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39 Cards in this Set

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Obligate aerobes (stricly aerobic)

must have oxygen to grow (go dormant without oxygen)

- growth occurs only where high concentrations of oxygen have diffused into the medium


grow best at low oxygen levels (less than atmospheric)

- growth only occurs where a low concentration of oxygen has diffused into medium

Facultative anaerobes

use oxygen if present, but can also grow anaerobically (capable of growing at any oxygen level but greater growth with oxygen present)

- growth is best where most oxygen is present, but occurs throughout the tube

Aerotolerant anaerobes

never use oxygen, but not inhibited by it

- growth occurs evenly; oxygen has no effect

obligate anaerobes

grow only in absence of oxygen (inhibited by oxygen)

- growth occurs only where there is no oxygen

Minimum Growth Temperature

- lowest temp at which growth will occur (very slow growth)

- below the minimum, most microorganisms go dormant, but do not die

Optimum Growth Temperature

temp at which most rapid growth occurs

Maximum Growth Temperature

- highest temp at which growth occurs

- above this temp, enzymes are denatured and death might occur

Growth at Diff Temperatures

Growth parallels rate of enzyme activity

Psychrophiles (Cryophiles)

Cold-loving organisms

- have an optimum growth temp below 25 degree C

Mesophiles (meso=middle)

optimum of 25-40 degree C


heat-loving organisms

- have optimum of >40 degree C


growth range = 70-105 degree C

Optimum >90 degree C

Chemical Requirements for Microbial Growth

- carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, trace elements, oxygen, and organic growth factors

Binary Fission

- less complex than mitosis

- only one chromosome

Microbial Growth

- refers to number of cells, not the size of cells

- Microbes that are "growing" are increasing in number accumulating into clumps of hundreds, colonies of populations of billions.


- cytoplasm shrinkage due to a loss of water of a cell from being in a hypertonic solution

Halophiles (obligate vs. facultative)

- organisms that require high salt concentrations for growth

Obligate Halophiles: organisms that require a high salt cocentration for growth. Inoculating loops used to transfer these must first be dipped in a sline solution.
ex. Dead Sea organisms need a 30% salt concentration

Facultative Halophiles: do not require high salt concentrations for growth but can tolerate it up to 2% (some 15%)


- organisms that thrive under highly acidic conditions (usually at pH 2.0 or below).


- grow at 0 degree C but optimum at 20-30 degree celsius

- can't grow past 40 degree celsius

- these grow fairly well at low refrigerator temperatures and cause food spoilage (they provide an estimation of food's shelf life)

Classify microbes into groups based on preferred temperature ranges

Psychrotrophs (cold-loving)

Mesophiles (moderate-temperature loving)

Thermophiles (heat-loving)

Hyperthermophiles (extreme heat-loving)

Explain why the pH of culture media is controlled

- because most bacteria grow best in a narrow pH range near neutrality and bacteria often produce acids that interfere with their own growth

- peptones/amino acids/phosphate salts are used as Buffers to neutralize acids

Explain the importance of osmotic pressure to microbial growth

Most microorganisms must be grown in a medium that is nearly all water. They obtain almost all their nutrients in solution from the surrounding water.

Cell growth is inhibited when the plasma membrane pulls away from the cell wall. (caused by being in a hypertonic solution)

Plasmolysis or shrinkage of cell's cytoplasm inhibits growth.

Explain how microbes are classified on the basis of oxygen requirements

Obligate Aerobes

Facultative Anaerobes

Obligate Anaerobes

Aerotolerants Anaerobes


(Draw Table 6.1!!!!)


- thin, slimy layer encasing community bacteria that adheres to a surface

- coordinated, functional community capable of quorum sensing and transfer of genetic information

Culture medium

a nutrient material prepared for the growth of microorganisms in a laboratory


a visible mass of microorganisms all originating from a single mother cell, therefore a colony constitutes a clone of bacteria all genetically alike.

Microbial colonies often have a distinctive appearance that distinguishes one microbe from another

Binary Fission

1. Cell elongates and DNA is replicated.

2. Cell wall and plasma membrane begin to constrict.

3. Cross-wall forms completely separating the two DNA copies.

4. Cell separate.

Bacterial Growth Curve

1. Lag Phase: Intense activity preparing for population growth, but no increase in population.

During the lag phase, there is little or no change in the number of cells, but metabolic activity is high.

2. Log Phase: Logarithmic, or exponential increase in population.

During the log phase, the bacteria multiply at the fastest rate possible under the conditions provided.

3. Stationary Phase: Period of equilibrium; microbial deaths balance production of new cells.

During the stationary phase, there is an equilibrium between cell division and death.

4. Death Phase: Population is decreasing at a logarithmic rate. also called Logarithmic Decline Phase

During the death phase, the number of deaths exceeds the number of new cells formed.

5. Survival Phase :D

- knowledge of bacterial growth curve is critical to understanding population dynamics and population ocntrol i nteh course of infectious diseases, in food preservation and spoilage, as well as in industrial microbioology processes, such as ethanol production.

Culture media: Chemically Defined


Growth of chemoautotrophs and photoautotrophs; microbiological assays

Complex Culture Media


Growth of most chemoheterotrophic organisms

Reducing Culture Media


Growth of obligate anaerobes

Selective Culture Media

Suppression of unwanted microbes; encouraging desired microbes

Differential Culture Media

Differentiation of colonies of desired microbes from others


Similar to selective media but designed to increase numbers of desired microbes to detectable levels

Lyophilization (freeze-drying)

1. Suspension of microbes is quickly frozen at temps -54C to -72C

2. Water is removed by a high vacuum (sublimation)

3. While under vacuum, container is sealed by melting the glass with a high-temp torch

4. Remaining powderlike residue contains surviving microbes that can be stored for years

5. Organisms can be revived at any time for hydration with suitable liquid nutrient medium

Biosafety Levels

Biosafety Level 1 (BSL-1): basic microbiology teaching laboratory

Biosafety Level 2 (BSL-2): handle organisms that present a moderate risk of infection

- open laboratory benchtops with appropriate gloves, lab coats, face/eye protection

Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3): intended for highly infectious airborne pathogens ie. tuberculosis

- biological safety cabinets, laboratory should be negatively pressurized and equipped with air filters

Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4): "hot zone" extraordinary systems of containment, only a handful exist in US. Personnel wear "space suits" for PPE and the air is filtered at least twice.

Justification for Using Living Host Cells

many bacteria cannot be grown in artificial laboratory media because of their specific growth requirements

ie. Mycobacterium leprae is grown in armadillos due to their low body temperature that allows for growth in this bacteria

Justification for Anaerobic Techniques

1. Reducing media

2. Anaerobic chamber

- used for growing obligately anaerobic bacteria that may be killed or their growth halted in the presence of oxygen