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22 Cards in this Set

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what are the primary function of phytochemicals


what are the effects of calcium and magnesium on food

make things firm

what is the function of lipids

to add flavor, texture, and provide a cooking medium

what is the function of carbs

add sweetness, viscosity, fuel for microbes like yeast, and browning

what comprises flavor

taste, aroma, texture, look, the environement surrouding it

what are our chemical senses

taste, feel, smell

what are our physical senses

touch, sight, sound


we have thousands of aroma receptors, these molecules are small and volatile

taste receptors

we only have 5: umami, sour, sweet, bitter, salty. everything else is not received by taste

tactile things

astringency, pungency


created by tannins. binding the lubricating proteins in your mouth, making it dry. in unripe fruit, wine, coffee, tea


affect the trigeminal nerve; feel: irritation, pain, heat via mustard, onions, peppers, ginger

what affects the trigiminal nerve


why do we like spicy food?

lots of theories ; contained risk

pros of objective evaluation

cheap ans fast and reliable

specific gravity equation

density of substance/density of water

does it float, textural consideration

how to measure moister

pressometer, drying over

initial weight-dry weight/initial weight

how to measure texture objectively

gel tenderness with percent sag; force to break eith shortometer; chewiness with farinograph; tnederness with masticometer


flow of matter/viscosity; newtonian (no stress water); measured with viscometer and bostick

wha does saltiness objectively test for

any ions! not just NaK

cons of ovjective measuring

not exactly right, could still taste weird

sensiry/subjective testing pros and cons

pros: consumer preferences cons: costly, timely, doesnt always pan out