the 3rd trimester
Returns to prepregnancy baseline
What happens to pulse during pregnancy
increases 10-15 bpm around 20 weeks gestation
What happens to respiration during pregnancy
increase by 1-2 bpm
When is S3 (heart sound) heard more easily?
After 20 weeks gestation
Uterine size changes from weight of 50 to 1000g
(Please ignore this side of the card)
The fundus reaches the xiphoid process by
the 36th week
(Ignore this card)
A majority of birth defects occur between
2 and 8 weeks gestation
In an uneventful pregnancy, prenatal visits are scheduled
every month for 7 months, every 2 weeks during the 8th month, and every week during the last month
FHR can be heard by Doppler at
10-12 weeks gestation
FHR can be heard with U/S stethascope at
16-20 weeks gestation
Start measuring fundal height after
12 weeks gestation
Erythroblastosis fetalis
Maternal-fetal blood incompatibility
One-hour glucose tolerance test
PO ingestion or IV administration of concentrated glucose with venous sample taken 1 hour later (fasting not required)
When should the 1-hour GTT be performed?
at initial visit for at-risk clients and at 24-28 weeks for all pregnant women
Follow-up is required when the 1-hour GTT is above
140 mg/dL
Three-hour GTT
fasting overnight prior to PO or IV intake of concentrated glucose with a venous sample taken 1, 2, and 3 hours later
A diagnosis of GDM requires
two elevated blood-glucose readings
What does a PAP test screen for?
cervical cancer, herpes simplex type 2, and/or HPV
With a + PPD (purified protein derivative) test, what is the next step?
chest screening after 20 weeks gestation
VDRL or RPR tests for
TORCH screening
tests for toxoplasmosis, other infections, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes virus
ETOH during pregnancy results in
birth defects
tobacco during pregnancy results in
Fetal kick count should be performed
2 or 3 times a day for 60 minutes each
There should be how many fetal movements per hour?
To prevent N/V during pregnancy, what should the woman do?
eat crackers or dry toast 0.5-1 hour before rising in the AM
Avoid UTIs by wearing
cotton underpants
Avoid heartburn by
sitting up for 30 minutes after meals
Hemorrhoids may occur
during the second and third trimesters
Hemorrhoids can be treated with
a warm sitz bath, witch hazel pads, and topical ointments
Backaches can be treated with pelvic tilt exercises. What are these?
alternately arching and straightening the back
What is one method of treating shortness of breath and dyspnea?
sleeping with extra pillows
Leg cramps may occur
During the third trimester
What are the causes of leg cramps?
compression of lower extremity nerves and blood vessels by the enlarging uterus, resulting in poor peripheral circulation as well as an imbalance in the calcium/phosphorus ratio
What can be done to relieve leg cramps?
massaging and applying heat over the affected muscle or a foot massage while the leg is extended
Gingivitis, nasal stuffiness, and epistaxis can occur due to
elevated estrogen levels causing an increased vascularity and proliferation of connective tissue
Braxton Hicks contractions occur
from the first trimester onwards
Edema of the face and hands is a sign of
Epigastric pain is a sign of
Dick-Read Method
refers to "childbirth without fear;" woman relaxes completely between contractions and keeps all muscles except the uterus relaxed during contractions
Lamaze Method
advocates a healthy, natural, and safe approach to pregnancy, childbirth, and early parenting
Leboyer Method
"birth without violence", environmental variables are stressed to ease the transition of the fetus from the uterus to the external environment.
Water births are based on which method?
Leboyer method
Bradley Method
stresses the partner's involvement as the birthing coach; woman deals with the stress of labor by tuning into her own body