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6 Cards in this Set

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Why study nutrition? (7)

1. Must eat well to live well

2. Nutrition affects health, well being, disease

3. To understand nutrition is to understand the body systems

4. Fun/interesting

5. Important for many fields

6. Understand life better

7. To better feed livestock

What it helps us understand and why we would study that

Why is proper feeding of livestock such an important practical consideration?

Single largest cost of production- 60% avg


14 other disciplines of nutrition and why they are significant

1. Biochem - metabolism

2. Cytology - structure/function of cells

3. Econ/marketing - cost benefit

4. Endocrine- how body uses feed

5. Inorganic chemistry- minerals

6. Math - ration formulas

7. Micro - Rumen and gut microbes

8. Genetics- individual differences

9. Neurology- hunger/satiety in hypothalamus

10. OCHEM- proteins, carbs, vitamins

11. Physics - feed processing, texture, particle size

12. Physiology- difestion/absorption

13. Vet med- nutritional dz

14. Waste management- how much feces produced

What is so important about Feed Stuffs?

Most comprehensive publication published weekly w/newest info/resources

How have improved analytical techniques as well as developing knowledge in other sciences helped developments in nutrition?

Growth in other sciences has led to new models, mass spectrometry, more genetic understanding, more mineral measuring capabilities, etc and now we can specialize and study nutrition without hindrance of cost/ethics/time

Why have the nutrient needs of chickens been defined more than other species needs?

Chickens are more uniform in environment, genetics and more similar in age/weight at slaughter