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20 Cards in this Set

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1. What enzyme is contained in saliva, and what nutrient does it act upon?
The enzyme amylase is contained in saliva which acts upon starch.
2. What are the gastric juices of the stomach made up of? What protects the stomach cells from gastric juices?
The gastric juices of the stomach are made of Hydrochloric Acid, Mucus, Water, enzymes(pepsin, gastric lipase). Mucus protects the stomach cells from the gastric juice.
3. Describe the action of peristalsis and the type of muscles involved.
Peristalsis is the propulsion and or successive waves of involuntary muscular contractions passing along the walls of the GI tract that push the contents along. The type of muscles involved are circular muscles which are surrounded by longitudinal muscles.
Describe where digestion begins and ends for CARBOHYDRATE :
The salivary glands secrete saliva into the mouth to moisten the food. The salivary enzyme amylase begins digestion: Starch is broken down by amylase into small polysaccharides, maltose.

It ends in the Small Intestine. The pancreas produces enzymes and releases them through the pancreatic duct into the small intestine: Polysaccharides are broken down by pancreatic amylase into disaccharides. Then enzymes on the surfaces of the small intestinal cells break disaccharides into monosaccharides, and the cells absorb them
Describe where digestion begins and ends for PROTEIN
New answer:
Protein is first broken down in the stomach by pepsin and hydrochloric acid. The acids help uncoil and denature the protein so that the acid can break down the bonds. Protein digestion concludes with most particles being obsorbed in the small intestine. Although some salts and water are reabsorbed in the large intestine.
Describe where digestion begins and ends for Fat
Digestion of fat begins in the stomach by way of Lipase and concludes with most particles being obsorbed in the small intestine.
Although some salts and water are reabsorbed in the rectum.
Define villi and microvilli. Which one actually traps nutrient particles for transport?
Villi: Fingerlike projections from the folds of the small intestine. The singular for is villus

Microvilli: Tiny, hairlike projections on each cell of every villus that can trap nutrient particles and transport them into the cells. The singular form is microvillus.

The one that actually traps nutrient particles for transport are the microvilli
After absorption, water soluble nutrients are released directly into the __________, while fat soluble nutrients are transported via the _________.
Blood stream, lymphatic system
The major metabolic organ is the _______. It secretes ____ which functions as an ______ of fat.
Liver, Bile, emulsifier
HDL is higher in ________,and is associated with _______ risk of heart disease because it carries Cholesterol to the liver for metabolism or excretion.
Density(Protein), Lower
Once food is swallowed, it travels through the digestive tract in this order
Esophagous, stomach, small int, large intest.
Once Chyme is swallowed it passes through the ileocecal valve at the beginning of the
large intestine
The periodic squeezing and partitioning of the intestine by its circular muscles that both mixes and slowly moves it along is by
An enzyme in saliva begins the digestive process of
Amylase starch
Bile is
An emulsifier made by the liver that prepares fats and oils for digestion
Which nutrient passes through the large intestine mostly unabsorbed
The two major nutrient transport systems in the body are
The vascular system and the lymphatic system
Within the circulatory system, lipids always travel from place to place bundled with proteins as
Elevated levels of HDL in the blood streem are associated with
A high risk of heart disease
Three factors that improve the LDL-HDL ration are
Weight control, soluble fiber and physical activity