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30 Cards in this Set

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How bacteria can movement?

By flagella

What is bacteria flagella component?

Filament , hook, basal body( work as engine to generate rotation)

What is characters of filament?

1- have longe ,rigid and helical strands of protein called flagellin.

2- filament anchored to cell membrane

2- filament attached to hook , which attached with basal body.

What is basal membrane?define and component

Collection of more than 20 different protein

Have center rod and rings( outer and inner rings)

What is different between basal body in gram positive and gram negative?

Gram +: have 1 pair of rings : one in cell membrane and other in cell wall.

Gram- : have 2 pair of rings:

One pair in cell membrane and other pair in cell wall

Classification bacteria according to number and placement of flagella?

Monotrichous: one flagella at one end.

Lophotrichous: two or more flagella at one end.

Amphitrichous: single or group of flagella at both end.

Peritrichouous: flagella in many location.

What is length of flagella?

Is flagella longer than cell length?

10mc - 20mc


How can see flagella ?

Can not seen by light microscope without stain.

Can seen by microscope with dark-field microscopy.

Bacteria flagella rotate?

Flagella rotate for 1500 rp/ minutes.

Flagella was rotate counterclockwise , that push bacteria move straight and in short burst called run , and there are other run called chemotaxis ( move forward chemical attractant )

What is characters of pili?

Short, thin hair made from protein called pilin

What is characters of pili?

Short, thin hair made from protein called pilin

What is different between flagella and pili?

Pili are shorter and straighter than flagella.

What is function of pili?

1-Attachment specific surface by specialized protein called adhesins found in the tip.

2- conjugation pili, transfer genetic material between bacteria cell.

Many bacteria are secret , what?

(——) of what () or() , if this layer ??????and function?

#Many bacteria are secrets adhering layer of polysaccharides or polysaccharides and protein called glycocalyx

*Layer was Thick and high tightly bound capsule

*Layer was thin and less tightly bound slim layer


#Glycocalyx work as barrier between cell and external environment.

#Have high H2O content to prevent cell dried and keep nutrient inside cell .

# contribute disease , because encapsulated layer prevent breakdown these bacteria by WBC during phagocytic

#slim layer have complex fiber of polysaccharide called dextran , where attached with bacteria surface.

Glycocalyx is key factor of (biofilms) , what is meaning?

It is micro-colonies of bacteria attached with many surface

medical instrument, body tissue and sewage system.

Glycocalyx is key factor of (biofilms) , what is meaning?

It is micro-colonies of bacteria attached with many surface

medical instrument, body tissue and sewage system.

What is function of cell wall?

Protect bacteria

Give his shape

Prevent destroy bacteria by internal peruser.

Live in hypertonic condition ( dissolved material inside cell> outside)

Without cell wall, bacteria will lysis.

Composition of cell wall?

Network of peptidoglycan( murine) have

Amino, NAG , NAM

What is 2 type of bacteria cell wall which differentiate by stain?

Gram+ ///gram -

Why gram positive bacteria retain crystal violet in gram staining?

Because 60-90% of cell wall is pepetidoglycan and have thick peptidoglycan 25nm

Also peptidoglycan contain teichoic acid ( anionic polysaccharides derivative) , which link peptidoglycan together .

Inclusion bodies ???


Why gram negative bacteria loss gram staining?

Because have thin peptidoglycan 3nm and no teichoic acid

Classification the two part of outer membrane?

Inner layer: phospholipids

Outer layer: lipopolysaccharide

What is other component of outer membrane?

LipidA: found in outer half of membran

Polysaccharide : attach with lipidA

Porins: form pores in outer membrane , to allow small molecule pass periplasmic region (between cell membrane and outer membrane) and fill this area with periplasm

Where is cell membrane located?

Between cytoplasm and external environment.

What is the function of cell membrane?

1- keep cytoplasmic material inside cell and other substance out of the cell.

2- take needed nutrient and get of waste

What is composition of cell membrane?

60% of cell wall are phospholipids ; have 2 parallel layer forming bilayer, selectively permeable membrane.

40% of cell wall are protein ; are located inside membrane.

Both of phospholipids and protein are??

Not cemented ( not stable) are move in the surface.

Mosaic fluid model

Cytoplasm is center for ??


Is center for growth and metabolisms

Sugar, ions, salt, nucleotide, amino acid,cytosol, vitamins which are dissolved in water and other structure.

What is ribosomes?

Have granular appearance, which made from DNA and protein , and synthesis 2 subunits (large/small) to form functional ribosome.