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10 Cards in this Set

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Law of Facilitation
When an impulse has passed once thru a certain set of neurons to the exclusion of others, it will tend to take the same course on a future occasion and each time it travels this path the resisitance will be smaller.
Davis' Law
If muscle ends are brought closer together, the pull of tonus is increased, thereby shortening the muscle which may cause hypertrophy. If muscles ends are separated beyond normal, then tonus is lessened or lost, thereby weakening the muscle.
Hilton's Law
A nerve trunk that supplies a joint also supplies the muscles and the skin over the insertions of such muscles.
Arndt-Schultz Law
Weak stimuli activate physiological processes; very strong stimuli inhibit them.
Law of Unilaterality
If a mild irritation is applied to one or more sensory nerves, the movement will take place usually on one side only...on the side that is irritated.
Law of Symmetry
If the stimulation is sufficiently increased, motor reaction is manifested, not only by the irritated side, but also in similar muscles on the opposite side of the body.
Law of Intensity
Reflex movements are usually more intense on the side of irritation. At times the movements on the opposite side equal them in intensity, but they are usually less pronounced.
Law of Radiation
If the excitation continues to increase, it is propogated upward and reactions take place thru centrifugal nerves coming from the cord segment higher up.
Law of Generalization
When the irritation becomes very intense, it is propogated in the medulla oblongata, which becomes a focus from which stimuli radiate to all parts of the cord, causing a general contraction of all muscles to the body
Neurological Laws
Uniform or constant facts or priciples