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3 Cards in this Set

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What are the upper noise action levels in the workplace

The point where procedures must be put and place and these procedures must be followed, including the wearing of necessary PPE are.

The upper exposure action level value for A weighting is 85 Db.

The upper exposure action level value for C Weighting is 137 Db

What are the absolute action noise levels.

The absolute limit for exposure value levels are. For A weighting is 87 Db.For C weighting is 140 Db If these levels are meet or surpassed in any way. The activity must stop and risk assessment revisited and alterations made to reduce the levels to within the lower exposure action level value.

The legal requirements for noise levels in the workplace are.

80 Db (A weighting) is the first or lower action value. At this level risk assessments should be carried out and specific PPE made available for employees to wear (The wearing of which is optional).

85 Db is the upper action value level (A weighting). At this point risk assessments must be carried out and specific PPE must be worn.

87 Db exposure absolute action level work activities must cease and alterations made to the systems to ensure the noise exposure action levels are reduced to levels to meet the legal requirements.