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30 Cards in this Set

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454 pyrosequencing
DNA sample is broken into 100 bp ss segments; amplified by pcr; placed on fiber-optic plate. Pulses from the plate correspond to which nucleotide is being added.
reformation of DNA after heated denaturation
conversion of raw sequence data into a list of the genes present in the genome
basic local alignment search tool
blue-white selection
uses Xgal (cleave by B-galactosidase, generating blue product);

blue: no inserted DNA
white: DNA inserted
codon bias
relative proportions of different codons encoding the same amino acid; varies in different organism
dideoxy analog
has no 3' OH group; thus elongation terminates when analog is added
DNA fingerprinting
use of DNA technology to differentiation between very closely related organisms
restriction enzyme; used to cut DNA for genetic engineering
gel electrophoresis
technique for separation of nucleic acid molecules by passing an electric current through a gel made of agarose or polyacrylamide
gene fusion
a structure created by joining together segments of 2 separate genes, in particular when the regulatory region of one gene is joined to the coding region of another gene
genome assembly
ordering of the genome sequence
green flourescent protein; marker protein
base pairing of single strands of DNA or RNA from two different, related sources to give a hybrid double helix
knockout mutation
when cassettes are inserted, the original cells lose their original genes; point to essential genes
reporter gene; blue-white effect
modification enzymes
enqyme that chemically modifies bases within a restriction enzyme recognition site and thus prevents the site being cut
(typically methylation)
ORF (open reading frame)
encodes for a protein
*longer than 100 codons
*codon bias
strand of nucleic acid that a can be labeled and used to hybridize to a complementary molecule from a mixture of other nucleic acid
excellent cloning plasmid
*only 2, 686 bkp
*maintain high number of copies in cell
*easy isolation
*know bp sequence
Real time PCR
quantifies the rate of replication; the greater the rate, the more DNA was originally present
Sanger sequencing
adding dideoxynucleotides to DNA sequence; separated by electrophoresis and has marked nucleotide fragments
shotgun sequencing
random cloning followed by sequencing through overlapping (typically 7-10 replicate sequences per gene)
site-directed mutagenesis
technique whereby a gene w/ a specific mutation can be constructed in vitro
Southern Blot
DNA fragments in the gel are denature to yield single strands, transferred to a synthetic membrane; membrane is exposed to labeled probe (of DNA or RNA)
a self-replicatin DNA molecule that is used to carry cloned genes or other DNA segments for genetic engineering
proteins containing heme prosthetic groups; undergo oxidation/reduction through loss or gain of a single electron on the iron atom
center of cytochrome; consists of a porhyrin with iron in the center
made of four pyrrole rings
host protein that tightly binds iron tightly; restricts access to prokaryotes (who need it for e- transport chain)