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36 Cards in this Set

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Connecting question

Have you found what you’re wanting..or are you still looking for..?

Connecting question

I was just curious, what was it about them..that attracted your attention?

Connecting question

Anything else that attracted your attention?

Situation question

What are you doing now..?

Situation question

What are you using now..?

Situation questions

What are you using now..?

Situation questions

How long have you been..?

Situation question

What got you involved with..?

Problem awareness questions

Do you like what your..?

Problem awareness question

What do you like/don’t like about xyz?

Problem awareness question

Is there anything else you like/don’t like about…xyz?

Two truths question

It sounds like things are going fairly well for you, is there anything you would change about..if you could?

Two truths question

Why would you change that?

Two truths questions

Why is that important to you now though?

Two truths question

How would you feel being able to do that..

Two truths question

Has that had an impact on you? In what way?

Two truths question

What has stopped you from getting what you’re looking for?

Solution awareness question

Before we talked today were you out there looking for ways to solve this problem/issue or what were you doing about changing your situation?

Solution awareness question

What have you done about changing this, if anything?

Solution awareness questions

You solving this problem, how would it be different than it is now for you? What would it do for you personally though?

Solution awareness question

How do you see the benefits of you actually solving this problem?

Solution awareness question

What’s prevented you in the past from changing your situation?

Consequence questions

What if you don’t do anything about this problem and your situation gets even worse?

Consequence question

Have you thought about what would happen if you don’t do anything about this?

Consequence question

Have you considered the possible ramifications if you don’t do anything about this ... ?

Consequence questions

What are you going to do if nothing changes, if you keep using the same product/service your using now the next 5-10 years?

Qualifying questions

How important is it for you to change your situation and start ... ? or How important is it for you to solve this problem?

Qualifying questions

Why is that important to you now though?

Qualifying questions

Does this feel like it might be what you’re looking for? Why though?

Qualifying question

How do you see this being beneficial to you and your company?

Transition question

Based on what you told......

Transition questions

Because you know how you said......(repeat back logical problem they told you)

Transition questions

And because of that it’s making you feel.......(repeat back what they told you it’s doing to them emotionally; frustrated, stress, annoying, worried, concerned.)

Committing question

Do you feel like this could be the answer for you? Why do you feel it is though?

Committing questions

Do you feel like this is something you can (have, do) that will get you where your wanting to go? Why do you feel like it is?

Committing questions

Well, it looks like we possibly covered what you are looking for. Really, the next step is to (tell them the next steps). Would that be appropriate, or how would you like to proceed from here?