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74 Cards in this Set

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1.It referes to the preferred way an individual process information.A.Learning/Thingking StylesB.Mode of thinkingC.Problem Solving

A-Learning/Thinking Styles

2.He is the one that breaks down Visual Learners into visual-iconic and visuao symbolicA. Ri CordeB. Ri ChardeC. Ri Charge

B- RI Charde

3.Learners are more interested in visual imagery such as film,graphic displays or picture in order to solidify learning.A. Visual-iconicB. Visual symbolicC. Visual Learners

A- Visual Iconic

4.Learners feel comfortable with abstract symbolism such as mathematical formulae or the written wordA. Visual-iconicB. Visual symbolicC. Visual Learners

B- Visual-Iconic

5.They learn best through verbal lectures.discussion,talking things through and listening to what others have to say.A. Visual-iconicB. Visual symbolicC. Auditory Learners

C- Auditory Learners

6.This is one of the type of Auditory Learners,this learners most likely do well in school.A. ListenersB.TalkerC. Auditory Learners


7.The ability to "see" things in one's mind in planning to create a product or solve a problem.A.Picture SmartB. Word SmartC.Body Smart

A- Picture Smart

8.This intelligence is always valued in the traditional classroom and in traditional assessment of intelligence and achievement.A.Picture SmartB. Word SmartC.Body Smart

B- Word Smart

9. Also highly valued in the traditional classroom where students are asked to adapt to logically sequence delivery of instructions.A.Picture SmartB. Number Smart/ Logic SmartC.Body Smart

B- Number Smart / Logic Smart

10. This intelligence is the domain of "overly active" learners. It promotes understanding through concrete experience.A.Picture SmartB. Number Smart/ Logic SmartC.Body Smart

C.Body Smart

11. This intelligence seeks connections to real word understanding and application of new learning.A.Picture SmartB. Number Smart/ Logic SmartC.Spirit Smart

C.Spirit Smart

12. Learning through patterns comma rhythms and music. This includes not only auditory learning but also the identification of patterns through all of the senses.A.Musical SmartB. Number Smart/ Logic SmartC.Spirit Smart

A.Musical Smart

13. This is a decidedly effective component of learning through which students place value and what they learn and take ownership of their learning.A.Musical SmartB. Self SmartC.Spirit Smart

B. Self Smart

14. This intelligence promotes collaboration and working cooperatively with others.A.People SmartB. Self SmartC.Spirit Smart

A-People Smart

15. Learning through classification , categories and hierarchies. It is not simply the study of the nature it can be used in all areas of study.A.People SmartB. Self SmartC.Nature Smart

C- Nature Smart

16. They may think in pictures and learn best from visual aids including: diagrams, illustrated text books, overhead transparencies ,videos,flipcarts and hand-outs .A.Vusual Learners B. Kinesthetic LearnersC. Auditory Learners

A- Visual Learners

17. They can attend aurally to details, translate the spoken word easily into the written word, and are not easily distracted in their listening ability.A.Vusual Learners B. Kinesthetic LearnersC. Auditory Learners

C- Auditory Learners

18.They may not benefit so much from the discussion or the written materials,and may become distracted by their need for activity and exploration.A.Vusual Learners B. Kinesthetic LearnersC. Auditory Learners

B. Kinesthetic Learners

19. He was the first american psychologist to work with Pavlov's ideas. He considered the humans are born with a few reflexes and the emotional reaction of love and rage.A. John WatsonB. Ivan PavlovC.Edward Thorndike

A. John Watson

20. A measurable impairment or limitation that interferes with the person's ability refer to a physical , sensory or mental condition.A.DisabilityB. HandicapC. Autism

A- Disability

21. IDEA is the law that provides comprehensive service and support for exceptional learners.


22. As future teachers , it is necessary to have both the right and formation and proper attitude in dealing with special learners.


23. Visual impairments refers to the presence of two or more different types of disability , at times at a profound level.


24. Autism is a condition manifested by different levels of impaired social interaction and communication ,


25. Mental retardation refers to significant sub average intelligence and deficits in adaptive behavior.


26. In emotional/conduct disorder does not involve the presence of emotional states like depression and aggression over a considerable amount of time.


27. ADHD stand for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.


28. The learning disabilities in reading is called this called dyslexia.


29. The learning disabilities in writing is called dyscalculia.


30. Hearing impairments involves malfunction of that year or auditory nerves that hinders perception sounds within the frequency range of normal speech.


31. Giftedness involves a significantly higher level of cognitive development.


32. Putting the person first ,not the disability.


33. Using people first language and applying the guidelines will remind you to have more respectful and accepting attitude towards learners with exceptionalities.


34. Use a variety of review and reflection strategies to bring closure to learning.


35. Do not use descriptive feedback rather than simple praises.


36. It states that a connection between stimulus and response is strengthened with the consequence is positive and the connection between the stimulus and response is weakened when the consequence is negative.

Law of effect

37. This tell us that the more an S-R (Stimulus response) bond I'd practice the stronger it will become "Practice makes Perfect" seem to be associated with this.

Law of Exercise

38. This states that the more the less the learner has to respond to the stimulus , the stronger will be the bond between them.

Law of Readiness

39. That dog could learn to discriminate between similar bells (stimuli) and discern which bell would result in the presentation of food and which would not.


40. In the findings of Pavlov's, once the dog has learned to salivate at the sound of the bell , it will salivate another similar sounds.

Stimulus Generalization

41. Once the dog has been conditioned to associate the value of food , another and conditions de milios , such as a line may be flush at the same time that the bell is rung.

Higher-Order Conditioning

42. The response can be "recovered" after an a elapse time but it will soon extinguished if the dog is not presented with a foodh again.

Spontaneous Recovery

43. If you stop pairing the belle with a food comma salivation eventually cease in response to the bell.


44. He coined the term apparent conditioning it means roughly changing of behavior by the use of reinforcement which is given after the desired response

B.F Skinner

45. It is anything that threatens the desired response, it can be positive or negative.


46. The response from the environment that neither increase or decrease the probability of a behavior being repeated.

Neutral Operants

47. Is any stimulus that is given or added to increase the response.

Positive Reinforcement

48. It is any stimulus that result and the increased frequency of a response when it is withdrawn or removed.

Negative Reinforcement

49. It is the response from the environment that decreased the likelihood of the behavior being repeated.


50. He is a russian psychologist , is well known for his work in classical conditioning or stimulus substitution.

Ivan Pavlov

51. Students ________is enhanced by diversity.

Self Awareness

52. Student diversity contributes to _______ Development.


53. Aside from _______ diversity , identify patterns of unity that transcend group differences.


54. __________high expectations to students from all subgroups.


55. Very the examples you use to________ concepts in order to provide multiple context that are relevant to students from diverse background.


56._________ your methods of assessing and evaluating student learning.


57. Your _______is usually described as a personality dimension which influences your attitudes ,values and social interactions.


58. There are several perspectives about learning thinking styles . We should focus on____ ______ and the global analytic continuum.

Sensory Preference

59. Learning/thinking styles refer to the preferred way an individual processes information. They describe a person typical mood of thinking , remembering or______ _____.

Problem solving

60. Visual learners must see their teacher's ______and facial expression to fully understand the content of a lesson.


61. RI Charde farther breakdowns visual learners into visual iconic and visual____.


62. Visual-iconic usually have good "______", a.k.a iconic imagery and attend to pictorial detail.

Picture Memory

63. Auditory learners fall into two categories the listeners and ______.


64. Tactile/Kinesthetic learners tend to prefer "__________"measuring the use of psychomotor skills.

Learning by doing

65. Analytic thinkers tend to ward the linear , step by step processes of learning or_________.

Successive Processor

66.Verbal67. Sequential68. Visual69. Punctual70. Impulsive71. Less Punctual72. Plans ahead73. Response to logic74. Recalls people's face75. Random76. Recalls People's name77. Responds to tone of voice78. Speaks with few gestures79. Process information library80. Responds to emotion

66. LB

67. LB

68. RB

69. LB

70. RB

71. RB

72. LB

73. LB

74. RB

75. RB

76. LB

77. RB


79. LB

80. RB

1-3 factors that bring about student diversity

1.Socioeconomic Status

2. Thinking/Learning Styles

3. Exceptionalities

4-5Two types of visual learners

4. Visual Iconic

5. Visual-Symbolic

6-7 two categories of auditory learners

6. Listeners

7. Talkers

8-10 the three primary laws

8.Law of effect

9. Law of Exercise

10. Law of Readiness

11-13 three types of response according to skinner.

11.Neutral Operants

12. Reinforces

13. Punishers

14-15 two types of sensory impairments

14. Visual impairments

15. Hearing Impairments

16-17 give two exceptionalities disability in specific and metaphor academic difficulties

16. Learning Disabilities

17. Speech and Communication Disorder

18-20 Give three types of difficulties in social emotional and behavioral difficulties.

18. Autism

19. Mental Retardation

20. Emotional/Conduct Disorder