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4 Cards in this Set

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What actions does adrenergic receptor stimulation result in? What type of receptors falls under this category?

sympathetic actions (flight or fight)

norepinephrine & epinephrine activated, smooth muscle contraction, increased BP/CO/HR/AV conduction, increased pupil size, constriction of arterioles/skin/viscera/mucous membranes, vein constriction, male ejaculation & prostate contraction, bladder contraction

Alpha, Beta

What are the effects on the body when cholinergic receptors are activated? What type of specific receptor do they include and what actions does it have?

Effects: ACh activated, decreased pupil diameter, decreased HR, bronchoconstriction & increased secretions, bladder contraction, increased GI activity -> salivation, gastric secretions, GI motility, defecation, increased sweating, erection, vasodilation

Receptor: Muscarinic & Nicotinic

Action: parasympathetic actions (rest and digest)

Similarity and difference between alpha 1 and alpha 2 receptors?

Similarity: both adrenergic

Alpha 1: smooth muscle contraction, vasoconstriction increased BP, pupil dilation

Alpha 2: inhibits CNS transmitter NE release, vasodilation

Similarity and difference of Beta 1 and Beta 2 receptors?

Similarity: adrenergic receptor

Beta 1: CARDIO selective -> increased HR/force/AV/CO conduction, renin release

Beta 2: RESP selective -> relaxes/dilation of smooth muscles -> bronchioles/lungs, eye, heart, bladder, uterus, GI, vasodilation of blood vessels, glycogenolysis -> glycogen breakdown into glucose, enhances skeletal muscle contraction