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25 Cards in this Set

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what is the MOA of sodium oxybate?
this is also called GHB and is a breakdown product of GABA. it may stimulate GABA B. it mau also increase tryptophan levels.
what type of drugs may cause acute intermitent polyphoria? there for these drugs are contraindicated in these ppl
what are the sx of acute intermitent polyphoria
abdominal pain, neuropathies, and constipation. these ppl do not present with a rash
what are some specific drugs that are used to put someone to sleep for less than 8 hrs
zaleplon, ramelton, pentobarb, secobarb, and choral hydrate.
how does flumazenil help with BZD overdose?
flumazenil is a BZD receptor antagonist. this blocks the AE of BZD
what antidepressants are most likely to produce wt gain?

least likely?

which group is most likely to produce NVD?


SSRI bc they activate 5HT3. most specifically fluoxetine.
what is the class of drug that is 1st line in treating depression?
antipsychotic carry a blckbox warning when treating conditions in what type of pts?
demintia and alzheimers.
what is thought to be the mechanism that causes tardive dyskanesia?
up regulation of striatal D2 receptors.
what drug is most likely to bring out tardive dyskanesia?

least likely?

what group of drugs is most likely to produce ortho hypotension?

worst specific drug?

which antidepressant class is most likely for pharmacokenteic interactions bc they inhibit cyp450?
SSRI more specifically fluoxetine.
which BZD do not produce activemetabolites and therefore are safe in pts with liver problems?? (TOLE)

which BZD has the shortest action?
estazolam, loazepam, oxazepam, tamazepam

which hyponotic agents tend to disturb sleep patters the least?
BZD1 agonist: zolpidem, zaleplon, and eszipiclone
what is unoque about phenobarbs elimination?
30% is excreted renally and unchanged
what is unique about the elimination of paraldehyde?
10-30% is excreted by the lungs.
how does ramelteon differ from BZD as a hypnotic?
ramelteon acts on melatonin receptors 1 and 2. these have no risk of rebound insomnia, withdrawal, or abuse.
what is cross tolerance?
when one drug can do the same physiological thing and therefore help with withdrawals as another drug can

Ex: use methadone for heroin addict.
is there a cross tolerance for alcohol, BZD, barbs, and CS?
yes. they all act on GABA channel to increase Cl flow.
which SSRI are the biggest problems in terms of anxiety and motor restlessness?
fluoxetine and sertaline
which of the AD have the greatest degree of antimuscarininc effects?
amitryptaline and doxepin
if a typical antipsychotic has high potency, is it more or less likely to produce extrapyramidal effects?
more likely.
mostly see with haloperidol.
which of the AD are mostly used for insomnia?
atypical AD but more specifically trazodone
which SSRI takes the longest to clear from the body?
fluoxetine (metabolite half lives are 180 hrs).
what class of drug is used most oftenly to manage anxiety?
SSRI mostly buspirone.