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170 Cards in this Set

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Hind limb flexor name and function?

- M. Tibialis cranialis (flex hock)

- M. Extensor digitorum longus (flexes tarsal)

- M Triceps surae (only M. Gastrocnemius in dog) flex stifle.

- M. Flexor digitorum superficialis.

Brachial muscle and name its antagonist?

-Brachial muscle flexes (elbow joint)

- Antagonist - M. Tensor faciae antibrachii

- Name the marked muscle?

(M. extensor carpi radialis)

- And an example of antagonist muscle?

M. flexor carpi radialis

Name at least 3 types of bursa synovialis?

- Bursa synovialis subcutanea

" " submuscularis

" " subfacialis

" " subtendinea

Name 2 inspiration muscles?

mm. intercostales extern

M. Rectus thoracis


M. Biceps brachii - Name its antagonist?

M. Triceps branchii ( M. biceps brachii extends shoulder joint and flexes elbow joint, M. triceps brachi opposite).

M. Obliquus internus abdominis -Name its antagonist?

M. obliquus externus abdominis

M. Vastus medialis - is it a part of M. quadriceps femoris?


What are the rectile muscles of vagina?

mm. recti abdominis.

Name two joints between the rib and vertebral column?

- Art. capitis costae

- Art. costotransversaria

What ligament is found at axis in dog, and different in horse

- Nuchal ligament

in dog it arises from the axis,

in the horse it arises from the occipital bone.

which animals does not have lamina nuchae?

Dog and cat.

name 2 types of accessory structures in muscles?

- Sesamoid bone,

- Fascia

M. longus capitis - What is its function?

Flexes neck.

Name 3 Accessory structures of the muscle?

- Sesamoid bone

- Synovial tendon sheets

- Synovial bursae facia

M. gastrocnemius ( from M. triceps surae) - Name its heads only in dog?

- Caput mediale

- Caput laterale

Name the marked muscle and its antagonist?

- M. Biceps femoris


- M. Quadriceps femoris

- M. sartorius

- M. tensor faciae latae

- M. iliopsoas

joint between the os coxae and sacrum?

Art. sacriliaca

Triceps brachi bellys?

- Caput longum,

- Caput laterale,

- caput mediale,

-Caput accessorium (only in dog).

Name openings at diaphragm muscles?


- Diaphram= muscutenainous plate responsible for inspiration.

- Muscular part of it surrounds centrum tendineum.

- Openings: (aorta with celiac artery= in) aortic hiatus, ( esophages in) Esophageal hiatus and (caudal vena cava) on caval foramen.

- Name 1 e.g. of Art. Plana

- Name 1 e.g. of Ginglymus

- Art. plana: Art. sacroiloaca

- Ginglymus: elbow joint

which muscles form rectus vaginalis?

mm. Recti abdominis.

Name the main components of symphysis intervertebralis?

- Nucleus pulposus

- Anulus fibrosus

- Discus intervertebralis.

which ligaments are included in the femorotibial joint?

- Ligg. cruciate agenus

- Ligg. collaterale mediale/ laterale

Art. meniscus (lateralis et. medialis).

name 2 short ligaments of the vertebral column?

- Ligg. Flava

- Ligg. interspinalia

the biggest head of the quadriceps femoris muscle?

M. Vastus lateralis

Which layer do the capsula articularis consist of? Underline which one forms ligaments

- Stratum fibrosum ( forms ligaments)

- Stratum synoviale

Which type of joint represents sutura? give example of this type of joint?

- Fibrous joint

- e.g. satura sagittalis

Name two long ligaments of the vertebral column?

- Lig nuchae

- lig. longitudinale dorsale et. ventrale,

- Lig. supraspinale

name 2 muscles according to its shape?

- M. longissimus

- M. trapezius

- M. longus colli

- M. longus capitis.

What forms linea alba?

Aponeurose fusion of the straight abdominal muscles separates left & right rectus abdomins muscles.

Name the marked muscle?

M. triceps brachii, Caput mediale

knee and elbow joint in latin?

- Knee: Art. genus - art femarotibialis et art femorpatellaris

- Elbow: art cubiti

Name 2 joints of the vertebrae and ribs?

Art. costovertebrales:

-art. capitis costae

- art. costotransversaria

Name the elastic structure that connects to the marked structure on the bone. name the attachment cranially?

- lig. interspinalia ( on processus spinosus)

- lig. nuchae - pars funisulus nuchae

name parts of the nuchal ligament?

funiculus nuchae

laminae nuchae

structure formed in caudal part of internal abdominal oblique muscle?

- cranial wall of the deep inguinal ring

( annulus inguinalis profundus)

what makes up a synovial joint?

- Articular surfaces

- Articular cartilage

- Articular cavity

M. Brachiocephalicus - Name its parts?

- pars cervicalis

- pars mastoidea

from M. cleidocephalicus, brachrocephalic muscle divides into m. cleidocephalicus and m. cleidobrachialis.

Name the marked muscle (M. obliquus abdominis externus) does this play any role in formation of inguinal canal?

yes, also M. rectus abdominis

Name in latin the ligament extending between the os sacrum and the os coxae in large animals?

Lig. sacrotuberale latum

name 2 types of art. cartila gineae (cartilaginous joint)

- Synchondrosis

- symphysis

M. ptergoideus medialis - Which functional group of the head muscles does it belong to?

Muscles of mastication

Name the flexors of the thoracic limb?

- M. flexor carpi radialis

- M. flexor carpi ulnaris

1) caput humerale

2) caput ulnare

- M. flexor digitorum superficialis

- M flexor digitorum profundus

1) caput humerale

2) caput radiale (on the bone)

3) caput ulnare

List the 3 most important satures of the skull?

1) satura coronalis

- frontal - parietal bones

2) satura saggittalis

- left - right parietal bones

3)satura lambdoidea

- parietal - occipital bone

-NB... Where does lig. longitudinale ventrale go?

8th thoracic- sacrum

(ventral surface of vertebral bodies)

Which group of joints according to uniting tissues represent gomphosis? give example?

Fibrous joints - bones are united by dense connective tissues, e.g. alveolus dentalis

2 types of ligaments?

-intracapsular ligaments

- extracapsular ligaments

name the joints of art. cubiti?

- art. humeroulnaris

- art. humeroradialis

how is the bones formed in sutura squamosa?

- overlapping of contiguous bones (like tiles on a roof)

- between parietal an temporal bones.

name the expiratory muscles?

- M. serratus dorsalis

- mm. intercostales interni

- M. transversus thoracis

what are the elements of the synovial joints?

- articular surface

- articular cartilage

- articular cavity

Name the functional groups of the head muscles?

- mimetic muscles

- muscles of mastication

- other striated muscles related to the digestive system ( striated muscles)

name at least 2 types of bursae synoviales?

- bursa synovialis submuscularis

- bursa synovialis subfascialis

- bursa synovialis subtendinea

name in latin the fibrocartilagineous rim extending the cavity forming the shoulder joint?

lambrum glenoidale

name the passive part of the muscle and its less mobile attachment? ( and moveable attachment)

Tendon = passive part

origin = less mobile attachment

(insertion = moveable attachment)

name in latin the space between the adjacent bones of the joint surrounded by the joint capsule? which layer of capsule forms villi and folds?

cavium articulares

synovial layer

name the layer of connective tissue that

A) ensheats a muscle fiber,

B) ensheats the entire muscle,

C) ensheats a fascicle of muscle fibers

A) Endomysium

B) Epimysium

C) perimysium

name the parts of art. femorotibialis?

meniscus lateralis

meniscus medialis

Ligg. cruciata genus

lig. collatirale (femorotibiale) laterale

lig. collaterale (femorotibiale) mediale

list the different types of extracapsular ligaments?

collateral ligaments

dorsal and palmar/ plantar lig.

annular ligaments

what is aponeuroses?

a flat broad tendon, usually associated with flat muscles.


- name the 2 parts of M. cleidocephalicus (from m. brachiocephalicus)

- pars cervicalis

-pars mastoidea

what muscle does M. cleidocephalicus belong to?

- what parts does it devide into?

- M. brachiocephalicus

1) m. cleidocephalicus

2) m. cleidobrachialis

- M. Cleidocephalicus pars cervicalis

- M. cleidocephalicus pars mastoidea


- which type of joint represents sutura? give e.g. of this type of joint?

Fibrous joint


- satura saggitalis

- satura cornalis

- satura lambdoidea


- name one e.g. of art. plana and one e.g. of ginglymus?

- art plana = art. sacroiliaca

- ginglymus = elbow joint

a form of cartilaginous joint in which union between 2 bones is effected by fibrocartilage without a synovial membrane?



-symphysis pelvina

- symphysis intervertebralis

name the 2 joints of the stifle joint?

- art. femorotibialis

- art. femoropatellaris

intracapsular ligaments?

- lig. capitis ossis femoris

- ligg. cruciata genus

name muscles that are named after their shape?

- M. longissimus

-M. trapezius

Name the muscles that draw the neck laterally?

- M. splenius

- M. brachiocephalicus

list the compoents of Art. femoropatellaris?

lig. patellae

retinaculum patellae mediale

retinaculum patellae laterale

name the bellies of M. Digastricus?

- venter rostralis

- venter caudalis

anterior belly

posterior belly

fibrous layer is composed of?

- white fibrous tissue

containing yellow elastic fibers.

what is the function of tunica flava abdominis?

extensive sheet of elastic tissue that supports the abdomen

where does lig. capitis costae intraarticulare go?

Crista capitis costae - dorsal surface of two vertebras and intervertebral discs.


species walk on their tiptoes, often on hooves

e.g. deer and horses....

what is the function of M. depressor labii inferioris?

pulls lower lip down...

where does lig. Nauchae go?

axis (car)/ occipital bone (eq, bo) - lig. supraspinale.

what is syndesmosis?

- Bones are joined by dense CT forming an interosseous membrane or ligament

- permits slight movement


-the attachment of the hyoid apparatus to the temporal bone.

what is an agonist muscle?

the muscle directly responsible for producing the desired action..

Art. genis? (location)

stifle joint

where does lig. capitis costae radiatum go?

ventral surface of the head of the rib--

bodies of two adjacent vertebras

what is the function of M. levator nasolabialis and M. Caninus.

raises upper lip and dilates nostrils

name the 3 most important joint of art. tarsi?

-Art. talocalcaneocentralis

- Art. talocalcanea

- Art. calcaneoquartalis

how many bones meet in a simple joint?

how many bones meet in a compose joint?

1) 2 bones

2) more than 2 bones

extracapsular ligaments-

on what aspect of a joint do you find the collateral ligaments?

lie on medial and lateral aspects of the joints


species that place their foot including podials and metapodials on the ground

e.g. humans, bears...

function of M. masseter?

large lateral muscle of mastication

how are the bones united in sutura serrata?

by irregular interlocking processes

( saw like) - sutra interfrontalis

what is the function of M. zygomaticus?

draws back the angle of the mouth

a form of articulation in which the bones are rigidly fused by cartilage is?


name to parts of lig nuchae?

funiculus nuchae

laminae nuchae

give 2 e.g. of accessory structures of muscles?

- synovial tendon sheets

-synovial bursae

- fascia

-seasamoid bones

name at least 2 types of bursae synovialis?

- bursa synovalis submuscularis,

- " " subtendinea,

- " " subfacialis,

- " " subcutanea.

name the joint between articular processes?

Artt. processum articularium

name the inspiratory muscles?

- mm. scaleni

- m. serratus dorsalis

- mm. intercostales externa

- m. rectus thoracis


name the divisions of M. semispinalis?

- M. semispinalis thoracis

- M. semispinalis cervicis

- M. semispinalis capitis

- M. Biventer cervicis (car)

- M. complexus (car)

Name 2 parts of art. intermandibularis?

- synchondrosis intermandibularis (smaller part)

- Satura intermandibularis ( larger part)

Name in latin the fibrocartilagenous rim extending the cavity forming the shoulder joint?

Labrum glenoidale

latin name of costovertebral joint

art. capitis costae

articulations synovialis can be divided into 2 groups?

- Articulatio simplex

- Articulatio composita

name the 2 parts/ heads of m. gastrocnemius?

- caput mediale

- caput laterale

where do you find the annular ligaments on the joints?

- annular lig. surround the joint

5 considerations that decide name of muscles?

- action

- shape

- position

- direction

- sturcture

on what aspect do you find the dorsal and palmar ligaments?

in front of and behind the joint...

function of M. pterygoideus lateralis and M. pterygoideus medialis?

L: smallest muscle of mastication

M: large medial muscle of mastication.

which type of joint represents sutura?

- Fibrous joints

e.g. sutura segittalis

which layer of capsula articularis consist of?

underline the one which forms ligaments

1) - synovial layer

- fibrous layer ( underline)

2) fibrous layer - may be thickened in certain areas to form extracapsular ligaments.

what is the function of diaphragm?

- Breathing

- Inspiratory

Where does lig. costotransversarium go?

Between neck of ribs and transverse processes

Name the joint having the discus articularis?

- temporomandibular joint

what is synovial layer?

-Vascular CT extending from the edges of the articular cartilages of the adjacent bone.

- does not cover the articular surfaces

-secrets the synovial fluid

name the antagonist of M. biceps brachii?

M. triceps brachii

name 2 short ligaments of the vertebral column?

ligg. flava

ligg. interspinalia

list 2 parts of intervertebral disc?

(no answer)


species that walk with most of the length of their digits, but not the soles of their feet, in contact with the ground

e.g. dogs and raccoons

function of sternocephalicus?

flex head and neck...

intracapsular ligaments are found where?

within the joints and are surrounded by the synovial membrane

What is the m. erector spinae?

- M. semispinalis et. M. spinalis (fused in dog)

- M. longissimus

- M. ilocostalis

name in latin of the ungular joints?

art. interphalangeae distalis manus

distal interphalangeal joints

what is schindylesis?

a thin plate of one bone is recived into a cleft in another

what is vagina musculi recti abdominis?

formed by aponeuroses of abdominal muscles as they course to linea alba

what are the classification of joints?

- Articulationes fibrosae

- Articulationes cartilaginea

- articulationes synovialis

list the different parts of diaphragm?

1) pars lumbalis

- crus dextrum

- crus sinistrum

2) pars costalis

3) pars sternalis

4) centrum tendineum

Where are extracapsular ligaments found?

external to the joint capsule

function of M. temporalis? and M. digastious?

- raises mandible in order to close the mouth

- opens mouth

the joint capsule of synovial joints consists of?

- synovial layer

- fibrous layer

gomphosis is the attachment of ? e.g.?

of a tooth to the bone of its socket

(alveolus dentalis)

What is linea alba?

- Fibrous structure formed by the fusion of the aponeuroses of the abdominal muscles.

- seperates left and right M. rectus abdominis

what group can fibrous joints be devided into?

(articulationes fibrosae)

- syndesmosis



articulations cartilage divides into two groups?



The bones meet at an essentially right angled edge or surfaces. What suture is this?

Sutura Plana
eg. sutura internalis

What is sutura?

A fibrous joint between the bones of the skull

What is the function of m. levator labii superioris?

Raise upper lip

Latin name of elbow joint?

Art. Cubiti
Consists of 2 joints:
Art. composita

Does fibrous joints have cavity?

No cavity.

Bones are united by dense CT

Name the main groups of sutures in the skull.

Sutura serrata

sutura squamosa

Sutura foliata

Sutura plana


Where does lig. longitudinale dorsale go?

Dens axis --> sacrum
(inside the vertebral canal)

What is a "antagonist" muscle?

A muscle the acts in opposition to specific movement generated by the "agonist" and is responsible for returning a limb to its initial position

Function of m.buccinator.

Muscle of the cheek.

Which muscles for the tendo calcaneus communis

m. triceps surae

m. flexor digitorum superficialis

m. biceps femoris (calcaneal branch)

m. semitendosis (calcaneal branch)

What type of joint is the art. atlantoaxialis

Art. Trochoidea

Give one example of Art. Plana and one example of Art. Speroidea

Art. Sacroiliaca

Art. Spheroidea:

- Art. Coxae

- Art. Humeri

Name in Latin the ligament extending between os sacrum and os coxae in large animals

Lig. Sacrotuberale Latum

M. Rectus femoris
Name the bigger muscular unit compassing the muscle

M. Quadriceps femoris

Write a short definition of Physiological cross-sectional area?

Total area of the cross-sections perpendicular to the muscle fibres

Name the intracapsular ligaments of the art.femorotibialis

Ligg. cruciata genus

What does Lig. intercapitale do

Connects the head of the same segment (part of lig. capitis costae intraarticulare)

What is the function of m. orbicularis oris and m. orbicularis oculi?

Sphincter of mouth

Sphincter of eyelids

Name the muscles belonging to tendo calcaneus communis

-M. Triceps Surae

-M. Fleoxor Digitorum superficialis

-M. Biceps Femoris

-M. Semitendinosis

Where does lig. longitudinal ventral go?

8th thoracic --> sacrum (ventral surface of the vertebral bodies)

Name the ligament which reinforces the costovertebral joint

Lig. Intercapitale

Give a short definition of the deep ingual ring?

Name the muscular structure forming the ring.

Area caudal to the last muscle fibres of m.obliquus internus abdominis, ;ateral to m.rectus abdominis

The deep inguinal ring is formed by the caudal border of the internal oblique abdominal muscle and the lateral border of the straight abdominal muscle craniomedially

Give one example of Ginglymus and one example of art. ellipsoidea

-Elbow joint

-Atlanto-occipital joint

Name in latin the space between the adjacent bones of the joint surrounded by the joint capsule? Which layer of this capsule forms the villi and folds?

Synovial joints

- Cavum articulare

- Synovial layer may contain folds and villi

Name the intracapsular ligament of the art. coxae

lig. capitis ossis femoris

Name in latin the ligament extending between the os sucrum and os coxe in dog?

Lig. saccrotuberale

What 2 types of joints does art. intermandibularis have/consist of?

-Synchondrosis (smallest) intermandibularus

-Sutura intermandibularis (larger part)

Name the main components of symphysis intervertebralis?

Nucleus pulposus

Anulus fibrosus

Discus intervertebralis

Name the 2 parts of m. digastricus?

Anterior belly

Posterior belly

Name the two membranes strengthening the atlanto-occipital joint

Ventral atlantooccipital membrane

Dorsal atlantooccipital membrane

List the two main types of the " Articulationes cartilaginea"

- synchondrosis

- symphysis (united by cartiliage)

which group of joints represents schindylesis?

e.g. ?

- Articulationes fibrosae

- Sutura

articulation of the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone with the vomer.

joints are formed when?

two or more bones are united by:

- fibrous, elastic or cartilaginous tissue

Give examples of art. ellipsoidea

Atlanto - occipital joint

name the passive part of the muscle and its less mobile attachment?

passive part = Tendon

less mobile attachment = origin

moveable attachment = insertion

name the 2 joints of the stifle joint (art. genus)

- femorotibial joint (art. femorotibialis)

- femoropatellar joint (art. femoropatellaris)

where do you find meniscus articularis?

found in the femorotiabial joint

which group of joints according to uniting tissue represents gomphosis?

fibrous joints (articulationes fibrosae)

e.g. alveolus dentalis

Name the muscle located over the ribs, filling the intercostal spaces?



- mm. intercostales externi

- inspiration

- mm. intercostales interni