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85 Cards in this Set

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Culture refers to
a. customs share by a group which distinguish it from other groups

b. values shared by a group that are learned from others in a group

c. attitudes, beliefs, art, and language which characterize members of a group

d. all of the above
Our culture is more diverse than in the past. Multicultural counselors often work with persons who are culturally different. This means the client

a. is culturally biased
b. suffers from the diagnoses of cultural relativity
c. belongs to a different culture than the helper.
d. presents problems which only deal with culturally charged issues
What is cultural relativity?
a behavior cannot be assessed as good or bad except within the context of a culture
In order to diagnose clients from a different culture
a. the counselor will ideally will need some info regarding the specifics of the culture

b. the counselor will find the dsm useless
c. the counselor will find the ICD useless
What is cultural epoch theory?
It suggests that all cultures pass through the same stages of development in evovling and maturing
In the US, each socioeconomic group represents

a. seperate race
b. a seperate culture
c. the slient middle class
d. a seperate national culture
Which therapist was not instrumental in the early years of the social psych movement?

a. Freud
b. Durkheim
c. McDougall
D. Berne
D. Berne
____ and ______would say that regardless of culture, humans have the instint to fight.

a. Maslow and Rogers
b. Ellis and Harper
c. Freud and Lorenz
d. Glasser and Rogers
c. Frued and Lorenz
-----believe that aggression is learned. Thus, a child that witnesses aggressive behavior in adults may initiate the aggressive behavior.

A. instinct theorists
B. innate aggression theorists
c. social learning theorists
d. Followers of Eric Erikson
c. social learning theorists
Social learning theory
Bandura, kids model parents
The APGA which became the AACD until 1992 and is now the ACA contributed to the growth of cross-cultural counseling by

a. the 1972 formation of the association for Non-White Concerns in PErsonnel and Guidance, later known as the association for Multicultural Counseling and Development

b. the 1972 ethic which made it unethical to see culturally different clients without three hours of cultural graduate coursework

c. urging nonwhites to take graduate counseling courses
a. Civil Rights Act of 1964-prohibited discrimination for reasons of race, gender, religion, national origin
Daniel Levinson proposed a theory with several major life transitions. He

a. is the Father of Multicultural counseling

b. wrote the 1978 classic Seasons of a Man's life

c. postualated a midlife crissi for men between 40-45 and women approximately 5 years earlier

d. both b and c
Levinson's transitions

Early adult transition
Age 30 transition
settling down period
midlife transition
later adulthood
17-22, 28-33, 40-45, 50 +
The three factors which enhance interpersonal attraction are

a. assertiveness, anxiety, ego strength
b. close proximity, physical attarction, similar beliefs
c. culture, race, assertiveness
proximity and propinquity
Proximity is how close you live
propinquity is proximity and attraction
The term contextualism implies that

a. multicultural counseling is the oldest subspecialty in the profession.

b. behavior must be assessed in the context of the culture in which the behaviro occurs
c. the notion of worldview is highly inaccurate
Carol Gilligan was critical of Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development as she felt it was

a. too psychoanaltyic
b. too behavioristic
c. not applicable to African Americans
d. more applicable to males than females
--------helped to abet the multicultural counseling movement

a. Arthur Jensen's views on IQ testing
b. the civil rights movement
c. The Tarasoff duty
b. Jensen tried to prove that blacks have lower IQs
When a counselor speaks of probable outcome in a case, he or she is technically referring to

a. the prognosis
b. the diagnosis
c. the intervention
d. attending behavior
a. Prognosis-probability that one can reconver from a condition
When a counselor speaks of what he/she believes must transpire from a therapuetic standpoint, he/ she technically is referring to

a. recommendation
b. diagnosis
c. prognosis
d. transference
Some research suggests that very poor economic conditions correlate very highly with

a. passivity
b. nonassertive behavior
c. a and b
d. aggression
d. aggression-lynchings increased as cotton prices dropped.
A wealth of research demonstrates

a. suprisingly enough, African Americans request Asian counselors

b. Asians requeast AA counselors

c. clients prefer a counselor of the same race and similar cultural background

d. clients prefer a counselor of the same race, but different culture
The frustration-aggression theory is associated with

a. Ellis
b. Havinghurst
c. Eric Berne, the father of TA
d. John Dollard and Neal Miller
A popular balance theory in social psych is ------cognitive dissonance theory

a. dollard and miller's
b. crites and roe's
c. fesinger's
d. holland and super's
What is cognitive dissonance?
Inconsistency in thoughts
Culture is really a set of rules, procedures, ideas, and values shared by members of a society. Culture is said to be normative which implies that

a. one culture will have norms which differ slight from another

b. culture excludes customs

c. culture provides individuals with standards of conduct

d. culture is never socially learned
A statistical norm measures actual conduct, while a cultural norm

a. describes how people are supposed to act
b. has little to do with expectations
c. is irrelevant when counseling a client
d. all of the above
Mores are beliefs
a. regarding the rightness or wrongness of behavior

b. which should be the central focus in multicultural counseling.

c. that are conscious decisions made by persons in power

d. that are identical with folkways in culture.
----was the first pioneer to focus heavily on sociocultural issues

a. Mark Savickas- a major figure in career cousneling
b. Alfred Adler
c. Maxie Maultsby-the father of rational behavior therapy
d. Frank Parsons-the father of guidance, who wrote choosing a vocation
A counselor who is part of a research study will be cousneling clients in the Polar regions and then at a point near the equator. Her primary concern will be

a. universal culture
b. national culture
c. ecological cutlure
d. b and c
d. Ecological means: norms are often the result of practical and survival beahovrs related to the climate or the resources in a given physical environment
Biological similarties and sameness are indicated by
a. ecological culture
b. mores
c. regional and national cutlure
d. universal culture
Early vocalization in infants
a. is more complex in AA babies
b. is more complex in white babies
c. is nearly identical in all cultures around the globe
d. is the finest indicator of public school success
In the 1920s, Emory Bogardus developed a social distance scale which evaluated

a. socioeconomic trends
b. how an individual felt toward another ethnic group
c. disadvantaged youth
According to the foot-in-the door technique, which has two distinct steps, counselor who needs to make a home visit to a resistant client's home.

a. should conduct the interview from t he porch
b. hsoul double-blind the client
c. should exude accurate empathy, but never ask to renetre the home
Early vocalization in infants is
a. more complex in AA babies
b. more complex in white babies
c. nearly identical in all cultures around the globe
d. the finest indicator of elementary school performance
c. and holophrases are two words like me eat, I betty
In the 1920s, Emory Bogardus developed a social distance scale which measured

a. socioeconomic trends
b. how an individual felt toward other ethnic groups.
c. disadvantaged youth
d. language barriers between blacks and Asians
b. The Bogardus study revealed neg attitudes towards Blacks, Jews, Mexicans, and Turks
Ethnicity means
a. that which pertains to a large group of individuals by national, religious, linguistic, or cultural attributes

b. norms that make up a culture

c. a culture within a race
According to the foot in the door technique, which has 2 distinct steps, a counselor who needs to make a home visit to a resistant client's home

a. should conduct the interview from teh porch
b. should double-bind the client
c. should ask to come in the home
d. should exude accurate empathy, but never ask to enter the home.
c. Momentum of compliance-ask for a small favor first, get them saying yes, then ask the big things, they will keep saying yes
MOst countries have an official language, a stated viewpoint, and a central government. This is reflected mainly by

a. national culture
b. human culture
c. regional culture
d. ecological culture
a. and a 3rd culture is financial markets and international law
Whereas a culture is defined primarily via norms and values, a society differs from a culture in that society

a. is defined as a set of mores
b. has a distinct lack of norms
c. is a self-perpetuation independent group which occupies a definitive territory.
d. none of the above
a. uses one's own culture as a yardstick to measure all others
b. means race.
c. is a genetic term
d. all of the above
a. Use own view as standard of reference and view selves as superior to other cultures
All of these statements are ethnocentric except
a. you can't trust anyone over the age of 40.
b. Americans are generous
c. Blue-collar workers are mean and selfish
d. the GDP in the US exceeds the figure in Mexico
a. is not universal
b. promotes patriotism and national sovereignty
c. promotes stability and pride, yet danger in teh nuclear age
d. b and c
d. b and c
ethnic and racial minorities adopt cultural beliefs and customs from the majority or dominant culture

individual has such a high level of acculturation that or she becomes part of the macro culture
Regardless of culture, the popular individual
a. has good social skills
b. vlaues race over ethnicity
c. dresses in teh latest styles
d. never possesses a modal personality
a. A modal personality is the personality which is characteristic of the group in question
Social exchange theory postulates that
a. a relationship will endure if both parties are assertive
b. a relationship will endure if the rewards are greater than the costs
c. a realtionship will endure if both parties are attracted to each other.
b. Complimentary, profit
Balance theory postulates a
a. move from cognitive dissonance theory
b. move from cognitive inconsistency to consistency
c. a tendency to achieve a balanced cognitive state
d. both b and c
Most individuals believe that people whom they perceive as attractive
a. are nonassertive
b. are aggressive
c. have other positive traits
d. are socially adept but not very intelligent
A counselor who works primarily wiht a geriatric population needs to be aware that
a. AA counselees make the best clients
b. Native Americans don't believe in cognitive interventions
c. Suprisingly enough, financial security and health are the best predictors of retirement adjustment
c. terminal drop-means that a dramatic decrease in intellignece occurs in last 5 years of life
Most experts would agree that a multicultural counselor's diagnosis
a. must be performed without regard to cultural issues
b. must be done within a cultural context
c. a and b
d. none of the above
A counselor who is seeing a client from a different culture would most likely expect----social conformity than he or she would from a client from his or her own culture.
a. less
b. more
c. the same
d. more realistic
a. we demand more rigid standards from our own culture
In terms of diagnosis,
a. a client's behavior could be sane and appropriate in one culture, yet disturbed and bizarre in another.
b. culture is irrelevent in children under 14.
c. cutlure is an issue with males, but not with females
According to the cognitive dissonance theory of Leon Festinger, a man who buys a 20,000 patinum watch would most likely
a. feel intense guilt
b. read test reports after the purchase to justify his behavior
c. harbor severe hatred regarding his mother
A woman who is being robbed
a. would probably get the most assistance in a crowd with a large number of bystanders
b. would find that the number of people who would respond to her distress actually decreases as the number of bystanders increases.
a. would rarely have a bystander help her.
A counselor reading this book says, "I could care less about passing the NCE or licensing exam. " This
a. is displacement
b. is an attempt to reduce dssonance via conistent cognitions.
c. is an attempt to reduce dissonance via denial, minimizing tension
d. is projection
The statement, " Even though my car is old and doesn't run well, it sure keeps my insurance payments low"
a. is displacement.
b. is an attempt to reduce dssonance via conistent cognitions.
c. is an attempt to reduce dissonance via denial, minimizing tension
d. is projection
b. sweet lemon rationalization
In the case of the individual who purchased the $20,000 watch, cognitive dissonance theory postulates that
a. he or she might ignore positive info regarding other models and secure a lot of info regarding the platinum model
b. he or she might sell the watch immediately
c. he or she might focus heavily on neg info about other models
d. a and c
In the US, middle and upper class citizes seem to want a counselor who
a. will give them a good talking to
b. gives a specific and steady stream of advice
c. helps them work it out on their own
d. is highly authoritarian
In a traditional culture which places a high premium on authority figures
a. passivity on the part of the counselor would be viewed negatively
b. a client would be disappointed if he/she did not receive advice
c. assigning hw and teaching would be appropriated
d. all of the above
Cognitive dissonance research deals mainly with
a. attraction
b. cognition and attitude formation
c. cognitions and emotion
d. none of the above
Parents who don't tolerate or use aggresion when raising children produce
a. less aggressive children
b. more aggressive kids
c. passive-aggressive kids
d. passive-dependent kids
Overall, Rogerian person-centered counseling
a. is rarely used in cross-cultural counseling
b. is too nondirective for cc counseling
c. both a and b
d. has been used more than other models to help promote understanding between cultures and races.
In intercultural counseling, the term therapuetic surrender mans
a. nothing
b. the client psychologically surrenders himself to a counselor from a different culture and becomes open with feelings and thoughts.
c. the therapist assumes a passive stance.
The literature suggest these factors as helpful in promoting therapuetic surrender
a. an analysis of cognitive dissonance.
b. rapport, trust, listening, conquering client resistance, and self-disclosure
c. paradoxing the client.
In terms of trust and therapuetic surrender,
a. it is easire to trust people from one's own culture
b. lower-class people often don't trust those from a higher class
c. both a and b
A--------client would most likely have the most difficulty with self-disclosure when speaking to a white counselor
a. middle class white female
b. upper class AA female
c. lower class AA male
d. upper class white male
According to assimilation-contrast theory, a client will perceive a counselor's statement that is somewhat like his or her own behavior as even more similar(assimilation error). He or she would percieve any dissimilar attitudes as
a. even more dissimilar
b. standard
c. similar to his or her own
When counseling a client from a different culture, a common error is made when negative transference
a. is interpreted as positive transference
b. is interpreted as client resistance.
c. is interpreted as white privilege
Counselors who have good listening skills
a. facilitate therapeutic surrender
b. hinder surrender
c. often have a monolithic perspective
d. are too nondirective to promote surrender.
Counselors can more easily advise
a. clients from their own culture
b. clients from a differnet culture or race
c. clients using ethnocentric statements
To empathize is easiest with
a. client who is similar to you
b. a client who is dissimilar to you
c. lower-class Hispanic clients
d. upper class Asian clients
In multicultural counseling, structuring is very important. This concept asserts that counseling is most effective when
a. structured excercises are used.
b. a counselor takes a directive stance
c. nondirective procedures are emphasized.
d. the nature and structure of the counseling situation is described during the initial session
A client from another culture will
a. talk to the counselor the same as they would to a peer
b. talk to the counselor differently than they would to someone of the same background
c. play dumb to recieve counselor's sympathy
An AA client tells a white counselor that things are bad though she literally means thsomething is good. The counselor's misunderstanding could be best described as a
a. client of color error
b. cognitive dissonance error
c. connotative error
d. confounding variable
c. connotation means the emotional meaning of the word
3 major barriers to intercultural counseling are
a. cultural bound values, class bound values, and language differences
b. language differences, congruence, and empathy
c. national, cultural and regional values.
_______was a prime factor in the history of multicultural counseling.
a. Frankl's experience in a concentration camp.
b. Perl's use of Gestalt
c. Freud's visits to the US
d. The 1954 Supreme Court decision, Brown vs. the Board of Education, which outlawed public school segregation.
Multicultural counseling promotes
a. eclecticism
b. rigidity
c. psychodynamic models
d. neurolinguistic programming.
Multicultural counselors often adhere to the emic viewpoint. The word emic
a. is a culture specific perspective, from the word phonemic meaning sounds in a particular language
b. suggests that all clients are alike regardelss fo culture.
c. is associated with Rational Behavior therapy
Etic viewpoint:
a.adheres to the theory that humans are humans and universalism transcends all culture.
b. suggests that all clients are alike regardelss fo culture.
c. is associated with Rational Behavior therapy
d. a and b
A practicum supervisor who says to his or her supervisee, " you can deal with your Asian American clients the same as you deal with anyone else " is espousing the
a. emic viewpoint
b. alloplastic viewpoint.
c. etic viewpoin, derived from the term phonetic referring to the sounds that remain the same in any language.
A counselor is confronted with their first Native American client. After the first session, the counselor discovers that there are 560 federally recognized tribes and 3 million Native americans. This counselor most likely believes in the
a. emic viewpoint
b. alloplastic viewpoint
c. etic viewpoint
An Asian counselor says to an AA client, "if you're unhappy with the system, get out there and rebel. You can change the system" This is the ----viewpoint for coping iwth the environment
a. emic
b. autoplastic
c. etic
d. alloplastic.
d. alloplastic meaning changing external factors, autoplastic means from within
A young HIspanic male is obviously the victim of discrimination. His counselor remarks, " I hear what you are syaing and I help you change your thinking so this will not have such a profound impact on you. " In this case the counselor suggested.
a. alloplastic view
b. autoplastic view
c. emic-etic distinciton
d. the emic view
AA ghetto clients are generally
a. very open and honest with their feelings
b. the most amenable group in regard to therapuetic intervention
c. not very open with feelings.
Positive transference is to love as negative transference is to hostility as ambivalent transference is to
a. anger
b. hate
c. uncertainty
d. admiration