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311 Cards in this Set

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Increase Echo Time; what is the affect on SNR?


Increase Signal Averages; what is the affect on SNR?


Increase in Receiver Bandwidth; what is the affect on SNR?


What is TR’s effect on resolution?

No effect

TR time to completely eliminate T1contrast?

More than 3 sec

Front (Term)

Evolution of phase for moving protons

Front (Term)

Evolution of phase for stationary protons

Front (Term)

Back (Definition)

Larmor Equation


Increase Amplitude(stronger RF)

Has what effect on transverse energy?


Increase TE has what effect on T2 contrast


Increase TE has what effect on SNR?


If contrast increases what happens to SNR


An increase SNR has what effect on spatial resolution?

Decrease resolution

Increasing FOV has what effect on SNR and spatial resolution?

Increase in SNR; decrease in Spatial Resolution

Increase in FOV increases what artifact?

Ringing artifact

How does an increase in phase effect scan time?


Small FOV makes anatomy larger or smaller?

Larger; acts like a zoom

Rectangular FOV has what effect on spatial resolution?

None; no effect

Increasing Rectangular FOV increases what?

Amount of anatomy imaged; SNR; scan time

Increasing FOV does what to pixel size?

Increases it

What effect does increasing pixel size have?

Increased pixel size increases amount of signals per pixel

What effect does increasing pixel size have?

Increased pixel size increases amount of signals per pixel

Increased pixel size increases amount of signals per pixel which has what effect on SNR and spatial resolution?

Increasing SNR; decreasing spatial resolution

What kind of projection is this?


What kind of projection is this?

proton density

T1 images are most sensitive to what age group? (Peds)

Less than 1

T1 images are most sensitive to what age group? (Peds)

Less than 1

T2 weighted images are most sensitive to what age group? (Peds)

Ages 1 and 2

In a 2 year old white matter will be?


Which of the dephasing mechanisms is NOT rephased by a 180 pulse?

Spin-spin interactions

Which of the dephasing mechanisms is NOT rephased by a 180 pulse?

Spin-spin interactions

Gyromagnetic Ratio


Larmor equation


After a 90 pulse if three 180 pulses are applied to generate 3 echoes, what is responsible for the 3rd echo being smaller?

Spin spin interactions

Long T2 relax time=

Bright signal

Long T2 relax time=

Bright signal

Short T1 relax time=

Bright signal

On a T2 of the brain is white matter or gray matter darker?

White(longer TE)

Front (Term)

Conventional Spin Echo

Front (Term)

Fast Spin Echo

Front (Term)

Dual contrast Spin Echo

Front (Term)

Inversion Recovery

Front (Term)

Gradient Echo

Front (Term)

Spoiled Gradient Echo- can use RF or gradient to reduce residual magnetization that was in transverse plane.

Front (Term)

Steady state gradient echo- adds an extra gradient to balance phase.

Front (Term)

EPI (Echo Planar Imaging)

Front (Term)

left Coronary Artery

How to reduce susceptibility artifacts? (4)

1. Use multi shot EPI instead of single shot

2. Shim

3. Thin slices

4. Short TE

2D scan time

TR x Signal Avg x lines in matrix/echoes per TR


Posterior cerebral artery


Internal carotid artery


Anterior cerebral artery


Middle cerebral artery


Basilar artery


Pons and cerebellar artery


Vertebral artery


Middle cerebral artery


Circle of Willis


Anterior cerebral artery


Internal carotid artery


Posterior cerebral artery


Basilar artery


Cerebellar artery


Posterior communicating artery


Anterior cerebral artery


Posterior cerebral artery


Basilar artery


Middle cerebral artery


Internal carotid


Rt vertebral artery


Rt common carotid artery


Rt subclavian artery


Brachiocephalic artery


Aortic arch

A, B & C

A) external carotid art.

B) internal carotid art.

C) common carotid art.

A, B, C & D

A) aortic riot

B) rt coronary artery

C) lt circumflex artery

D) lt ventricle

A, B, C

A) superior messenteric art

B) renal

C) abdominal aorta

A, B, C, & D

A) abdominal aorta

B) rt renal art


D) rt common iliac art

A, B, C & D

A) popliteal

B) anterior tibial art

C)peroneal art

D) posterior tibial art

Front (Term)

A) rt ventricle

B) liver

C) lung

D) papillary muscle

E) lt ventricle

A, B, C, D, E

A) rt ventricle

B) tricuspid valve

C) rt atrium

D) inferior vena cava

E) azygous vein

F, G, H, I, J

F) left ventricle

G) ventricular septum

H) left atrium

I) coronary sinus

J) descending aorta


A) lung

B) rt ventricle

C) left atrium

D) mitral valve

E) left ventricle

A, B, C

A) lateral ventricle

B) fornix

C) third ventricle


D) pituitary gland

E) peduncle

F)corpus callosum

G, H, I

G) thalamus

H) tentorium

I) quadrigeminal plate

J, K, L

J) cerebellum

K) fourth ventricle

L) pons

A, B, C

A) sagittal sinus

B) corpus callosum

C) lateral ventricle

D, E, F

D) fornix

E) pons

F) spinal cord

G, H, I

G) falx cerebri

H) caudate nucleus

I) septum pellucidum

J, K, L

J) aqueduct

K) amygdala

L) hippocampus

A, B, C

A) frontal sinus

B) caudate nucleus

C) internal capsule

D, E, F

D) corpus callosum

E) anterior horn of lateral ventricle

F) falx cerebri

G, H, I, J

G) lateral ventricle(anterior horn)

H) putamen

I) thalamus

J) superior sagittal sinus

A, B, C

A) frontal sinus

B) caudate nucleus

C) internal capsule

D, E, F

D) corpus callosum

E) posterior horn of lateral ventricle

F) falx cerebri

G, H, I, J

G) lateral ventricle(anterior horn)

H) putamen

I) thalamus

J) superior sagittal sinus

Where is medulla oblongata?


A, B, C, D

A) common hepatic

B) gallbladder

C) common bile duct

D) pancreatic duct

A, B, C

A) articular tubercle

B) articular disk

C) lateral pterygoid muscle

A, B, C, D

A) clavicle

B) supraspinatus muscle

C) labrum

D) glenoid

E, F, G, H

E) subscapularis muscle

F) acromion

G) humerus

H) deltoid muscle

A, B, C, D, E

A) deltoid

B) scapula

C) humerus

D) deltoid

E) teres minor muscle

A, B, C, D, E

A) bicep muscle

B) brachialis muscle

C) humerus

D) tricep muscle

E) tricep tendon

A, B, C

A) carpi radialis brevis and longus muscles

B) supinator muscle

C) bicep tendon

D, E, F

D) radius

E) carpi ulnaris muscle

F) ulna

Fast Spin Echo

Initial 90 RF followed by 180 RF to rephase. Many echoes collected during a single TR.

How are echoes in a FSE placed in the raw data?

Not sequential order. Ordered to achieve greatest contrast.

Conventional spin echo

90 RF W/ 180 to phase. 1 echo to raw data per TR.

Conventional spin echo

90 RF W/ 180 to phase. 1 echo to raw data per TR.

Dual Contrast Spin Echo

Allows you to acquire additional echo @ second TE time.

Echo train divided into T2 & PD

Dual contrast fast Spin echo

Same as DCSE but needs twice as many echoes.


T1 relaxation through null point = no signal


Very long TI (2000 ms)

TR of 6-9 sec

USED IN conjunction with FSE


Very long TI (2000 ms)

TR of 6-9 sec

USED IN conjunction with FSE

What is FLAIR good for?



Echoes in the center of the raw data contribute more....

Contrast info

Echoes in the center of the raw data contribute more....

Contrast info

Echoes in the periphery of the raw data contribute more

Resolution info

Ways to reduced susceptibility artifacts


Thin slices

Short TE

Volumetric coil

Surrounds anatomy being imaged.

Volumetric coil

Surrounds anatomy being imaged.

Sum of magnetic effects of all protons exposed to the magnetic field

Net magnetization

Phenomenon of protons constantly gaining and shedding energy

Energy state transition

Equation states resonant frequency of a population of a specific nucleus not only depends on the main magnetic strength but also on a mathematical constant that is unique to each nucleus.

Larmor frequency

Mathematical constant in larmor equation

Gyro magnetic ratio

RF transmitted to pt to tilt net mag of protons as they relax, MR signal is generated

Precessional frequency

Phenomenon permits efficient transfer of energy from one object to another


Angle between starting position of net magnetization and resultant position after RF application

RF Flip Angle

RF flip angle is determined by

1) amplitude

2) duration

Signal decay that occurs as a result of the dephasing of the transverse magnetization

Free Induction Decay

The rate at which an event repeats itself


Whether certain events are synchronized with each other


Transfer of energy only occurs if the frequency of the transmitting system is equal to the receiving system

Principle of resonance

The broader the range of frequencies the _____ the slice


An increase in transmitter bandwidth has what effect on slice thickness


Higher gradient amplitude = _____ slice


Data file that contains each collected echo. Represents a mathematical domain

Raw data

Data file that contains each collected echo. Represents a mathematical domain

Raw data

Mathematical domain that contains collected echoes


Mathematical calculation applied to the raw data

Fourier transform

Mathematical calculation applied to the raw data

Fourier transform

Breaks down all frequency and phase components and converts it in to anatomical data

Fourier transform

TR is equal to ____ in the matrix

Phase lines

MR Console does what 4 tasks?

1. Pulse sequence parameters

2. Starts scans

3. Post processing

4. Filming images

MR Console does what 4 tasks?

1. Pulse sequence parameters

2. Starts scans

3. Post processing

4. Filming images

Translates commands into the systems language

Host computer

Responsible for the timing and correct performance of each system component once the sequence has been started

Pulse sequence controller

Dictates when and how much gradient power is needed.

Pulse sequence controller

Dictates when RF must be transmitted & for what duration of time.

Pulse sequence controller

Sends signal to RF power amp which is converted to analog signal

Pulse sequence controller

Detects tiny currents

RF Antannae

Greatly increases the echoes

Pre amplifier

Samples the analog signal

Sample and hold component

Filters the amplified and digitized echoes


Filters the amplified and digitized echoes


Fourier calculates the echoes from raw data file into an image in which component

Array processor

If a charged particle is moved a distance along a path, a magnetic field will be generated perpendicular to the direction of the particles motion

Basic law of electromagnetism

Coils of wire through which a current passes


Polarity of the magnet is determined by

The direction of the current flow in the coil

The process by which magnetic field inhomogeneities are greatly reduced


Where is the x gradient located?

Sides of the cylinder

Where is the y gradient located

Top and bottom

Where is the y gradient located

Top and bottom

Where is gradient z located

Ends of the cylinder

Percent of time gradient is applied at a specific amplitude

Duty cycle

Percent of time gradient is applied at a specific amplitude

Duty cycle

Combines gradient rise time and amplitude into a single parameter

Slew rate

Increased gradient amps =

1. Thinner slices

2. Smaller FOV

3. Shorter TE

4. Shorter scan time

5. More slices

Any magnetic change occurring near a neighboring conductive material will cause a voltage to be induced across the neighbor as well

Faradays Law

Range of frequencies sampled within the MR signal

Receiver bandwidth

Receiver bandwidth affects what?

SNR and severity of chemical shift

Process by which electronic parameters within the coil are varied so that the coils transmitting and receiving abilities are matched to size and shape of anatomy in the coil


4 types of coil geometry

1. Volumetric coils

2. Surface coils

3. Array coils

4. Quadrature coils

Keeps RF inside magnet room and unwanted radio signals from entering the room

Faraday or RF shielding

Series of RF and gradient pulses used to disturb and manipulate net magnetization orientation and spatially encode info from echoes

Pulse sequence

Charts time at which the RF energy is transmitted and received and the time and duration of each gradient pulse

Pulse sequence timing diagram

Requires high gradient amps and slew rates


Requires high gradient amps and slew rates


Precision of a measurement with respect to time

Temporal resolution

4 key influences on parameters

1. SNR

2. Contrast

3. Spatial resolution

4. Scan time

Increase TR does what to scan time?


Based primarily on concentration of hydrogen protons within the tissue


Increased flip angle without exceeding 90 does what to SNR


Larger the flip angle does what to T1 contrast


Flip angle which produces the best SNR for a given TR and tissue type

Ernst angle

Results from Fourier transform processing several mm of varying tissue contrast and displaying it as a single shade of gray

Partial volume effect

Increasing slice thickness does what to SNR


Increasing gaps between slices will...

1. Decrease crosstalk

2. Increase anatomical coverage of the scan

3. Increases risk of missing important anatomy

Increasing phase encoding steps will

1. Decrease SNR

2. Increase spatial resolution

3. Increase scan time

Increasing phase encoding steps will

1. Decrease SNR

2. Increase spatial resolution

3. Increase scan time

Increasing frequency steps will

1. Decrease SNR

2. Increase SNR

3. Have no effect on time

Increasing signal averages will

1. Increase SNR

2. Increase scan time

3. Decrease motion artifacts

Increasing receiver bandwidth

Decreases SNR

Decreases chemical shift

Does not affect scan time

2 disadvantages of SAT bands

1. Increased SAR to pt

2. Reduction in the max number of slices

Echoes are only collected during certain selected periods of the physiological cycle.


A particular event during the physiological cycle commences the collection of echoes which then continues through the entire TR


Decreasing slice select gradient amplitude will have what effect on slice thickness

Increased slice thickness

Single picture element defined by intersection of frequency steps and phase steps


FOV divided by Matrix


3 fat suppression techniques

1. Fat Suppressed Inversion Recovery

2. Spectrally Selective Fat suppressed inversion recovery

3. Spectral Fat Saturation

Scan time reduction technique that maintains full square FOV

Parallel imaging

Enables manipulation of contrast to certain tissues

Magnetization transfer contrast

What interactions cause exchange of magnetization in some tissues?


TR must be ____ when you add a SAT band


Blood flow that has a parabolic flow profile

Laminar flow

Blood flow that has a parabolic flow profile

Laminar flow

Velocity of protons in center of vessel is greater than at the vessel walls

Laminar flow

What kind of blood flow is usually distal to bifurcation and stenosis

Turbulent flow

Fairly slow blood flow; doesn’t vary much


Fairly slow blood flow; doesn’t vary much


Very rapid and pulsatile


Inflowing protons are relaxed

Magnitude effect

Flowing protons accumulate phase

Phase effects of flow

Flow of vessel is mismapped in the phase direction giving the appearance of a dark vessel

Signal void

Phenomenon responsible for delineating blood from stationary tissue

Inflow enhancement

Multiple RFs knock out signal from stationary protons but the inflowing protons have not been influenced by RF meaning they haven’t been saturated

Time of Flight MRA

Multiple RFs knock out signal from stationary protons but the inflowing protons have not been influenced by RF meaning they haven’t been saturated

Time of Flight MRA

Pulse sequence used for Time of Flight MRA


Algorithm used to project brightest pixels onto a plane to generate an image of the region of interest

Maximum Intensity Projection

Algorithm used to project brightest pixels onto a plane to generate an image of the region of interest

Maximum Intensity Projection

When do we use a 2D TOF MRA

Flow is slower; need to cover larger area

When is 3D TOF MRA used

Fast flow, tortuous vessels where fine resolution is required and when limited distance coverage will suffice

Requires selection of separate, smaller volumes to ensure blood generates substantial amount of signal

3D multivolume TOF MRA

Used when blood is too slow to traverse entire volume before becoming saturated

3D multivolume TOF MRA

Used when blood is too slow to traverse entire volume before becoming saturated

3D multivolume TOF MRA

Lines seen in projection images at intersection of small volumes

Venetian blind artifact

Dependent upon phase shift in echo induced by flowing blood as it moves through equal and opposite gradients

Phase contrast MRA

Greater velocity of blood flow =

_____ phase shift


In a Phase Contrast MRA which has brighter signal? Slower or faster velocity flow

Faster; greater velocity= greater phase shift

In a phase contrast MRA what are the larger gradient amps responsible for encoding?

Slow flow

Refers to amp of gradients and specifies flow velocity which will generate max signal intensity

Velocity encoding value

High velocity PCA


2 advantages of PCA

1. Good visualization of Sm vessels, slow flow, multidirectional flow.

2.does not have saturation problems. Requires fewer slices than 3D TOF

Disadvantages of PCA

1. Increases scan time

2. Increased sensitivity to motion artifact

Contrast enhanced Angio advantages

1. Superb contrast btwn vessels and background tissue

2. Ability to collect slices in single breath hold

3. True depiction of the vessel lumen

3 types of functional MRI

1. DWI

2. Perfusion

3. fMRI

3 types of functional MRI

1. DWI

2. Perfusion

3. fMRI

Assesses cellular metabolism, maps white matter fibers, depicts reduction in molecular motion as result of tissue damage


Damaged tissue has a ___ diffusion coefficient


Composite diffusion image with diffusion sensitivity in all 3 orthogonal directions


Dependent on amps, duration and spacing of diffusion gradients


If b-factor is 0...

Diffusion gradients are off; Conventional T2 image

B-factor range


Refers to vascular transport phase


Concerned with microvasculature; flow at capillary level

Perfusion imaging

Important for assessment of tissue viability and function

Perfusion imaging

Which pulse sequence is generally used with perfusion imaging?


What do we evaluate with perfusion imaging?

Dementia, stroke risk, vascular alterations due to tumors. Can compare contralateral sides of the brain

Perfusion relies on what kind of relaxation?


Direct observation of activated brain regions without contrast


What is BOLD

Blood Oxygen Level Dependent

What is BOLD

Blood Oxygen Level Dependent

Imaging that relates to brain activation induced charges in local blood local blood oxygenation level.


What is BOLD

Blood Oxygen Level Dependent

Imaging that relates to brain activation induced charges in local blood local blood oxygenation level.


Deoxyhemoglobin increases or decreases signal on T2*


fMRI uses what pulse sequence


Routinely used for preop eval if patients with tumors, AVM or epilepsy.


Allows us to identify and quantify Individual components in an unfamiliar sample


Fourier Transform of FID And it is a graph of signal intensity vs frequency


Generates a metabolite map over an anatomical image

Multi voxel study/ chemical shift image

Indicates synthesis of cell membrane


Indicates synthesis of cell membrane


Energy metabolism of the the cell


Nitrogen donor to several metabolic pathways


Nitrogen donor to several metabolic pathways


Main neurotransmitter



Alcohol;acts as a messenger of hormonal signals

Product of anaerobic glycolysis


2 prep steps to spectroscopy

1. Water suppression

2. Shim

Acid found in CSF

N-acetyl aspartic acid

Applied to medical wrong doing; failure to do something a reasonable person would


Applied to medical wrong doing; failure to do something a reasonable person would


Breach or failure to fulfill expected standard of care


Providers do all they can to benefit patient in each situation


Avg pulse rates

Adult 70-100

Child 95-110

Infant 100-180

BP ranges

Adults: 90-140/60-90

Child: 85-130/45-85

BP ranges

Adults: 90-140/60-90

Child: 85-130/45-85

Repiratory rates

Adult: 12/20

Child: 15/30

Infant: 25/50

Avg temps


Abrupt heating and expansion of cyrogen as it changes from liquid to gas


3 ways contrast is classified


2. Organ specific

3. Blood pool agents

Heart stimulation


Can assess perfusion in areas of ischemia; show extent of tumor neovascularity

Blood pool agents

Force exerted on ferromagnetic objects depends on:

1. Strength of magnetic field

2. Composition of object

3. Mass of object

Claustrophobia rate









> 60

2 types of GAD Based Contrasts

1. Macrocyclic- lower retention

2. Linear

SAR should not exceed

4w/kg over 15 min or increase core body temp 1 degree Celsius

Limited to levels without painful nerve stimulation

Time varying magnetic fields

Stimulation level for painful peripheral nerve stimulation


Stimulation level for respiratory stimulation


What type of contrast does a steady state GRE produce?

T2* only

What type of contrast does a steady state GRE produce?

T2* only

What type of contrast do spoileD GRE produce?

T1 and T2*

What kind of contrast is produced with a fast GRE?

T1 and true T2

Increase echo train does what to time


Increase echo train does what to time


Increase echo train does what to SNR


Increase echo train does what to resolution


Increase echo train has what effect on time


To reduce chemical shift what do you do to receiver bandwidth

Increase it

Definition of spectrally selective as it relates to fat suppression, is the magnetization of protons by its range of:

Resonant frequencies

What type of contrast can spectral fat saturation produce?

T1, T2 & PD

Final result of perfusion study

Calculated maps which indicate several flow related characteristics

Final result of perfusion study

Calculated maps which indicate several flow related characteristics