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33 Cards in this Set

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Who first proposed evolution by means of natural selection?
Darwin and Wallace
Who termed natural selection?
On what observations did Darwin base his natural selection theory?
Based his observations on the Galapagos Island
Ex. Finches, mockingbirds, and other species on the isolated island showed distinctive adaptations to diff. food resources and conditions. Yet they had similarities that pointed to common ancestors
What is exponential growth (part of population growth)?
The same rate
ex. 2x2x2x2 doubles every generation (curved line upward)
What is arithmetic growth? (part of population growth)
The same amount
ex. 2+2+2+2 every generation adds 2 (straight line slowly moving upward)
What is Malthusian Growth?
Growth patterns need to put in graphs wave like (also known as irruptive growth) population explosion and population die back.
In Malthusian growth does it generally happen in nature if not what does?

Logistic growth
What is logistic growth?
the more maternal care of the infants more time with infants
Nature experiences logistic growths
In humans or population is logistic growth but what are we outripping?
Our global resources
What is enviornmental science?
Systemic study of our enviornment and our place in it.
(Draws on many fields of knowledge)
What are the different "qualities" (or intesities of energy) 2 types
1. High quality energy

2. Low quality energy
What is high quality energy?
concentrated, able to do work, able to use
ex. A hot fire (can cook and warm by it)
What is low quality energy?
diffuse, hard to use
ex. heat stored in ocean is hard to use
What makes organic molecules diff. from other molecules and what is the key element involved and why is this element so critical?
Carbon makes up organic compounds

Carbon binds with lots of atoms and can create very conplex chains

Carboon forms: Lipids, Carbs, proteins, and nucleic acids which are the 4 major categories of organic compounds
Made up of protons, electrons, and neutrons, like to mind with other atoms
positively charged (part of an atom) located in the nucleus
Neg. charged particles of atoms, connect 2 diff. atoms and that's what binds them together
What is a subatomic particle of about the same ____ an a proton but without on ______ charge in the nucleus?


What 2 things are living organisms made up of?
1. Matter

2. Energy
What are the 3 different kinds of energy and describe.
1. Kinetic: energy of movement ex. Erasing the board

2. Potential: stored energy ex. water in a dam

3. Heat
What is utilitarian conservation?
Focused on use, talking about the instrumental value of the resource. Greates good, greatest number, for the longest time. Looking at specifically to use it, how land and how many people get to use (USE BASED) Instumental Value
What is biocentric conservation?
Focused on the resource itself usually as a natural enviornment, not looking at it to be used but as preservation (Intrinsic Value)
Depends on your value system, part of biocentric conservation.

Ex. Natural parks have a lot of lumber
Instrumental Value
Law is not necessarily geared towards ______ but to _______.

_____ and _______ can be similar to science?

What are historical sciences?
Looking at data based on events that happened in the past and trying to reconstruct what happened in the past

Leads to predictions but tougher than empirical science
What is empirical science?
Direct observation (and what it leaves behind) Easier to test bc you can test directly

Leads to predictions

Learn about the world by careful observation of empirical (real, observable) phenomena, learn by observation
What is an hypothesis?
testable explanation, almost always easier to prove a hypothesis wrong than to rove it unquestionably true. this is b/c we test our hypothesis w/ observations, but there is no way to make every possible explanation. A conditional explanation that can be verified or falsified byobservation or experimentation
What is a fact?
Another word for data and where you start
What is Law?
Laws don't explain why

Ex. newton could use this law to predict the behavior of a dropped object, but he couldn't explain why it happened
What is theory?
Supported by overwhelming body of data and experienxe, and it is generally accepted by the scientific community, at least for the present.
What is the order from strongest to weakest of hypothesis, facts, laws, and theories
1. fact-weakest
2. hypothesis
3. Law
4. Theory-strongest
What is science (4 things)
1. The endeavor to understand and explain the material universe

2. The universe is made up of matter and energy

3. Scientist are skeptical (An abiding belief in the fallibility of experts)
4. Science is a process it never ends

(Science refers to the cumulative body of knowledge produced by many scientists)