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86 Cards in this Set

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scientific method

observation, replication, interpretation, verification,

areas of neuroscience

molecular, cellular, systems, behavioral, cog

egypt beliefs about brain

knew about brain damage, had hieroglyph, said heart key to soul and memories stores there, discarded the brain


said brain is the center of sensation and intelligence, epilepsy was a brain disease

alcmaion of crotona

described the optic nerve (500BC)


(387BC)believes brain is the center of mental processes


(384-322BC) heart was the center intelligence, brain simply cooled the blood


(AD 130-200) similar view to hippocrates, many dissections, tried to determine the function of the brain structure (doctor to the gladiators, saw lots of body parts)

galens belief about memory formation

beleived that since the cerebrum felt soft, sensations and memory formed here, cerebellum felt hard and thus muscle control here, also that brain receieved sensory info

believed nerves were hollow tubes, humors (vital fluids) flowed to brain ventricles


(1596-1650) believed in fluid-mechanical theory, but that human abilities came form the "mind" which communicated to brain via pineal gland

grey matter from white matter, peripheral and central divisions, every brain has some general pattern of gyri and sulci

17th and 18th century scientists studied the brain in more detail, distinguished...

grey matter

cell bodies

white matter

nerve fibers, make up nerves

central sulcus

in between the frontal and parietal lobe

sylvian fissure

in between the frontal lobe/parietal lobe and temporal lobe

nerves as wires: electricity stimulates muscle movement, brain generate electricity

19th century views on the the brain, galvani and dubios

dorsal roots

spinal information in

ventral roots

motor info out

localization of function

these scientists (broca, fritsch and hitzig, ferrier, munk) who believed in this theory

Bell (1811)

proposed that motor fibers come from cerebellum and sensory fibers go to cerebrum

Flourens (1823)

used experimental ablation to show bells thing was correct

believed all parts of the cerebrum contributes to all functions (wrong)

Gall (1809)

believed in phrenology, brain divided into 35 regions (wrong)


believed that different functions localized to different areas

fritsch and hitzig

(used dogs and frogs in 1870) showed specific region of brain controlled movement

ferrier did this with monkeys and removal caused paralysis


showed that the occipital lobe required for vision

evolution of nervous system

darwin origin of species, nervous sustems have evolved and are related, different animals better at specific functions

various animals good for studying specific aspects of the nervous system

squid, snail (basic biology of neurons and synaptic transmission

cats, primates-visual system

rate, mice: neuropharmacology and behavioral studies

worm, fruit fly, zebrafish

animal testing considerations

small number actually used, mostly rats and mice

major discoveries

anternative, anesthia review committees

nuerons and glia

2 major cell types

oxygen and glucose

nervous system uses a large amount of these molecules


only 10-20% of total cells in the the nervous system

0.01- 0.0 mm in diameter (comparable to other cells)

nissl stain

stains all neurons, but only the cell bodies, stained the rough ER on cells

golgi stain

stains all parts of the neuron, but not every neuron

axons and dendrites

2 types of neurites

reticular theory

golgi supported this theory that neurites fuse together like the circulatory system (exception to the cell theory)


believed that neurites are not continuous and communicate by contact (mostly correct)


cell body, same as for many cells, 20micrometers, nucleus 5-10 micrometers

rough ER

more of this cell structure is in neurons and glia than most other cells

nissl bodies

rough ERs in the neuron


widespread throughout the cytoplasm and presynaptic region, generates ATP and helps provide for the large energy needed by the brain

neuronal membrane

5nm thick

many proteins embedded in it

composition of proteins varies from soma, axon, dendrites

microtubules, microfilaments, neurofilaments (also called intermediate filaments)

types of structures that make up the cytoskeleton


20nm diameter

made of polymers of tubulin

not static

associated with other proteins (MAPS)

tau form seen in alzheimers tangles

involved in axoplasmic transport


5nm in diameter

numerous in neurites

made of two thin strands of actin polymers

not static

closely associated with membrane

often in synaptic terminals and dendritic spines


10nm diameter

strong, helps maintain neuronal shape/structure

form tangle in alzheimers


can stain for this when looking for degeneration in the form of tangles in the brain


unique to neurons

has NO rough ER, but a few ribosomes

must be some ribosomes because some mRNA is transferred to the end of the axon

different proteins in the membrane of this than the soma

can be 1mm to over a meter long

form branches/collaterals (some recurrent)

axon diameter

variable in axons, can range from 1um to 25um (1m in squid)

thicker=faster nerve impulse

axon hillock

beginning of axon, no ribosomes or any other organelles

terminal button/presynaptic axon terminal

end of the axon

no microtubules

many synaptic vesicles

protein rich

many mitochondria


2 sides pre and post

cleft in between, no direct contact

many drugs and chemicals act here

malfunctions here responsible for many mental disorders

synaptic tranmission

mediated by chemical neurotransmitter

wallerian degeneration

decribes that after the axon is cut, everything beyond the cut dies (axons need the cell body/soma to survive)

fast axoplasmic transport

axonal transport that transmits signals 1000mm per day

slow axoplasmic transport

axonal transport that transmits signals at 1-10 mm per day

anterograde axonal transport

axonal transport where kinesin walks down microtubules

Uses ATP

(fast or slow)

retrograde axonal transport

type of axonal transport along the microtubules

uses dynein

(fast 50-250mm/day)

from end back up

retrograde trasnport

can be used to trace synaptic connections

inect dye into brain and two days later has moved along microtubules and back to reveal syntaptic connections and axon branches


come in different shapes and sizes

covered with 1000s of synapses

contain microtubules (fewer microfilaments)


knobs of sides of dendrites

some dendrites covered in these

can change structure depending on type and amount of synaptic input

where many synapses form

correlates between structure and proper function

number of neurites, shape of dendritic tree, connectivity, axon length, neurotransmitter

4 ways to classify neurons

unipolar neurites

type of neurite: a single process with peripheral branch and central branch (one end for both receiving and sending from the soma)

found in sensory ganglia

bipolar neurites

found in the retina/ olfactory bulb (sensory structures

one receiving end and one sending end from the soma

multipolar neurites

have many dendrites, but a single axon

pyramidal cells and stellate cells

two types of dendritic structure classes in the brain


neurons with all pyramidal cell (some stellate)

Aspinous neurons

neurons with some stellate cells

stellate cell

cell with axon with a star shaped dentritic tree (lots of random dendrites

pyramidal cells in the cortex

cells in the cortex with a pyramid shaped cell body and less crazy dendritic tree

primary sensory neurons

category of neurons that receives input from skin, pain receptors etc

motor neurons

category of neurons that are generally in the spine

send axon out to the skeletal muscle

some are higher up in the brain


category of neurons that encompasses most neurons

have sensory input into the spine and synapse out to complete the reflex

many have GABA

golgi type 1 neurons

characterized by axon length

projection neurons

extend between brain regions

long axons

many pyramidal cells

golgi type II neurons

characterized by axon length

local circuit neurons

connect to neurons in the vicinity

short axons

stellate cells

ACh, glutamate, GABA, serotonin, dopamine, opiods, etc

some types of neurotransmitters in the brain

astroctyes, oligodendroctyes, schwann cells,

microglia, ependymal cells

5 types of glia


most of the cells in the brain, thought to be supportive of neuronal function,

some can act as stem cells

can support synapse formation


most numerous glia, provide structural support

remove nerutrans from synaptic cleft

regulate extracellular ion levels

can divide (source of majority of brain tumors)

express neurotransmitter receptors

regulate contents of extracellular space

oligodenrocytes and schwann cells

myelinating glia (2 types)

protoplasmic, fibrous, and muller

two types of astroctyes


type of astrocyte that is in the grey matter and close to neurons, involved in the blood-brain barrier and metabolism


type of astrocyte primarily in the white matter

repairs damaged tissue, may form scars


type of astrocyte found in the retina


in the brain and spinal cord

myelinate several axons

has to make a lot of myelin to wrap around axons

schwann cells

myelinate only one axon per cell, one per every internode region

peripheral nervous system ONLY

nodes of ranvier

parts along the axon where Na+ can enter to keep the action potential flowing down the axon

myelination helps nothing to leak out except here where you want it to