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190 Cards in this Set

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The first step in treatment of a right ventricular MI
volume expansion with 1L NS. If that doesn't work then use an ionotrop such as dobutamine.
Classic Triad of RF infarct
clear lungs
increased CVP
(R-sided EKG will show ST segment in V4)
At what stage does mitral stenosis require mitral valve replacement?
When regurg is moderate to severe
Name the valvular disorder: prominant a-wave in JVP, parasternal impulse, ejection click, systolic thrill, early systolic murmur that increases with respiration and RVH and RAD seen on EKG
pulmonic valve stenosis
Treatment of a pregnant patient with heart failure: can you give an ACE and a beta blocker?
NO ACEi or ARB but ok to give beta blocker. Monitor fetus for hypoglycemia and bradycardia
Primary treatment of a left atrial myxoma
surgical removal
Anticoagulation strategy in a patient with thrombotic microangiopathy associated with APLS?
heparin followed by warfarin
Diagnosis of APS
At least one type of antibiody (anticardiolipin or lupus anticoagulant) and at least one clinical feature (venous or arterial thrombosis, recurrent fetal loss, thrombocytopenia)
Treatment of an acute gout attack in a patient who cannot take NSAIDs or oral steroids
intra articular injection
Side effect of colchicine in renal failure patients
bone marrow suppression
Is colchicine effective 24 hours after onset of symptoms?
Name the disease: asthma, allergic rhinitis and eosinophilia
Name the disease: + ANCA, anti-myeloperoxidase
Treatment of Churgh Strauss
high dose corticosteroids
Treatment of Churgh-Strauss that involves pulm, GI, CNS, renal or cardiac?
corticosteroids + cyclophosphamide
Management of patients with dermatomyositis when refractory to high dose steroids?
Pan-scan. Note they already should have had age-appropriate screenings because of the increased risk of malignancy in this population.
Side effect of TNF-alpha inhibitors
drug-induced lupus
Treatment of CNS lupus flare
corticosteroids + cyclophosphamide
Once remission is achieved with cyclophosphamide therapy, patients with lupus nephritis can be safely switched to...
mycophenolate or azithiprine. Alt: decrease frequency of cyclophosphamide
Treatment of early rheumatoid arthritis (2 possible drugs)
sulfasalazine or hydroxychloroquin
Which drugs should you avoid in management of RA when the patient drinks or has elevated LFTs?
Methotrexate or leflunomide cannot be used
What disease do you suspect in someone who has skin hyperpigmentation and OA of joints not typically seen in OA
Treatment of sclerodermal renal crisis
Using corticosteroids to treat systemic sclerosis increases the risk of
renal crisis
Treatment of psoriatic arthritis
methotrexate (treats both bone and cutaneous involvement)
Mixed Connective Tissue Disease is characterized by features of (4)
systemic sclerosis (skin thickening, sclerodactaly, digital pitting, lung fibrosis), myositis (serositis, prox mm weakness), SLE (raynaud, glomerulonephritis) and RA (arthritis and arthralgias).
Name the disease: antiribonucleaprotein antibody
mixed connective tissue disease
Hematologic/renal Side effect of cyclosporine and tacrolimus
microangiopathic hemalytic anemia and acute kidney injury
Side effect of TMP-SMX
bone marrow suppression
Drug for relapsed and refractory MM whose side effect is peripheral neuropathy
Name the disease:
personal and family history of bleeding
prolonged bleeding time
slightly long aPTT
low factor VIII level
von wIllibrand
subtype of MDS with elevated platelets and anemia
5Q- syndrome
Treatment of choice for 5q- syndrome
Patients with iron deficiency anemia that is severe and no proximal small bowel (usually secondary to surgery) require...
IV iron supplementation
Name four scenarios in which you can see erythrocytosis and elevated erythropoeitin levels
exogenous (i.e. renal cell cA)
pulmonary disease
cardiac disease
high oxygen affinity Hgb
In polycythemia vera, erythropoeitin levels are usually (high, normal or low)?
Decrease the risk of stroke in sickle cell patients with
monthly erythrocyte transfusion
name the disease: menorrhagia, epistaxis, easy bruising, marked thrombocytosis, abnl plt aggregation studies
Classic Triad and Pentad of TTP
Renal Failure
Elevated temperature
Neurological symptoms
Anemia, hemolytic
Low platelets
Tx ot TTP
plasma exchange
Treatment of pure red cell aplasia due to parvovirus B19
erythrocyte transfusion + IVIG
how much does one bag of apheresis platelets increase the platelet count?
Anticoagulation used to prevent fetal loss in pregnant patients with APLS?
heparin (preferably LMWH)
Name the disease: a progressively prolonged PT/INR and aPTT (with INR proportionately more prolonged) with a normal thrombin time in a malnourished patient who has recieved antibiotics recently
vitamin K deficiency
Can you give hydroxyurea in pregnancy?
Name the disease:
low retic count
hypoplastic bone marrow
aplastic anemia
Management of MM
autologous stem cell transplant
thalidamide + dexamethasone
Treatment of MRSA cellulitis & bacteremia in a patient allergic to vanc
Treatment against a mild diabetic foot ulcer should be directed at
only aerobic gram positive cocci such as staph and strept. No need to cover for anerobes or aerobic gram negative bacilli
A patient with a diabetic food ulcer that goes to the bone requires
a bone biopsy - UNLESS the wound culture is growing MRSA, then you treat for MRSA osteo
Treatment of a brain abscess secondary to dental infection
PCN G and metonidazole
Bet imaging modality in a patient with a suspected osteo
skin and soft tissue infection in a post surgical patient post implantable device that has a chronic purulent drainage and lack of common orgs on basic cultures/lack of response to typical antibiotics and purple nodules should be worked up for
mycobacterium abscesses (RGM)
fungal infection in immunocompromised host + slender mycelia with acute angle branching that is non aspirgillus suspect
psuedallescheria or scedosporium
treatment of psuedallescheria or scedosporium
vori or posi
name the disease: widenened mediastinum, box car shaped gram positive bacilli
treatment of inh anthrax
doxy or fluorquinolone + (any of the following): PCN, erythromycin, vanc, rifampin, or clinda
CMV infections occur approximately __ months after transplant in a patient without appropriate prophylaxis
Treatment of kaposi's sarcoma
HAART, regardless of CD4 count
treatment of listeria monocytogenes
PCN or ampicillen + aminoglycoside
treatment of pulmonary aspirgillosis in an immunocompromised patient
What might you suspect in someone with unusual susceptibility to neisserial infections
classic and alternative lectin pathways of the complement system maybe disordered
Name the disease: absence of gram negative diplococci and a thin mucoid discharge from the penis
non gonococcal erethritis
Treatment of nongonoccoal urethritis
(alt doxy)
diagnosis of histo
histo urinary antigen
where does histo come from?
bird or bat droppings
what to suspect in a person with multiple episodes of PNA who is otherwise healthy whose CXR shows micronodular interstitial pattern and an exposure history
hypersensitiveity pneumonitis
Treatment of "hot tub lung"
what do you suspect in a patient being treated for a parasite such as lyme who is not responding to appropriate treatment?
They might have a dual or triple infection
Name the diease: nephropathy in a kidney tranplant patient, decoy cells (intranuclear inclusions)
BK virus polyomavirus
Effective and convenient drug for home care in a patient with deep soft tissue infection is:
Treatment of acyclovir-resistant HSV
Drugs (3) that can increase cyclosporine levels
Name the toxic drug:
decreased kidney function
nausea, vomitting
how do you confirm diagnosis of herpes encephalitis
Treatment of a human bite wound to the hand
diagnosis of vCJD
tonsillar biopsy
the most common cancers in transplant patients
squamous cell carcinoma (and others of the skin)
Name the disease: erythematous excoriated papules along clothing lines, occ with central punctum and history of outdoor activity
chigger bites
preferred method of biopsy for diagnosis of lentigo maligna
a broad shallow shave biopsy
what do you do when someone has urticarial plaques that remain in a fixed position for longer than 24 hours and burn?
biopsy them as this could be indicative of urticarial vasculitis
Name the disease: intercellular IgG, Nikolsky sign, autoantibody to desmoglein 3 or 1, acantholytic cells
pemphigus vulgaris
Which types of patients are more susceptible to disseminated cutaneous herpes virus infection?
Patients with atopic dermatitis
Name the disease: dryness of the eyes, conjunctuval scarring (trichiasis symbepharon) requires diagnosis by conjunctuval biopsy
ocular cicatricial pemphigoid
Name the disease; a patient with an underlying systemic illness such as IBD, gets a big ulcer after trauma
pyoderma gangrenosum
treatment of pyoderma gangrenosum
systemic corticosteroids
treatment of menstrual related migraines
mefenamic acid
how do you diagnos cerebral venous sinus thrombosis?
name the disease: proximal mm weakness, dry eyes, dry mouth, constipation, ED, absent deep tendon reflexes in a patient with small cell lung CA
lambert eaton myasthenic syndrome
diagnosis of lambert eaton myasthenic syndrome
EMG testing and autoantibodies to P/Q-type calcium channels
what do you do with patients who have trigeminal neuralgia at age < 40
treatment of myasthenic crisis
plasma exchange
name the disease: rapidly progressive extremity weakness, parasthesias and areflexia
What is the BP threshold for IV tPA?
Name the disease: a neurogenerative disorder that causes impairment of multiple neurolgic systems including ANS (orthostatics, ED constipation), extrapyramidal (rigidity, impaired gait) and cerebellum (limb ataxia)
multiple system atrophy
what do you do for a patient who remains unresponsive but NOT twitching after resolution of an obvious seizure
EEG monitoring to make sure they aren't having silent siezure activity
what is a potential side effect of prochlorperazine
acute dystonic reaction
treatment of an acute dystonic reaction
benztropine or benadryl or biperdin
name the disease: acute unilateral HA associated with hornor syndrome
carotid dissection
treatment of acute carotid dissection
IV heparin
what do you do when you have a patient with thunderclap headache with a normal CT?
How long to people require therapy when they have juvenile myoclonic epilepsy?
treatment of fatigue in MS
treatment of migraine during pregnancy
siezures that present in adulthood are usually
siezures where you don't lose conciousness
side effect of metoclopramide
drug-induced parkinsonianism
imaging modality of choice for suspected brain mets
gad-enhanced MRI
how do you treat primary progressive MS?
there is no treatment
a headache that is like cluster headache but shorter in duration is called
paroxysmal hemicrania
treatment of paroxysmal hemicrania
treatment of otitis media in adults
acceptible colon ca screening alternatives
FOBT annually
flex sig q5 with FOBT q3
double contrast barium enema q5
treatment of chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome
alpha blockers such as terazosin
nbame the disease: bilaterally painful red eyes, pain is deep and boring, wakens from sleep, assocaited with photophobia, tearing, may have underlying connective tissue disease, cannot see white under the engorged blood vessels
frequent or constant pulsatile tinnitus requires
an ENT eval and CT angio or MRA. IT could be an AV fistula, AV malformation, arterial aneurism, tumor or atherosclerotic disease
name the disease: tinnitus, sensorineural hearing loss, episodic vertigo
name the disease: pain along the joint line, pop or snap when flexed hip and knee, abduction, externally rotate foot and passively extend knee, severe pain and swelling, pain worse with stairs
meniscal tear
First step in treatment in an elderly person with multifactorial dizziness
what type of mattress can reduce the incidence of pressure ulcers
specialized foam mattresses or overlays
patients who present with acute vertigo who have risk factors for stroke should undergo
name the disease: acute onset of painless visual loss and cha cherry red spot near the fovea
central retinal artery occlusion
a healthy young person with anemia and LFTs noted incidentally could indicate
celiac disease
what might weight loss drugs contain?
endogenous thyroid hormone
Clinical markers that should prompt surgery in an asympomatic patient with severe MR
L ventircular enlargement or dysfunction
PA pressures >50 or exercise induced elevated PA pressures
best treatment options for stage II and III rectal ca (in general)
surgery PLUS adjuvant chemo
RR/TV, should be <105
when a patient is already on metformin and sulfonurea (glimepiride) who won't take insulin the next best agent to add is
actos (pioglitazone)
what is the only potential cure for localized pancreatic CA?
what is a complication of longstanding antibiotic therapy for acne?
gram negative folliculitis
treatment of gram negative folliculitis
How does CAD in heart transplant patient present?
atypically - CHF, decr ET, syncope or just MIO
A brain MRI shows demyelination after the first ever event in a patient, what is his chance of developing MS?
name the disease: an inherited musculoskeletal disorder characterized by hypermetabolic state precipitated by exposure to inhaled anesthetics (halothane) or depolarizing mm relaxants (succinylcholine or decamethorium)
malignant hyperthermia
how do you distinguish malignant hyperthermia from NMS?
NMS usually has an exposure history to haldol. MH gets a mixed acidosis.
How is respiratory bronchiolitis ILD different from ILD?
smoking history
how do you treat fundic and body gland polyps?
they confer no cancer risk so you can leave them there and they usually regress with h. pylori tx
the most common infection associated with erythema multiforme is
About 1/3rd of patients with abdominal pain with SLE have
mesenteric vasculitis
Hypercalcemia associated with sarvoidosis is treated with
Treatment of non-hodgkin B cell lymphoma
R-CHOP and involved field radiation
Which nephropathy may occur secondary to malignancy and is associated with renal vein thrombosis?
membranous nephropathy
what is the most common cause of hypercalcemia in the outpatient setting?
to diagnosis osteonecrosis or avascular necrosis of the femoral head
get an MRI
which patients are at risk for fulminant hepatic failure secondary to hep E?
pregnant patients and those with chronic advanced liver disease (usually also have a history of travel to underdeveloped countries)
treatment of recurrent pericarditis
if a heart failure patient is unable to tolerate an ACE inhibitor what is a suitable alternative?
hydralazine and nitrate
The best way to diagnosis a TB pleural effusion is by
pleural biopsy
TB effusions are usually (exudative vs transudative)
how do you calculate an exudative fluid?
pleural fluid protein/serum protein >0.5 OR pleural fluid LDH >0.67 the upper limit of normal of serum LDH
treatment of chronic refractory ITP (not responsive to prednisone, IBIG and ritux)
thrombopoein receptor agonist
treatment of choice for humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy is
IV zolendronate & aggressive IV hydration
name the disease associated with anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase
LADA (late onset autoimmune diabetes of adulthood)
TSH goal in a pregnant patient
1.5x normal
what drug might someone be surreptitiously or inadvertnetly taking when C-peptide and insulin levels are both high
Management of an unruptured intracranial aneurism that is <7mm
annual MRI or CTA
hearing loss and tinnitus that is unilateral suspect
acoustic neuroma
what is a pituitary mass that mimics and adenoma, presents later in pregnancy and is associated with adrenocorticotropic hormone deficiency?
lymphocytic hypophysitis
how does pituitary tumor apoplexy present?
severe HA, stiff neck, decr mental status
what can you do to study pulmonary noduels 1-2cm in diameter
transthoracic needle aspiration
name the disease: mild lifelong asymptomatic hypercalcemia in multiple family members and an inadequately normal PTH
benign familiar hypocalciuric hypercalcemia
how do you diagnosis benign familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia?
urine calcium to Cr clearance ratio
name the disease: localized itchiing on the back without evidence of lesions
neuropathic pruritis (notalgia paresthetica). can also occur on the arms. Usually occurs near the scapula
name the disease: inflammatory arhtritis that manifests within two months of an episode of bacterial gastroenteritis, nongonoccal urethritis, cervitis, or conjunctuvitis
reactive arthritis
what do you do when a patient presents with stage II HTN?
initiate treatment immediately
what do you do with incidental discovery of white matter changes on an MRI of an sympomatic patient?
treatment of acute PE
SQ unfractionate heparin or SQ LMWH or fondaparinox
name the disease: young woman with progressive daily HA assoc with pulsatile tinnitus and transient visual obscurans and increased opening pressure
idiopathic intracranial HTN
treatment of idiopathic intracranial HTN
evaluation of a new onset seizure
at what BMI are patients elegible for bariatric surgery?
BMI>40 or >35 with comorbidities
definition of persistant asthma
symptoms 2 days/week or 2 nights/month
treatment of persistent asthma
inhaled corticosteroid and PRN albuterol
if an acute angle glaucoma patient cannot tolerate timolol because of asthma flares, what in the world do you do?
ask their ophthamologist to change them to oph ggts with prostaglandin instead
what can decrease the risk of calcium oxalate stone formation?
high calcium diet
initial treatment of pemphigus vulgaris
prednisone, initially
Treatment of persistant H. pylori gastritis (after appropriate treatment with PPI and triple antibiotics therapy) is
bismuth subsalicylate, metronidazole and tetracycline
antibiotic resistence with H Pylori is frequently seen with
GI side effect of TMP
drug-induced liver injury characterized by a cholestatic pattern (elevated alk phos)
when do you start doing colonoscopopies and how often in patients with UC?
after 8 years of the diagnosis and then you scope them every 1-2 years
how do you diagnos gastrinoma?
gastrin levels
what is the next step in a patient with a high pre-test probability of GERD who failed to respond to PPI
ambulatory esophgeal pH monitoring
what test should you do in someone with a new diagnosis of MALT lymphoma
H. pylori
what disease has transmural inflmmation that can extend to muscles and cause abscesses?
in patients whose crohn's disease becomes refractory to immunomodulator therapy, give
anti-TNF alpha therapy such as infliximab
name the disease: GERd symptoms, barium esophagography shows a segmented "corkscrew" appearance and manometry shows simultaneous contractions in >20% of swallows
diffuse esophageal spasm
treatment of diffuse esophageal spasm
name a late complicatino of bariactric surgery that presents with diarreha, bloating, features of malabsorption
small intestine bacteria overgrowth
treatment of a <5mm kidney stone located distally in the absence of pyria
analgesics and hydration
lithium-induced nephrotoxicity may manifest as