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73 Cards in this Set

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If the thickness of an intensifying screen's phosphor layer is decreased, what effect will there be on the screen's intensification factor?
If there is a decrease in film-screen contact, what effect will there be on the film-screen system's resolution?
If the intensifying screen phosphor size is decreased, what effect will there be on the screen's resolution?
If kVp is increased, what effect will there be on the speed on an intensifying screen?
If the intensifying screen phosphor size is decreased, what effect will there be on the screen's speed?
If the thickness of an intensifying screen's phosphor layer is decreased, what effect will there be on the screen's resolution?
If the thickness of an intensifying screen's phosphor layer is increased, what effect will there be on the screen's speed?
If there is an increase in the light-absorbing dye in the active layer of an intensifying screen, what will there be on the screen's speed?
Fig. 7-16 on pg 257 for # 82-89.
Which film has the largest silver halide crystals?
Which film demonstrates the least number of gray tones?
Which film allows for the greasted reduction on patient dose?
Which film will image the smallest detatils?
Which film is the least sensitive to x-rays and light?
Which film has the lowest number of sensitivity specks?
Which film demonstrates the narrowest range of OD numbers?
Which film has the narrowest latitude?
If the angle on the anode is decreased, what effect is there on recorded detail?
If mAs is increased by four times, what effect is there on radiographic contrast?
If SID is increased, what is the effect on density?
If OID is decreased, what is the effect on recorded detail?
If the developer temperature is decreased, what happens to radiographic density?
If kVp is increased, what happens to radiographic contrast?
If there is a decrease on film-screen system speed, what happens to recorded detail?
In a conversion from nongrid to a 12:1 grid, what happens to radiographic contrast?
If SID is decreased from 60 inches to 30 inches, what happens to magnification?
If kVp is decreased, what happens to recorded detail?
No appreciable effect
If the film is moved from tabletop to Bucky, what happens to recorded detail?
If there is a decrease in source-to-object distance, what happens to recoreded detail?
If there is an increase in film immersion time, what happens to recorded detail?
No appreciable effect
If there is an increase in filtration, what happens to contrast?
If collimation is severely tightened, what happens to radiographic density?
If a cylinder cone is added, what effect is there on radiographic contrast?
If the focal spot is changed from large to small, what happens to radiographic density?
No appreciable effect
What occurs when an incident electron interacts with the force field of an atomic nucleus?
What occurs when an incident photon interacts with an outer-shell electron, producing a scatter photon and a recoil electron?
Compton interaction
What occurs when an incident electron dislodges a K-shell electron?
Characteristic radiation
What processor system clouds immersion time?
Transport sytem
What processor sytem replaces expended developer and fixer?
Replenishment system
What "seasons" fresh developer solution?
Starter solution
What processor system filters reaction particles from the developer?
Recirculation system
The carpal bones are arranged in two rows as follows:
Proximal row( scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, pisiform) and distal( trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate)
The prominent point of the elbow is called the:
Olecranon, part of the ulna
Imaging of what pathologic condition would require radiography of the cervical spine?
Jefferson's fracture
Imaging of what pathologic condition would require radiography of the hand?
Boxer's fracture
Imaging of what pathologic condition would require radiography of the distal forearm?
Colles' fracture
Imaging of what pathologic condition would require radiography of the feet?
Talipes( Clubfoot)
Imaging of what pathologic condition would require radiography of the entire spine?
Ankylosing spondylitis
Fig 7-17 on pg 260 # 122-127 (Hand).
The structure designated as I is the:
Distal interphalangeal joint
The structure designated as II is the:
Metacarpophalangeal joint
The structure designated as III is the:
The structure designated as IV is the:
The structure designated as V is the:
The structure designated as VI is the:
Fig 7-18 on pg 261 # 128-132 (Elbow).
The structre designated as I is the:
Radial head
The structure designated as II is the:
Coronoid fossa
The structure designated as III is the:
Lateral epicondyle
The structure designated as IV is the:
The structure designated as V is the:
Medial epicondyle
Fig. 7-19 on pg 261 # 133-137

The structure designated as I is the:
The structure designated as II is the:
The structure designated as III is the:
Spinous process
The structure designated as IV is the:
Superior articular process
The sturcture designated as V is the:
Inferior articular process
Fig 7-20 on pg 262 # 138-141
The structure designated as I is the:
The structure designated as II is the:
Lateral condyle
The structure designated as III is the:
Intercondylar eminence
The structure designated as IV is the:
Medial condyle
Fig 7-21 on pg 262 # 142-147

The structure designated as I is the:
Axillary border
The strucutre designated as II is the:
The structure designated as III is the:
Vertebral border
The structure designated as IV is the:
Scapular notch
The structure designated as V is the:
Glenoid fossa
The structure designated as VI is the:
Coracoid process