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49 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following statements concerning the history of childbirth is true?

As birthing became more medical and less routine in the early-to-mid 20 century, women and mothers were often shut out from learning about the experience.

Social scientists have attempted to understand what is meant by the popular lay term natural childbirth. Which of the following items has not been included as a social practice integral to the proponents of natural childbirth?


Breastfeeding is a major goal of the Healthy People 2010 National Health Objectives. Which of the following statements best represents the progress made towards achieving the goals?

None of the Healthy People 2010 goals have been met for breastfeeding but has been made in the postpartum, 6 months and one year goals.

Fertilization usually occurs in the _________________.

upper third of the fallopian tube

A fetus that received the sex chromosomes XXY would develop into ___________________.

a baby boy at risk for learning disabilities

Which of the following conditions is an early sign or symptom of pregnancy?

A need to urinate frequently

What are Braxton-Hicks contractions?

False labor contractions that occur during pregnancy.

Amniotic fluid________________________________.

protects the embryo/fetus from bumps

The placenta_________________________________.

serves as a conduit for the return of waste products back to the mother for disposal.

At the end of the fourth month, a typical fetus is about _______________.

5 to 6 inches long and weighs about 2 to 5

Which of the following items is NOT considered an important step of pre-conception care?

Reducing total body weight by 10 percent to allow for pregnancy weight gain.

Which of the following physical activities is recommended during pregnancy?


Which of the following statements is true about weight gain during pregnancy?

Failure to gain adequate weight is associated with higher infant morbidity.

To reduce the risk of having a low birthweight infant, it would be most important for a woman to ___________________________.

stop smoking cigarettes

According to the CDC, babies born to mothers who smoke have all of the following except:

late-for-gestational age birth

Exposure to which of the following conditions or drugs risks harming a developing fetus?

All of the above

____________ is a form of prenatal testing that involves removing a small amount of the fluid that surrounds the fetus.


Rh incompatibility is a condition that occurs when:

an Rh-negative mother and an Rh-positive father conceive a baby that inherits the father\rquote s Rh-positive blood type.

Most ectopic pregnancies occur in the ___________.

fallopian tube

Which of the following statements is false about gestational diabetes?

Gestational diabetes is characterized by high energy levels and insomnia.

Approximately _____ of all births are premature.


Stillbirth is a term used to describe:

None of the above

Pre-eclampsia is a condition of pregnancy also called:


Which of the following statements is true about genetic disorders?

Genetic disorders are caused by a variation or mutation of a gene.

Pre-natal HIV transmission can occur

all of the above

Which of the following statements is true about BV?

It is associated with an increased risk of HIV infection.

Which of the following statements is true?

Diabetes or high-blood pressure (hypertension) can appear in a pregnant woman who has not previously had either condition.

Which of the following practices is not encouraged in many birthing centers?

early induction of labor

By the end of the second stage of labor, the ______________________.

fetus is born

Non-drug options for pain relief during labor include all of the following except _______.


Which of the following statements is true?

Breast-fed babies have fewer episodes of ear infections and diarrhea than formula-fed babies.

Women who breastfeed should _______________________.

consume a healthy diet and increase their consumption of calcium

If a couple is experiencing repeated difficulties conceiving a child, what is most likely to be the cause?

Fertility problems that are equally likely to be present in either partner.

Which of the following statements is false about a requirement for pregnancy to occur?

A woman must effectively release two eggs from her ovaries.

Which of the following factors often affect male infertility?

Environmental factors such as exposure to radioactivity, high temperatures, as well as some sexually transmitted infections

Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) include all of the following except:

EIFT \endash embryo intrafallopian transfer

In the United States, the infant mortality rate is highest for which race/ethnicity of mothers?

black, non-Hispanic

True or false? The increasing hospitalization of women during delivery in the 20 century was a direct response to increasing birth rates.


True or false? Fraternal twins result when two eggs are released from the ovary during one menstrual cycle and are fertilized.


True or false? A fetus is generally able to survive if it is born during the month of pregnancy.


True or false? During her pregnancy, a woman should avoid unpasteurized dairy products, raw vegetable sprouts, and meats that have not been thoroughly cooked.


True or false? Smoking rates among pregnant women are generally lowest for older and Hispanic women.


True or false? Ultrasound is an especially invasive method of prenatal testing.


True or false? The risk for complications arising from Rh incompatibility generally increases after the first pregnancy.


True or false?
Most pediatric cases of HIV/AIDS are diagnosed in Hispanic children.


True or false? Breast milk is the best food for infants during their first 6 months of life.


True or false? Modern treatments for infertility are simple, inexpensive, and cause little stress.


True or false?
Breastfeeding rates have increased steadily over the past decade, but still remain below the levels set by Healthy People 2010.


Childbirth is a difficult experience, but it does not have to be a frightening one.
