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22 Cards in this Set

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What must be complete before the engines on the aircraft is started for launch?

The mechanical latching of weapons on aircraft racks/ launchers are completed.

Who is responsible for the safe start of all aircraft?

Air Officer

Prior to start what should you ensure about the nose wheel?

Ensure the nose wheels are not cocked.

Turbo prop aircraft shall not be turned up above ___1___ shaft horsepower (SHP) without specific clearance from __2__?

1) 1,500 SHP

2) A flight deck director

Clearance for turn ups shall not be given by any one other than who?

A flight deck director

During final preparation for launch when will the air officer initiate the pre launch check list?

Approximately 15 min

What are on the prelaunch checklist during final preparation for launch?

Winds- verify the estimated wind availability for launch and notify bridge for maximum/ minimum wind requirements

Lists- check ship’s list to ensure level deck

Jet blast deflector cooling- ensure all salt water cooling is functioning on all active JBDs

Before removal of chalks what must the director signal the pilot?

Hold brakes

Who ensures the constant steady flow of traffic while avoiding unnecessary crowding?

Flight deck officer

Prior to launch, what does the launching officer relay to the air officer, who shall in turn, advise the bridge?

Minimum and maximum WOD requirements for the forth coming launch.

At night, what signal does the squadrons’ aircraft inspector give when he/she ensures that the aircraft is properly configured and ready for flight?

Display a blue wand held vertically

During the day, what signal does the aircraft squadron inspector give when he/she sees a discrepancy and desires to prevent the aircraft from launching?


At night, what signal does the aircraft squadron inspector give when he/she sees a discrepancy and desires to prevent the aircraft from launching?

Display a blue wand moving horizontally

Turboprop air craft can be launched off the waist unless?

-When jet or turboprop aircraft with operating engines on catapult no.2

-The possibilities of hot exhaust gases from aircraft spotted around the flight deck may be ingested into the turbo prop engine during launch.

What shall the director ensure as the aircraft approaches the catapult?

Ensure the aircraft is in take off configuration.

Who ensure aircraft clearance is sufficient prior to raising or lowering JBDs?

All JBD operators/Safety observers.

What catapult requires a JBD safety observer at all times?

Catapult 3

Before passing pass the shuttle, the pilot shall verify the aircraft gross weight by giving what signal?

- During the day, a thumbs up

- At night, a circular motion with a flashlight

If the pilot disagrees with gross weight board during the day he/she will request for adjustments using signals like?

- To raise the gross weight, hold hand flat with palm up moving in a vertical direction, emphasizing an upward motion

- To lower, hold hands with palms down moving horizontally.

During the day, when the arming crew is clear and arming is complete on aircraft, what signal will the ordinance arming supervisor give to the pilot?

Thumbs up then directs pilots attention back to the director

At night, when the arming crew is clear and arming is complete on aircraft, what signal will the ordinance arming supervisor give to the pilot?

A vertical swipe with a red, banded wand then direct the pilots attention back to director

During the day, what signal does the squadrons’ aircraft inspector give when he/she ensures that the aircraft is properly configured and ready for flight?

Thumbs up