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53 Cards in this Set

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Suboccipital triangle\Vertebral artery triangle
a. Borders - Lateral, medial, caudal, floor
b. Content
a. Borders
I. Lateral - obliquus capitis superior
II. Medial - rectus capitis posterior major
III. Caudal - obliquus capitis inferior
IV. Floor
1. Posterior atlantooccipital membrane
2. Posterior arch of atlas

b. Content
1. Vertebral artery - atlantic part
2. Suboccipital nerve
(C1 - only motor, -> mm of triangle, rectus capitis lateralis, semispinalis capitis)
3. Greater occipital nerve
(Medial branch of the dorsal primary ramus of C2 - back part of scalp sensory, meningeal branches to posterior cranial fossa, pain and proprioceptive branches to suboccipital nerve for the suboccipital muscles)

Superior lumbar triangle
a. Synonyms (2)
b. Borders - Cranial, Medial, Lateral, Floor, Roof
c. Content (4)
a. Synonyms
1. Grynfeltt-Lesshaft triangle
2. Tetragonum of Krause
(If 12th rib is part of it)

b. Borders
I. Cranial - serratus posterior inferior
(Also 12th rib -> tetragonum)
II. Medial - Iliocostalis
III. Lateral - internal oblique
IV. Floor - aponeurosis of transversus abdominis
V. Ceiling - latissimus dorsi

c. Content
1. Subcostal neurovascular bundle (subcostal AVN)
2. Iliohypogastric nerve

(Herniation site)

Inferior lumbar triangle
a. Eponym
b. Borders (Caudal, medial, lateral)
c. Content
a. Petit

b. Borders
I. Caudal - Iliac crest
II. Medial - latissimus dorsi
III. Lateral - External oblique
(Bottom - internal oblique)

c. No content

(Potential herniation site)

Urogenital triangle
a. Boders - Ventral, dorsal, lateral, bottom
b. Content
a. Borders
I. Ventral - pubic symphysis
II. Dorsal - line between ischial tuberosities
III. Lateral - Ischiopubic rami
IV. Bottom - perineal fascia

c. Content
1. Bulbospongiosus
2. Ischiocavernosus
3. Male
I. Crura of ischiocavernosa
II. Bulb of penis
4. Female
I. Crura of clitoris
II. Bulb of vestibule
III. Greater vestibular glands (Bartholin)

Ischioanal fossa
a. Borders - Medial\cranial, Lateral, Dorsal, Caudal
b. Content
a. Borders
I. Medial\Cranial
1. External anal sphincter
2. Inferior fascia of pelvic diaphragm

II. Lateral
1. Ischial tuberosities
2. Obturator fascia

III. Dorsal
1. Gluteus maximus
2. Sacrotuberal ligament

IV. Caudal - perineal fascia (opens to anal triangle)

b. Content
1. Pudendal canal (Alcock)
2. Fat body of ischioanal fossa
3. Recessus pubicus
(Stretches ventrally above urogenital triangle to pubic symphysis)

Superior mediastinum
a. Borders - Cranial, ventral, dorsal, lateral, caudal
b. Content
a. Borders
I. Cranial - superior thoracic aperture (Th1, first rib, upper border of sternum)

II. Ventral
1. Manubrium of sternum
2. Ribs with muscles

III. Dorsal
1. Spine
2. Ribs with muscles

IV. Lateral - mediastinal pleura

V. Caudal - theoretical level between sternal angle (Luis) and T4-5 intervertebral disc

b. Content
I. Layer one
1. Thymus
2. Insertions of sternothyroid & sternohyoid
3. Internal thoracic vessels with branches

II. Layer of veins
1. Brachiocephalic veins
2. Plexus thyroideus impar
3. Left superior intercostal vein
4. Superior veina cava
5. Thoracic duct
6. Phrenic nerves

III. Layer of arteries - aortic arch and its branches

IV. Layer of organs
1. Trachea with its carina
2. Primary bronchi
3. Esophagus with vagal trunks
4. Cardiac branches
5. Left recurrent laryngeal nerve
6. Bronchopericardial membarne
7. Lymph nodes - tracheobronchial, paratracheal

V. Fifth layer
1. Sympathetic trunk with cardiac nerves
2. Longus colli
3. Juxtaesophageal lymph nodes

Anterior mediastinum
a. Borders - Cranial, ventral, dorsal, caudal
b. Content
a. Borders
I. Cranial - Sternal angle (Luis)\T4\5 intervertebral disc
II. Ventral - Body of sternum, ribs with muscles
III. Dorsal - Pericardium
IV. Caudal - diaphragm

b. Content
1. Sternopericardial ligament
2. Lymph nodes - parasternal, prepericardial
3. Internal thoracic vessels with branches
4. Transverse thoracic muscle

Middle mediastinum
a. Borders - Cranial, Ventral, Dorsal, Caudal
b. Content
a. Borders
I. Cranial - Sternal angle (Luis), T4\5 intervertebral disc
II. Ventral - pericardium
III. Dorsal - pericardium
IV. Caudal - diaphragm

b. Content
1. Heart
2. Ascending aorta
3. Pulmonary trunk
4. Superior vena cava - with estuary of azygos vein
5. Inferior vena cava
6. Phrenic nerves
7. Cardiac plexus
8. Pericardiophrenic vessels
9. Pulmonary veins
10. Lateral pericardial lymph nodes

Posterior mediastinum
a. Borders - Cranial, Ventral, Dorsal, Cuadal
b. Content (6)
a. Borders
I. Cranial - Sternal angle (Luis), T4\5 intervertebral disc
II. Ventral - Pericardium
III. Dorsal - spine, ribs with muscles
IV. Caudal - Diaphragm

b. Content
1. Esophagus with esophageal plexus
2. Sympathetic trunk with greater, lesser and least splanchnic nerves
3. Lymph nodes
I. Prevertebral
II. Juxtaesophageal
4. Thoracic duct
5. Azygos venous system
I. Azygos vein
II. Hemiazygos vein
III. Accessory hemiazygos vein
6. Thoracic aorta with branches

Pleural recesses (3\4)
Pleural recesses
1. Costodiphragmatic
(Most caudal)
2. Costomediastinal
3. Phrenicomediastinal
(4. Vertebromediastinal)

Omental bursa\Lesser sac
a. Borders - Ventral, dorsal, cranial, caudal, left

b. Content
a. Borders
I. Ventral
1. Stomach
2. Lesser omentum
3. Gastrocolic ligament

II. Dorsal
1. Peritoneum - ceiling, in front of pancreas and middle duodenum

III. Cranial
1. Caudate lobe
2. Diaphragm

IV. Caudal
1. Transverse colon
2. Transverse mesocolon
3. Greater omentum
(With inferior recess of omental bursa)

V. Left
1. Spleen
2. Gastrophrenic ligament
3. Gastrosplenic ligament
4. Splenorenal\Splenophrenic ligament
(Contain splenic vessels and tail of pancreas (the intraperitoneal part))
5. Splenocolic ligament

b. Content
1. Vestibule of omental bursa
(The upper part, just within the epiploic foramen, behind the caudate lobe)

2. Superior recess of omental bursa
(Extend upward between IVC and esophagus)

3. Inferior recess of omental bursa
(Extend between the anterior and posterior layers of the greater omentum)

4. Isthmus of omental bursa\Tuber omentale
(Tuber omentale pancreatis\Omental tuber - a bulge on the anterior surface of the body of the pancreas to the left of the superior mesenteric vessels)

5. Splenic recess of omental bursa
(The extension toward the hilum of the spleen)

(Fluid from the omental bursa drain into the hepatorenal recess of the subhepatic space\Morrison pouch when supine (Between liver in front and kidney behind))

a. Semilunar line
b. Arcuate line
c. Perforating fibers
(Bundles of collagenous fibers that pass into the outer circumferential lamellae of bone or the cementum of teeth)
d. Jugulodigastric lymph node
a. Spiegel

b. Douglas

c. Sharpey

d. Kuttner node
(Below digastric muscle, deep lateral cervical group, <- pharynx, palatine tonsil, tongue)

Omental\Epiploic foramen
a. Eponym
b. Borders - Ventral, dorsal, cranial, caudal
a. Winslow

b. Borders
I. Ventral - Lesser omentum (Hepatoduodenal ligament)
II. Dorsal - Peritoneum (hepatorenal ligament)
(A prolongation of the coronary ligament downward over the right kidney)
III. Cranial - caudate lobe of liver
IV. Caudal - bulbus\cap\ampulla of duodenum

Sternocostal triangle
a. Eponym
b. Borders - Ventral, medial, lateral
c. Content
a. Larrey and Morgagni fissure

b. Borders
I. Ventral - transversus thoracis
II. Medial - Sternal part of diaphragm
III. Lateral - costal part of diaphragm

c. Content - Internal thoracic vessels

(Potential herniation site)

Lumbocostal triangle
a. Eponym
b. Borders - Dorsal, medial, lateral
c. Content
a. Bochdalek

b. Borders
I. Dorsal - 12th rib
II. Medial - Lumbar part of diaphragm
III. Lateral - Costal part of diaphragm

c. Content - none, potential herniation site

Cystohepatic triangle
a. Eponym
b. Borders - Cranial, medial, lateral
c. Content
a. Calot

b. Borders
I. Cranial - Liver (porta hepatis, quadrate lobe)
II. Medial - Common hepatic duct
III. Lateral - Cystic duct

c. Cystic artery

Diploic veins (4)
1. Frontal
(-> Supraorbital vein and superior sagittal sinus)

2. Anterior temporal
(-> Sphenoparietal sinus and one of the deep temporal veins via aperture in greater wing of sphenoid bone)
(Frontal bone)

3. Posterior temporal
(Parietal bone)
(-> Transverse sinus)

4. Occipital
(-> Occipital vein, Confluence of sinuses\Torcular herophili, transverse sinus)

Emissary veins (7)
1. Mastoid emissary vein
(Posterior auricular or occipital vein <--mastoid foramen-->transverse sinus)

2. Parietal emissary vein
(Veins of scalp <--parietal foramen--> superior sagittal sinus)

3. Venous network of hypoglossal canal
(Vertebral vein and deep veins of neck <--Hypoglossal canal--> Transverse sinus)

4. Condyloid emissary vein
(Deep veins of the neck <--Condyloid canal--> Transverse sinus)

5. Venous network of foramen ovale
(Pterygoid plexus <--Foramen ovale--> Cavernous sinus)

6. Emissary vein of the foramen of Vesalius\Sphenoidal emissary foramen
(Pterygoid plexus <--Vesalius foramen--> Cavernous sinus)

7. Vein of foramen cecum of ethmoid bone
(Veins of nasal cavity <--Foramen cecum--> Superior sagittal sinus)

(Greys anatomy)
a. Submandibular duct
b. The triangular-shaped area of the cervical esophagus bordered by the oblique fibers of the inferior constrictor muscle of the pharynx and the transverse fibers of the cricopharyngeus muscle through wihch Zenker diverticulum occurs
c. Projection of the stomach onto the abdominal wall
d. Left vagal trunk
a. Wharton

b. Killian triangle

c. Labbe triangle
(An area bounded above by a horizontal line touching the lower edge of the ninth costal cartilage, laterally by the line of the false ribs, and to the right side by the liver. Here the stomach is normally in contact with the abdominal wall.)

d. Latarjet
(Goes along the lesser curvature of the stomach)

a. Left supraclavicular lymph nodes

b. Point of projection of the Vater's papilla onto the anterior abdominal wall

c. Retropancreatic membrane

d. Point where the gallbladder projects during inspiration on the anterior abdominal wall. In the right costal arch in the midclavicular line
a. Virchow-Troisier

b.Desjardin point
(5-7 cm along a line from the umbilicus to the right axilla)

c. Treitz membrane

d. Murphy point

a. Ileocecal ostium
b. Line between right superior iliac spine and umbilicus
c. Interpsinal line (anterior superior iliac spine), and point of pelvic appendix one third of right ASIS on the interspinal line
d. Maxillary sinus
a. Bauhin

b. Monro

c. Lanz

d. Antrum of Highmore

a. Internal hernia near the duodenojejunal flexure
b. Celiac trunk
c. Deltopectoral triangle
d. Umbilicovesical fascia
a. Treitz hernia

b. Haller tripod

c. Mohrenheim fossa

d. Delbet
(Extend between the medial umbilical ligaments, continuous with fascia enclosing the bladder)

a. Marginal artery of colon
b. 'Marginal artery' of small intestine (analog to a.)
c. The specific portion of the marginal artery of the colon connecting the middle and left colic arteries
d. Plicae transversales recti\transverse folds of rectum
a. Drummond

b. Dwight

c. Riolan anastomosis

d. Houston folds
(Middle is named Kohlrausch fold and arise from right side)

Peritoneal recesses
Peritoneal recesses
1. Omental bursa
I. Superior, inferior and splenic recess of omental bursa

2. Subphrenic recess (Left, right)

3. Subhepatic recess (Left, right)
I. Extend into hepatorenal recess (Morrison pouch)

4. Ileocecal recesses
I. Superior ileocecal recess
II. Inferior ileocecal recess
III. Retrocecal recess

5. Intersigmoid recess (Treitz)

6. Paracolic gutter\sulci

7. Supravesical fossa
(The depression on the peritoneal surface of the anterior abdominal wall above the bladder and between the median and medial umbilical folds. Its level, relative to the pubis, changes with filling of the bladder)

8. Inguinal fossa - lateral and medial
(Lateral - corresponds to the position of the deep inguinal ring, lateral to the lateral umbilical folds)
(Medial - medial to the lateral umbilical folds and lateral to the medial umbilical folds, corresponds to the position of the superficial inguinal ring, site of direct inguinal hernia)

9. Paravesical and paracetal fossae

10. Kroust & Douglas space

11. Duodenojejunal
I. Superior duodenojejunal recess
II. Inerior duodenojejunal recess
III. Paraduodenal recess
IV. Retroduodenal recess

Inguinal canal
a. Borders - Cranial, caudal, dorsal, beginning, end
b. Content
a. Borders
I. Cranial - inguinal falx
II. Caudal - Inguinal ligament (Poupart\Vesalius\Faloppi)
III. Ventral - external oblique apoenurosis
IV. Dorsal - Transversalis fascia)
V. Beginning - Deep inguinal ring
(By interfoveolar ligament and inguinal falx)
VI. End - Superficial inguinal ring
(By medial and lateral crura and intercrural fibers)

b. Content

1. Ilioinguinal nerve
2. Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
3. Vestigial processus vaginalis
4. Cremasteric artery
5. Lymphatic vessels
6. Ductus deferens
7. Testicular artery
8. Ductus deferens artery
9. Pampiniform plexus
10. Deferential and testicular nervous plexus

1. Round ligament of uterus
2. Artery to round ligament of uterus

(4-5 cm)

Inguinal triangle
a. Eponym
b. Borders - Lateral, medial\cranial, caudal, floor
c. Relevance
a. Hesselbach

b. Borders
I. Lateral - Inferior epigastric vessels
(Inferfoveolar ligament)
II. Medial\Cranial - Inguinal falx
III. Caudal - Inguinal ligament (Poupart\Vesalius\Falloppian)
IV. Bottom - Transversalis fascia
Anterior cervical triangle
a. Borders - Cranial, lateral
b. Content
a. Borders
I. Cranial - Mandible
II. Lateral - SCM

b. Content
1. Submandibular triangle
2. Submental triangle
3. Carotid triangle
4. Muscular\Omotracheal triangle

Submandibular triangle
a. Borders - Cranial, medial, lateral, bottom
b. Content (7)
a. Borders
I. Cranial - Mandible
II. Medial - Anterior belly of digastric
III. Lateral - Posterior belly of digastric
IV. Bottom - mylohyoid & hyoglossus

b. Content
1. Submandibular gland
2. Facial vessels with branches
3. Submandibular duct (Wharton)
4. Lingual nerve & submandibular ganglion
5. Lingual artery
6. Hypoglossal nerve
7. Submandibular lymph nodes

Carotid triangle
a. Borders - Cranial, caudal, lateral
b. Content (6)
a. Borders
I. Cranial - Posterior belly of digastric
II. Caudal - Superior belly of omohyoid
III. Lateral - SCM

b. Content
1. Hypoglossal nerve
(Running as arch of hypoglossal nerve ventrally of the blood vessels, with vena comitans of hypoglossal nerve)
(Origin in carotid sheath)
2. Sympathetic trunk with superior and middle cervical ganglion
3. Accessory nerve
4. Thyroid gland
5. Vagina carotica\Carotid sheath
I. Common carotid and its bifurcation and branches
II. Internal jugular vein and its tributaries
(Retromandibular vein, facial vein)
III. Vagus nerve
(Give of superior laryngeal nerve)
IV. Superior root of ansa cervicalis profundae
V. Deep cervical lymph nodes

(IX, Superior laryngeal branch of vagus, spinal root of accessory and XII escape from the upper part of the sheath)

(In the sheath: artery medial, vein lateral, nerve posterior)

Muscular triangle\Suprasternal fossa\Omotracheal triangle
a. Borders - Cranial, caudal, latero-cranial, latero-caudal
b. Content (4)
a. Borders
I. Cranial - Hyoid bone
II. Caudal - Jugular notch of sternum
III. Latero-cranial - Superior belly of omohyoid
IV. Latero-caudal - SCM

b. Content
1. Larynx->Trachea
2. Thyroid gland and associated neurovascular bundle
3. Infrahyoid muscles
I. Sternothyroid
II. Thyrohyoid
III. Sternohyoid
4. Jugular venous arch
(A connecting vein between the two anterior jugular veins in the suprasternal space)

Submental triangle
a. Borders - Lateral, ventro-cranial. caudal
b. Content
a. Borders
I. Lateral - Anterior bellies of digastric
II. Ventro-cranial - Mandible
III. Caudal - Hyoid bone
(Floor - mylohyoid)

b. Content
1. Submental AV
2. Submental lymph nodes
3. Nerve to mylohyoid

Lingual artery triangle
a. Eponym
b. Borders - Cranial, ventral, caudal, bottom
c. Content
a. Pirogov

b. Borders
I. Cranial - Hypoglossal nerve
II. Ventral - Mylohyoid (dorsal border)
III. Caudal - Posterior belly of digastric
IV. Bottom - Hyoglossus

c. Content - Lingual artery and vein

Beclard angle
A. borders
b. Content
a. Borders
I. Cranial - Posterior belly of digastric and stylohyoid
II. Caudal - Major horns of hyoid bone

b. Content - Lingual artery

Fossa supraclavicularis minor
a. Borders - Medial and lateral, caudal
b. Content
a. Borders
I. Medial and lateral - Origin of SCM
II. Caudal - Clavicle

b. Content - cupula pleura in the depth

Lateral cervical region
a. Borders - Cranial, ventral, dorsal, caudal
b. Contents
a. Borders
I. Cranial - Mastoid process
II. Ventral - SCM
III. Dorsal - Trapezius
IV. Caudal - Clavicle

b. Contents
1. Omotrapezoid triangle
2. Omoclavicular triangle

Omoclavicular triangle
a. Borders - Cranial, caudal, ventral
b. Content (11)
a. Borders
I. Cranial - Inferior belly of omohyoid
II. Caudal - Clavicle
III. Ventral - SCM

b. Content
1. Subclavian vessels
2. Venous angle (Pirogoff)
(Left -> Thoracic duct, Right -> Right lymphatic duct)
3. Brachial plexus
4. Supraclavicular lymph nodes (Virchow-Troisier)
5. Phrenic nerve
6. Thyrocervical trunk branches
I. Ascending cervical
II. Suprascapular
III. Transverse cervical -> Superficial cervical & Dorsal scapular
7. Anterior vertebral vein
(-> Vertebral vein, accompany ascending cervical artery)
8. Supraclavciular nerves
9. External jugular vein

(Thyrocervical trunk: Suprascapular (can arise from subclavian), ascending cervical, inferior thyroid), transverse cervical)

Scalenovertebral triangle
a. Borders - Dorsal, lateral, caudal, medial, ventral
b. Content (5)
a. Borders
I. Dorsal - Longus colli
II. Lateral - Anterior scalene
III. Caudal - Pleural cupula
IV. Medial
1. Trachea
2. Esophagus
3. Thyroid gland
V. Ventral - SCM

b. Content
1. Subclavian artery - intrascalenic part
2. Brachial plexus
3. Sympathetic trunk
I. Stellate ganglion
II. Ansa subclavia
III. Cervical cardiac nerves
4. Thoracic duct on left side

(In depth of omoclavicular triangle)

Omotrapezoid triangle
a. Borders - Ventral, dorsal, caudal
b. Content (8)
a. Borders
I. Ventral - SCM
II. Dorsal - Trapezius
III. Caudal - Inferior belly of omohyoid

b. Content
1. External jugular vein with tributaries
(Ie. transverse cervical veins)
2. Thyrocervical branches
I. Superficial cervical artery
(<- Transverse cervical (<- thyrocervical trunk)\<-Thyrocervical trunk)
II. Ascending cervical artery and anterior vertebral vein
3. Phrenic nerve
4. Deep cervical artery
(<- Costocervical trunk (with superior intercostal artery))
5. Punctum nervosum (Erb) and its branches
(Midway at posterior border of SCM, where cutaneous branches of the cervical plexus emerge. 4 nerves: lesser occipital, transverse cervical, great auricular, supraclavicular nerves)
6. Accessory nerve
7. Supraclavicular part of brachial plexus
8. Cervical lymph nodes

Orbit - borders
a. Cranial\Deep
b. Medial
c. Lateral
d. Caudal
Borders of orbit
a. Cranial\Deep
1. Orbital part of frontal bone
(Fovea and spina trochlearis, supraorbital foramen\notch, fossa for lacrimal gland)
2. Lesser wing of sphenoid bone
(Superior orbital fissure, Optic canal)

b. Medial
1. Frontal process of maxilla
(Make part of lacrimal fossa)
2. Lacrimal bone
3. Lamina papyracea\Orbital plate of ethmoid bone
(Anterior and posterior ethmoid foramina with frontal bone)
4. Lesser wing of sphenoid bone

c. Lateral
1. Orbital surface of zygomatic bone
(Zygomaticorbital foramen)
2. Orbital surface of greater wing of sphenoid bone

d. Caudal
1. Orbital surface of zygomatic bone
2. Orbital surface of maxilla
(Sulcus and infraorbital canal, inferior orbital fissure with greater wing of sphenoid bone)
3. Orbital process of palatine bone

(Aditus externally, apex internally)

(Divided into 3 levels)

Orbit - upper level
a. Borders - Caudal
b. Content (6)
a. Lower border of Levator palpebrae superioris

b. Content
1. Lacrimal AVN
2. Lacrimal gland - orbital part
3. Frontal nerve ->
I. Supraorbital
II. Supratrochlear
(Both with accompanying vessels)
4. Trochlear nerve
5. Levator palpebrae superioris
I. With superior tarsal muscle (Muller)
6. Fat body of orbit

Orbit - middle level
a. Borders - Cranial, caudal
b. Content
a. Borders
I. Cranial - Levator palpebrae superioris
II. Caudal - Lower border of optic nerve

b. Content
1. Rectus muscles except inferior
2. Nerves
I. Optic nerve
(With central retinal artery and vein)
II. Nasociliary nerve
(-> Anterior and posterior ethmoidal nerves, long ciliary nerves, infratrochlear nerve)
III. Superior branch of oculomotor nerve
IV. Abducens nerve
V. Ciliary ganglion (-> Short ciliary nerves)
VI. Ophthalmic plexus
3. Vessels
I. Ophthalmic artery
(-> Anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries, short posterior ciliary arteries, medial palpebral artery)
II. Superior ophthalmic vein
4. Lacrimal gland - palpebral part
5. Fat body of orbit

Orbit - lower level
a. Borders - Cranial
b. Content
a. Optic nerve

b. Content
1. Muscles
I. Inferior rectus
II. Inferior oblique
III. Orbitalis (Muller)
IV. Inferior tarasl

2. Nerves
I. Inferior branch of oculomotor nerve
II. Infraorbital nerve
III. Zygomatic nerve
(-> Communicating branch with lacrimal nerve, zygomaticotemporal, zygomaticofacial)

3. Vessels
I. Infraorbital AV
II. Inferior ophthalmic vein
(<- Inferior palpebral and lacrimal veins, -> One branch to pterygoid plexus, one branch to superior ophthalmic vein)

4. Lacrimal sac

5. Fat body of orbit

(Angular vein -> nasofrontal vein -> superior ophthalmic vein -> sinus cavernosus)

Common tendinous ring
a. Eponym
b. Borders
c. Content
a. Zinn

b. Fibrous ring that surround the optic canal and the medial part of the superior orbital fissure.
It gives origin to the recti muscles

c. Content
1. Optic canal
I Optic nerve
II. Ophthalmic artery
III. Ophthalmic plexus (arterial)
2. Part of superior orbital fissure
I. Oculomotor nerve
II. Abducens nerve
III. Nasociliary nerve
3. Origin of all the recti muscles
Sinus cavernosus
a. Borders
b. Content (6)
a. Borders
From SOF to apex of petrous part of temporal bone.
(1 cm width x 2 cm length)

b. Content
1. ICA (with sympathetic plexus)
2. Abducens nerve (centrally, next to ICA)

Superior->Inferior in lateral wall
3. Oculomotor nerve
4. Trochlear nerve
5. Ophthalmic nerve
6. Maxillary nerve
Temporal fossa
a. Borders - Lateral, cranial, ventral, caudal, medial
b. Content
a. Borders
I. Lateral - Zygomatic arch, Temporalis fascia
II. Cranial - Superior temporal line
III. Ventral - Temporal surface of zygomatic bone
IV. Caudal - Infratemporal crest of sphenoid bone
V. Medial - Squamous part of temporal bone
(+ Part of frontal, parietal, and sphenoid)

b. Content
1. Pterion (Punctum of Sylvius)
(Intersection of Greater wing of sphenoid, frontal, squamous temporal, parietal. Intersection of coronal, squamous (parietal-temporal), sphenosquamous, and sphenofrontal sutures)
2. Temporalis
3. Temporal nerves
(<- V3, -> Temporalis)
4. Deep temporal arteries - anterior and posterior
5. Medial temporal artery
(Pierce the fascia)
6. Zygomaticotemporal branch of zygomatic nerve
7. Small branch of lacrimal artery
8. Corpus adiposum buccae

Infratemporal fossa
a. Borders - Cranial, ventral, dorsal, medial, lateral
b. Content (9)
a. Borders
I. Cranial
1. Infratemporal surface of sphenoid bone
(Below infratemporal crest, Site of foramen ovale and spinosum)
2. Squamous part of temporal bone

II. Ventral - Maxillary tuberosity

III. Dorsal - Continuous with prestyloid space

IV. Medial
1. Lateral plate of pterygoid process
2. Pyramidal process of palatine bone

V. Lateral - Ramus of mandible

b. Content
1. Temporalis
2. Maxillary artery - mainly pterygoid part
(Muscular, Buccal, Deep temporal, Middle meningeal, Accessory meningeal, Inferior alveolar)
(The mandibular part has: deep auricular, anterior tympanic, middle meningeal, accessory meningeal, and inferior alveolar)
3. Venous pterygoid plexus
(Medially of temporalis and laterally of lateral pterygoid)
4. Pterygoids - medial and lateral
5. Otic ganglion
6. Lesser petrosal nerve
7. Mandibular nerve with branches
8. Chorda tympani
9. Mandibular foramen -
I. Inferior alveolar nerve
II. Inferior alveolar vessels (laterally)

Pterygopalatine fossa
a. Borders - Cranial, Ventral, Medial, Dorsal, Lateral, Caudal
b. Content
a. Borders
I. Cranial - Maxillary surface of greater wing of sphenoid bone
II. Ventral - Infratemporal surface of maxilla
(Inferior orbital fissure with greater wing of sphenoid)
III. Medial - Perpendicular plate of palatine bone
(Sphenopalatine foramen)
IV. Dorsal - Pterygoid process
(Pterygoid canal (Vidian))
V. Lateral - Pterygomaxillary fissure
VI. Caudal - Greater palatine canal

b. Content
1. Nerve of pterygoid canal (Vidian)
(Greater petrosal nerve (<- CN VII) and deep petrosal nerve (sympathetic))
2. Pterygopalatine ganglion
I. Pharyngeal branch via palatovaginal canal
II. Greater and lesser palatine nerves via greater palatine canal
III. Posterior nasal nerves via sphenopalatine foramen
3. Mandibular nerve via foramen ovale
(Branch to pterygopalatine ggl)
I. Infraorbital nerve
II. Posterior superior alveolar nerves
III. Zygomatic nerve
4. Tributaries of plexus pterygoideus
5. Maxillary artery - pars pterygopalatina - 4&5
I. Vasae of pterygoid canal
II. Sphenopalatine vasae
III. Infraorbital vasae
IV. Superior posterior alveolar vasae
V. Greater and lesser palatine vasae
Pterygomandibular space
a. Borders - Medial, lateral, dorsal
b. Content (3)
a. Borders
I. Medial - Medial pterygoid
II. Lateral - Ramus of mandible
III. Dorsal - Parotid gland

b. Content
1. Inferior alveolar AVN
2. Lingual nerve
3. Chorda tympani

Prestyloid space
a. Borders - Cranial, dorsal, ventral, lateral, medial, caudal
b. Content
a. Borders
I. Cranial - Skull base
II. Dorsal - Styloid septum
III. Ventral - Continuous with infratemporal fossa
IV. Lateral - Medial pterygoid
(Medial surface)
V. Medial - Pharyngeal wall, buccopharyngeal fascia
VI. Caudal - Continuous with carotid triangle
(At the level of posterior belly of digastric)

b. Content
1. Ascending palatine artery
(<- Facial)
2. External carotid
(Divides into maxillary and superficial temporal at the level of neck of mandible)
3. Parotid gland
4. Retromandibular vein
5. Facial nerve branches

Retrostyloid space
a. Borders - Cranial, ventral, dorsal, medial, lateral, caudal
b. Content
a. Borders
I. Cranial - Skull base
(Petrous part of temporal bone)
II. Ventral - Styloid septum
III. Dorsal - Prevertebral layer of cervical fascia
IV. Medial - Continuous with retropharyngeal space
V. Lateral - SCM
VI. Caudal - Continuous with carotid triangle
(At the level of the posterior belly of digastric)

b. Content
1. ICA
2. Internal jugular vein
3. CN IX, X, XI, XII
(+ Superior laryngeal nerve of CN X, IX and X form pharyngeal nervous plexus)
4. Ansa cervicalis profunda
5. Ascending pharyngeal artery
(<- External carotid arter
6. Pharyngeal venous plexus and pharyngeal veins
(Pharyngeal veins are several veins from the pharyngeal venous plexus emptying into the internal jugular vein)
7. ICA plexus, give off lesser petrosal nerve
8. Sympathetic trunk and superior cervical ganglion
(In prevertebral layer of cervical fascia)

Retropharyngeal space
a. Borders - Cranial, ventral, dorsal, lateral, caudal
b. Content
a. Borders
I. Cranial - Skull base
(Petrous part of temporal bone)
II. Ventral - Posterior pharyngeal wall
III. Dorsal - Prevertebral layer of cervical fascia
(Longus colli behind it)
IV. Lateral - Continuous with retrostyloid space
V. Caudal - Continuous with space behind esophagus and then superior mediastinum

b. Content
1. Pharyngeal nervous plexus
2. Retropharyngeal lymph nodes
3. Pharyngeal branch of ascending pharyngeal artery
(<- External carotid artery)
4. Pharyngeal venous plexus and pharyngeal veins

Styloid septum
a. Topography\Borders
b. Content
a. Topography\Borders
I. Stretches dorsolaterally
II. Covered with pretracheal layer of cervical fascia

b. Content
1. Stylopharyngeus muscle
2. Styloglossus muscle
3. Styloid process
4. Stylohyoid ligament
5. Stylohyoid muscle
6. Posterior belly of digastric
7. SCM
Styloid septum
a. Topography\Borders
b. Content
a. Topography\Borders
I. Stretches dorsolaterally
II. Covered with pretracheal layer of cervical fascia

b. Content
1. Stylopharyngeus muscle
2. Styloglossus muscle
3. Styloid process
4. Stylohyoid ligament
5. Stylohyoid muscle
6. Posterior belly of digastric
7. SCM