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95 Cards in this Set

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1. Hair services that cause a chemical change that permanently alters the natural wave pattern of the hair is called:

b) chemical texture services

2. A strong, compact cuticle makes for:

c) resistant hair

3. Porous, damaged, or chemically treated hair requires a perm solution that is:

d) less alkaline

4. Changing the natural wave pattern of the hair is made possible by the breaking of the:

a) side bonds

5. Of the three types of side bonds, disulfide bonds are the:

b) strongest

6. Salt bonds are easily broken by:

c) changes in pH

7. An example of a physical change is a:

d) wet set

8. Hydrogen bonds are very weak, but they account for about __ of the hairs total strength.

b) 1/3

9. By making a point of keeping accurate, up-to-date client records, you will:

c) improve your technical skills

10. The most important factors to consider in a hair analysis for chemical texture services are texture, density, porosity, elasticity, and:

d) growth direction

11. Hair texture is described with the terms:

b) coarse, medium, and fine

12. When treated with chemical texture services, coarse hair is usually:

c) harder to penetrate

13. The hair texture that is the most fragile and easiest to process with permanent waving solution is:

a) fine hair

14. The single most important factor in determining the ability of hair to hold a curl is its:

b) elasticity

15. Wet hair with normal elasticity can stretch up to __ percent of its original length and then return to that length without breaking.

a) 50

16. The first part of any perm, wrapping the hair on perm rods, causes a/an:

d) physical change

17. The second part of any perm, the application of waving solution and neutralizer, causes a:

b) chemical change

18. The major difference between a wet set and a perm is the:

d) type of side bonds broken

19. The size of the perm tool determines the:

c) size of the curl

20. Wrapping the hair on small tools increases the:

a) tension

21. For perm wrapping, the hair is divided into panels, then into:

d) base sections

22. The position of the tool in relation to its base section is called:

a) base control

23. Base control is determined by the angle:

d) at which the hair is wrapped

24. The hair is wrapped at an angle 45 degrees beyond perpendicular to its base section in:

b) on-base placement

25. In off-base placement, the hair is wrapped __ to its base section.

c) 45 degrees below perpendicular

26. Because it places additional stress and tension on the hair, caution should be used with:

d) on-base placement

27. Of the various base controls, the least amount of volume is created by using:

a) off-base placement

28. The angle at which the perm tools positioned on the head is referred to as the:

d) base direction

29. The wrapping technique in which the hair is wrapped from the ends to the scalp in overlapping layers is called:

b) croquignole wrapping

30. In the spiral perm wrapping technique, the hair is wrapped:

c) at an angle other than perpendicular

31. Rods with a smaller circumference in the center than at the ends are called:

d) concave rods

32. Rods with the same circumference along their entire length or curling area are called:

a) straight rods

33. The distinguishing feature of soft bender rods is that they can be:

c) bent into many shapes

34. Circle tools or loop rods are ideal for:

d) spiral wrapping very long hair

35. End wraps are absorbent papers used when winding hair on perm tools to:

a) control the hair ends

36. When you place one end paper over the top of the hair strand as you wrap it around the perm tool, it is called a:

b) single flat wrap

37. When you fold one end paper in half over the hair ends like an envelope, it is called a:

a) bookend wrap

38. The end paper technique that provides the most control over the hair ends and keeps them evenly distributed is the:

d) double flat wrap

39. Permanent waving solution breaks the disulfide bonds in the cortex through a chemical reaction called:

c) reduction

40. In permanent waving solutions, thiol compounds act as:

a) reducing agents

41. Ammonium thioglycolate is produced by adding __ to thioglycolic acid.

d) ammonia

42. Alkaline waves are also called:

c) cold waves

43. Most true acid waves:

d) require heat to speed processing

44. Most of the acid waves in today's salons have a pH between:

b) 7.8 and 8.2

45. Permanent waves that require heat from an outside source, usually a hair dryer, are called:

c) endothermic

46. One benefit of ammonia-free waves is that they:

b) have no unpleasant ammonia odour

47. In permanent waving, most of the processing takes place as soon as the solution penetrates the hair, within the first:

a) 5 to 10 minutes

48. Complete saturation of the hair is essential to proper processing in all permanent waves, but especially on:

d) resistant hair

49. a properly processed permanent wave should break and rebuild about __ percent of the hair's disulfide bonds.

a) 50

50. If the hair is underprocessed:

d) too few disulfide bonds are broken

51. Neutralizer performs two functions, deactivating any remaining waving solution in the hair and:

a) rebuilding broken disulfide bonds

52. The chemical reaction involved in neutralizing is:

c) oxidation

53. Perm solution should be rinsed from the hair for at least:

d) five minutes

54. Perm solution should be rinsed from the hair before neutralizing to avoid scalp irritation and:

b) lightening the hair colour

55. After rinsing perm solution from the hair, the next step is to:

c) blot the rods with towels

56. An optional step after blotting the hair and before applying neutralizer is to:

a) apply a pre-neutralizing conditioner

57. The hydrogen atoms in the broken disulfide bonds are so strongly attracted to the oxygen in the neutralizer that they release their bond with the:

a) sulfur atoms

58. Unless the scalp is irritated, hair that has just been permed may be coloured with:

b) demipermanent haircolour

59. It is safe to perm hair that:

d) has been treated with thio relaxer

60. Metallic salts leave a coating on the hair that may cause severe discoloration, hair breakage, or:

a) uneven curls

61. To test for metallic salts in the hair, immerse at least 20 strands in a mixture of peroxide and:

d) ammonia

62. The basic perm wrap is also called a:

c) straight set wrap

63. The perm wrap that creates a movement that curves within sectioned-out panels is the:

d) curvature perm wrap

64. Zigzag partings are used to divide base areas in the perm wrapping technique called the:

c) weave technique

65. The double tool perm technique is also called the:

d) piggyback wrap

66. The spiral perm technique:

b) produces a uniform curl from scalp to ends

67. To determine the proper processing time needed for optimal curl development, you should do:

a) preliminary test curls

68. When giving a partial perm, you can make a smooth transition from a rolled to an unrolled section by using a __ as the last tool next to an unrolled section.

d) larger tool

69. The process of rearranging the basic structure of extremely curly hair into a straight form is called:

c) chemical hair relaxing

70. Chemical hair relaxing is very similar to:

b) permanent waving

71. All relaxers and permanents change the shape of the hair by:

d) breaking disulfide bonds

72. Most relaxers contain the same ingredients used in:

c) depilatories

73. Extremely curly hair:

b) has varying diameters

74. Extremely curly hair is weakest at the:

d) twists

75. Thio relaxers:

a) have a pH above 10

76. Each step in the pH scale represents a __ change in concentration.

d) tenfold

77. Hydroxide relaxers remove one atom of sulfur from a disulfide bond and convert it into a lanthionine bond in a process called:

c) lanthionization

78. The disulfide bonds that are broken by hydroxide relaxers:

a) can never be re-formed

79. The neutralization of hydroxide relaxers involves the use of:

b) acid-balanced shampoo

80. If you have treated a client's hair with a hydroxide relaxer, it cannot be treated with:

c) soft curl permanents

81. Metal hydroxide relaxers are ionic compounds formed by a metal combined with:

d) oxygen and hydrogen

82. Sodium hydroxide relaxers are commonly called:

b) lye relaxers

83. A chemical relaxer that straightens the hair completely but with much less scalp irritation than other hydroxide relaxers is:

a) guanidine hydroxide relaxer

84. Chemical relaxers marketed as mild alternative relaxers are:

d) sulfites

85. Mild strength relaxers are recommended for fine, damaged, or:

c) colour-treated hair

86. The application for a virgin relaxer begins:

a) 1/4" to 1/2" away from the scalp

87. Relaxer should be applied to the most resistant area first, which is usually the:

c) back of the head

88. Normalizing solutions are conditioners with an acidic pH that are used in a relaxing procedure:

a) prior to shampooing

89. To determine if the hair is sufficiently relaxed, do:

b) periodic strand testing

90. To neutralize hydroxide relaxer, shampoo the hair with an acid-balanced shampoo at least:

a) three times

91. A soft curl permanent:

b) makes existing curls larger

92. A Jheri curl or soft curl permanent is a combination of a thio relaxer and:

d) a thio permanent

93. In a soft curl permanent, the hair is first relaxed, then wrapped:

a) on horizontal base sections

94. When applying a hydroxide relaxer:

d) do not shampoo first

95. You should not attempt to remove more than __ of the natural curl with chemical relaxing.

b) 80%