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185 Cards in this Set

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Mathematical relationship between body size and brain size
brain = k* body^(2/3)

brain size and body size both in log value
Other mathematical equations relating body size to particular body characteristics
metabolism --> m = k*body^(2/3)
body surface area --> s = k*body^(2/3)
Mathematical relationship between brain size and life span
life span = k* brain size^(1/3)
Problems with aging bs. brain size argument
-mammalian aging rate can be exceeded: chiroptera live 4x longer than expected from their brain size
Argument in big brain emergence theory
intense selection pressures for intelligence VS secondary consequence to another adaptation (accident)
Human brain size relative to chimp
3x the size - GIANT brain
Hominid development timeline & jumps in brain size
5m years ago - hominid separates from chimp
4m - australeopithecus
2m - genus homo
0-1m - species sapiens
Boskop man
-emerged 10,000 years ago
-Brains 1600-1900 cc (avg. 1330)
-childlike face; large cranium
Mathematical relationship between IQ and brain size
IQ = 0.12(brain size) + 5.1
Mosaic Hypothesis for the Origins of the Big Brain
Regions of the brain associated with certain capacities grew large because of selection pressures for those capacities. Growth of brain parts is responsible for expansion of whole brain.
Rubicon Hypothesis for the Origin of the Big Brain
-Expansion changes the balance of brain parts; the cortex became disproportionally large
-No selection for individual features of intelligence
Correlation between body size at birth and brain size as an adult
Direct correlation
OR NOT? pelvic adaptations removed constraints on baby size? big brain a secondary consequence of a secondary consequence?
Brain processing capacity
100 billion neurons per head

100 million Millions Instructions Per Second (MIPS)
Brain vs. Computer evolution
50-150 million years of evolution
40-60 years of innovation/design
Alan Turing
-Quantum mechanics
-Enigma cipher machine
-Programming, neural nets, artificial intelligence
-Turing Test for Machine Intelligence
Universal Turing Machine
embodies the essential principle of a computer: a single machine which can be turned to any well-defined task by being supplied with an appropriate program
Computer central processing
1. Control: centralized
2. Input processing: sequential
3. Output processing: exclusive
4. Storage: by location
5. Initiation: input driven
6. Self processing: minimal
Wetware (brain) vs. Hardware (computer)
"No computer-controlled robot could begin to compete with even a young child in performing some of the simplest everyday activities."
Brain vs. Computer: Digital computer composition and characteristics
-made from silicon
-accurate (essentially no errors)
-fast (nanoseconds)
-execute long chains of logical operations (billions)
-don't think like us = irritating
Brain vs. Computer: Brain composition and characteristics
-made from carbon
-inaccurate (low precision, noisy)
-slow (milliseconds, 10^6 slower than computer)
-short chains of parallel "alogical" operations (10 operations/sec)
-largely understandable
Speed comparison of brains vs. computers
Brain operations in Milliseconds, Computer operations in Nanoseconds

Brains 10^6 times slower
Material disadvantage of carbon vs. silicon
Carbon 10^12 worse in product of speed and power
Perceptual skills in which brain > computer
-speech recognition
-object recognition
-face recognition
-motor control
Computer software strengths
Modeling physics
Computer software weaknesses
Modeling human cognition
Centralized vs. Decentralized control: computer
-processing comes from/returns to a central processing unit
-if CPU fails, whole system fails
Centralized vs. Decentralized control: brain
-distribute control among autonomous subsystems
-much more difficult
Left hemisphere processes...
Right hemisphere processes...
Connection between left & right hemispheres
800 million nerve corpus callosum
"Split brain" patients
Results from cutting corpus callosum in cases of serious epilepsy
Processing: computer
-instructions processed one after another, quickly
-"parallel" port has 25 lines, increased processing in new computers
Processing: brain
-slower but with massively parallel mechanisms
-Optic nerve has over a million fibers from retinal data processing
Neuron firing rate vs. computer rate
neuron < 1,000 per second
computer 1,000,000,000 per second
Slow neurons - fast responses
-humans recognize faces and read sentences 1/10th sec, faster than computers
-if brain processing were sequential (one neuron = one line of code), pattern recognition in 100 lines of code
Multi-level output processing: computer
-locks output channels
-updates overwrite old programs with new ones
Multi-level output processing: brain
-overlays old systems with new ones
-old systems stay as backups and first responders
Phineas Gage
-Iron rod smashed middle/left loves of cerebrum
-Conscious and speaking
-Showed disturbed behavior
Patient H.M.
-epileptic patient
-underwent temporal lobectomy to reduce seizure activity
-severe anterograde amnesia
-temporally graded retrograde amnesia
Access by content: computer
-location based information storage works like a filing cabinet
-one computer "fact" per place
-can report memory full
Access by content: brain
-access by content stores information in the connections
-over 10^15 interconnections allow 100,000,000 megabytes
Brain storage
-virtually unlimited capacity
-losing a neuron does not mean you are losing a fact
-imperfect recall
-access by any feature - database indexed on every field!
Growth of Cells in Striate Cortex
grows significantly with human development
Input vs. process driven: computer
-input driven (IPO) input-->processing-->output
-system passive to input
Input vs. process driven: brain
-both input and process driven (POI) processing --> output --> input
-people without input are bored
-hallucinate under sensory deprivation
-people have active goals
Input vs. Process driven systems
Input: BEHAVIORIST: real world stimuli define behavior

Process: CONSTRUCTIVIST: we create/construct a world, not the world
POI systems can alter their input
-the brain is not just an input processor
-people can anticipate, expect, imagine, and seek what has never occurred
Self-processing: computer
-"clever" mr. clippy is not aware of himself
-analyzed your actions but not his own
-not smart enough to recognize rejection
Self-processing: brain
-recursively processes its own processing
-people can have a self-concept, and can think about their thinking
Brain's processing tactics
1. decentralized control
2. massively parallel input processing
3. multi-level output
4. storage by interconnectivity
5. process driven interaction
6. self-processing
The brain's processing in a nutshell
RESPONDS in real time to complex, ambiguous, and incomplete information, with both fast and considered responses, to conditions that continuously change over time, and include other same-type systems
Optimization of the brain vs. computer
room sized computer...
-weighs 1000x more
-occupies 10,000x more space
-consumes 1,000,000x more power
Two types of parallel processing connections
1. point-to-point connections
2. random access connections
What are genes?
A sequence of coding (exon) and non-coding (intron) nucleotide triplets. Exon triplets define amino acid sequence in a protein
How are base sequences held together?
Joined by Phosphodiester bonds into the coded gene sequence
How are genes listed?
Sequences are generally listed from 5' to 3'
-reads codes for proteins
-travels out through nuclear pores to RER (rough endoplasmic reticulum) studded with ribosomes, protein complexes with enzymes that read the triplet and guide tRNA which carry amino acids
possible amino acid codes
number of amino acids
average length of proteins
300-500 amino acids
human cells contain ____ genes
housekeeping genes
responsible for routine metabolic functions common to all cells
Crick & Watson 1953
found the structure of DNA
hereditary information of an organism; all the information contained in the DNA of that organism
Central Dogma
information flows are unidirectional

DNA --> Transcription --> RNA --> Translation --> Protein
Genome size does not correlate with complexity
yeast: .012 x 10^9 (about 5,500 genes)

human: 3 x 10^9 (about 30,000 genes)

amoeba: 600 x 10^9
What determines complexity if not gene number or genome size?
chromosome number? average gene density?
How does gene duplication give rise to biological diversity? CONVENTIONAL
ancestral gene produces multiple genes via duplication, and the coding regions of the new genes undergo mutation
How does gene duplication give rise to biological diversity? NON-CONVENTIONAL
duplicated genes do not necessarily take on new functions, but instead acquire new regulatory DNA sequence
Ways gene expression is changed during evolution (1)
A given pattern-determining gene can itself be expressed in a new pattern. This will cause those genes whose expression it controls to acquire new patterns of expression
Ways gene expression is changed during evolution (2)
The regulatory protein encoded by a pattern-determining gene can acquire new functions. Thus, a regulatory protein that was an activator of a set of genes might now repress them.
Ways gene expression is changed during evolution (3)
Target genes of a given pattern-determining gene can acquire new regulatory DNA sequences, and thus come under the control of a different regulatory gene. In this way, their pattern of expression is altered.
Homeotic genes (Hox genes)
specify the anterior-posterior axis and segment identity of most organisms during early embryonic development
Mice vs. humans
-roughly same number of genes (approx 28,000 protein-coding)
-approximately 80% of genes possess one-to-one sequence alignment with the other
Chimps vs. humans
-genes vary by an average of just 2% sequence divergence
B-catenin gene
overexpression makes a bigger brain in mouse
Regulatory protein FOXP2
-reduced levels can cause severe speech defects
-a few differences with human placement of FOXP2 vs. that in mouse and chimp
Brain weight (adult)
1300 g
Brain weight (newborn)
350 g
Number of neurons - human brain
100 billion (10 billion = cerebral cortex)
Number of synapses
60 trillion
Rate of neuron growth in early pregnancy
250,000 per minute
Development: 3-4 weeks
-endoderm: guts, lungs & liver
-mesoderm: connective tissue, muscle & vascular system
-ectoderm: central & peripheral nervous systems
Development: 5-6 weeks
-nervous system begins to function
-hind, mid, and forebrain are now distinguishable
Parts of forebrain
Parts of midbrain
Parts of hindbrain
Energy needs of human brain
-humans allocate a larger share of daily energy to feed brains
-adult humans --> 20-25% resting energy demands
-8-10% in other primates
-3-5% in other mammals
Aiello & Wheeler 1995
-reduction in gut size may account for the lack of increase in resting metabolic rate among humans and other primates
Criticism of Aiello & Wheeler
-primates do not have smaller gut size than other non-primates
-energy costs are compensated for by reduction in proportions of most body parts
Changes in brain metabolism: factors
1. improvements in dietary quality
2. changes in body composition
Improvements in dietary quality: brain metabolism
-diet quality = energy and/or nutrient density
-may result from changes in diet consumption, or the way the food is modified
Human diets
-higher quality than expected for a primate of our size
-we need to eat less volume of food to get the energy/nutrients we require
First major increase in brain size (hominid)
emergence of genus Homo (2.0-1.7 million years ago)
Diet & Teeth/Jaws
Homo erectus consuming a richer diet with less plant material and more animal foods (smaller teeth and jaws, but bigger body)
Changes in body composition: brain metabolism
-changes in relative proportions of adipose and muscle tissue (more fat, less muscle)
Humans: under-muscled
-low levels of skeletal muscle for primates of our size
-primates as a group are relatively under-muscled
Humans: fatter than other mammals
-large energy reserve at birth (15% body fat)
-continue to gain body fat after birth
Reasons for improvements in dietary quality
-more animal foods
-improved tool technologies
-food sharing (hunting/gathering)
-use of fire and development of cooking?
science of classification (Carl Linnaeus)
hierarchical classification of species based on evolutionary ancestry; focuses on evolution rather than similarities between species (Will Hennig)
study of the evolutionary relationship among species
study of development, from embryo to adult
similar characteristics in species because they inherited them from a common ancestor (does not imply identical structure)
characteristics that have evolved independently
2 main brain size jumps
prosimian --> simian
ape --> human
Average human brain size
1330 cc
Models of evolution
ladder: quantitative differences
tree: qualitative differences
Evolutionary trends in nervous system development
1. bilaterality
2. cephalization
3. increased number of neurons
Cnidaria nervous system
-nerve net
-locomotion, active feeding
-sensory/motor neurons
Flatworm central nervous systems
-bilateral symmetry
-clustering of cells (centralization)
-rostral specialization (cephalization)
-faster and more efficient communication
Mammalian Central Nervous System subdivisions
-Forebrain (telencephalon, diencephalon)
-Midbrain (mesencephalon)
-Hindbrain (metencephalon, myelencephalon)
Evolution of mammals from reptiles marked by the ___
emergence of the neocortex
Brain organized and specialized in 3 dimensions
___ region of brain shows greater development than other regions
tencephalon (forebrain)
Features of mammalian brain evolution
-increased size of associational areas
-increased laminar differentiation
-increased circuitry for biophysical senses
-increased density and diversity of cell types
-increased number of specialized areas
-increased myelination
Associational areas - rat. vs. man
Rat: 16%
Man: 80%
Three parts of the Neocortex
-lateral paleocortex (olfactory piriform cortex)
-medial archicortex (hippocampus & subiculum)
-neocortex or isocortex (overlying cortex
6 Layers of Neocortex
1. cell free zone
2-3. cortico-cortical connections
4. receives thalamic input
5. output to subcortical areas
6. output to thalamus
Mammalian cortex subdivided into ___ specialized areas
Locations of specialized areas in cortex
-primary areas surrounded by secondary/tertiary
-visual area in back
-somatosensory in front
-auditory in between
fraction of gross brain size that represents neuronal processing capacity that is not related to body size
Encephalization quotient
ratio of the actual brain mass to the expected brain mass of a typical animal that size (rough estimate of intelligence)
Evolution of Cognition: Why are we smart?
-complex social relations among higher primates
-complexities involved in obtaining a varied diet
-complexity is not in finding food but in extracting it
Strategies for obtaining a better diet
-change in digestive system to handle different foods
-behavioral strategies to search for high quality, easy to digest foods (tools, increased memory, recognition, verbal signals)
Unique features in olfactory system
-direct projection from olfactory bulb to olfactory cortex in a random access mode
-direct projection from olfactory cortex to hippocampus (memory) and amygdala (emotions)
Functions of Smell
-orient in space
-mark territory
-guide to find other animals
-guide to find food
-detect spoiled food
-detect fire

-we can smell happiness or fear
-twins have identical smell
Olfactory receptors: dogs vs. humans
-dogs have receptors
-we have 10.000.000
Three parts to the smell system
1. olfactory
2. vomeronasal
3. somatosensory
Olfactory receptor neurons
-replaced every 60 days
-about 10,000,000 in humans
-about 1000 types
Olfactory convergence
about 10^8 (10,000,000) olfactory receptors converge by a factor of 10^5, into 1000 glomeruli
balls of tangled connections between mitral cells and olfactory receptor neurons
Questions to be answered upon odor presentation
Is the odor familiar or not?
Is it dangerous or attractive?
Is it associated with rewards or punishment?
Is it associated with certain places, objects, or events?
What actions need to be taken?
Four subcortical structures
Thalamo-cortical loop
Striatum function
initiation of movements
Amygdala function
emotional responses and stimulation of hormonal responses
Hippocampus function
encoding of new memories
Thalamo-cortical loop function
evaluation and planning
Basal Ganglia functions
-motor planning, sequencing, learning, maintenance
-rule-based and habit (reinforcement) learning
-predictive control
-working memory
-switches in behavioral set
Striatum effect on thalamus
striatum output is inhibitory, basal ganglia can be described by "brake hypothesis"
Parkinson's disease
hypokinetic movement disorder; patients cannot activate the supplementary motor area
complex interconnection of brain areas to facilitate behaviors involved with defense or alarm in response to threat. Threat can be from odors, bodily threat, possessions, or social relationship.
Role of Amygdala with lateral/basolateral nuclei
Nuclei of the amygdala that receive sensory information from the neocortex, thalamus, and hippocampus and send projections to the ventral striatum, the dorsomedial nucleus of the thalamus, and the central nucleus
Role of Amygdala with central nucleus
The region of the amygdala that receives information from the basolateral division and sends projections to a wide variety of regions in the brain, involved in emotional responses. Most involved in the expression of emotions
Role of Amygdala with medial nucleus
A group of nuclei of the amygdala that receives sensory input, including information about the presence of odors and pheromones, and relays it to the medial basal forebrain and hypothalamus
Amygdala projections
-locus coeruleus (increased vigilance - norepinephrine)
-periaqueductal gray matter (behavior arrest - freezing)
-trigeminal, facial, motor nuclei (facial expressions of fear)
Conditioned emotional responses
-a classically conditioned response that occurs when a neural stimulus is followed by adverse stimulus
-influenced by lesions to the amygdala
Coping response
a response through which an organism can avoid, escape from, or minimize an aversive stimulus; reduces stressful events of an aversive stimulus
Each neuron has about ____ synapses
1000 - 10,000
neuron that receives information
neuron that sends information
"knowing how" vs. "knowing that"
fundamental distinction, may account for how our permanent memories are organized
Types of long term memories capable of access
1. Requires conscious recollection of unique temporally distinct past experience
2. Requires conscious recollection of knowledge, but no unique “experience”
3. Unanswerable - unconscious learning
Bilateral damage to hippocampus results in ___
anterograde amnesia
Function of Basal Ganglia & Cerebellum
memory for skills, habits and responses
Function of Thalamus
formation of new and working memories
Function of cortical areas
encoding of factual memories, storage of episodic and semantic memories, skill learning, priming
Three stages of memory
1. sensory memory (priming) representation of stimulus, processed in sensory system
2. short-term memory - working memory - limited capacity (7 items) and duration of 30 seconds
3. long-term memory - large capacity and long duration
Two types of LTM
-semantic memory: factual
-episodic memory: autobiographical information to where and when something happened
when a specific cue (face or name) is matched against LTM
when a general cue is used to search memory
situation where person learns material a second time (quicker)
Amygdala and hippocampus project to ___
venal striatum
Stirato-thalamo-frontal cortex loop
striatum --> DMN --> frontal cortex --> back to striatum: PLANNING
Cortex to behavior: hungry animal
Hippocampus determines if the odor is familiar or new
Amygdala determines the intensity and valence
(good or bad) of the odor
Frontal-thalamo-cortical-striatum loop influences what
the animal will do next: planning of future action
Repeat the cycle, forming a working memory and
directing animal’s behavioral sequences
Frontal lobe location
deep in the frontal bone of the skull
Role of frontal cortex/lobe
-memory formation
-decision making / reasoning
Temporal lobe function
memory, emotion, hearing, language
Parietal lobe function
reception and processing of sensory information from body
Occipital lobe function
Human visual system has more than __ areas of processing
Human vision process
retina --> thalamus
midbrain organizes information and packages it
Human vision process
retina --> thalamus
midbrain organizes information and packages it
Brain processing of visual thoughts: routine
-active input
Brain processing of visual thoughts: routine
-active input
Human brain: evolution of association cortex
Human brain: evolution of association cortex
Processes of thinking
distributed throughout the brain, especially in the frontal lobe
Processes of thinking
distributed throughout the brain, especially in the frontal lobe
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (increase serotonin levels in the brain)
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (increase serotonin levels in the brain)
Depression and derangement of Biogenic Amine pathways:
1. serotonin
2. norepinephrine or noradrenaline
3. dopamine
Depression and derangement of Biogenic Amine pathways:
1. serotonin
2. norepinephrine or noradrenaline
3. dopamine
Projections from frontal cortex
1. to motor cortex: activate motor responses
2. to striatum then thalamo-cortical circuits: activate coordinated sequences of motor responses; stretch activity across time
3. to association cortex: organization of actions and thoughts
Projections from frontal cortex
1. to motor cortex: activate motor responses
2. to striatum then thalamo-cortical circuits: activate coordinated sequences of motor responses; stretch activity across time
3. to association cortex: organization of actions and thoughts