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109 Cards in this Set

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OB is most accurately defined as

The scientific study of the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations

A manager who endorses a contingency approach to management would most accurately express this concept by stating:

I treat different people in different ways, based on the situation we are facing

The value of the Hawthorne studies to OB lay in their discovery that:

Human needs, attitudes, motives, and relationships were important to worker performance

An organization in which there are a lot of formal rules, people are treated in an impersonal manner, jobs are carefully divided into specialized tasks, and employees must check with their supervisors before making decisions exemplifies:

An ideal bureaucracy

Exposure to other cultures helps people to become:

Less parochial and less ethnocentric

The use of outsourcing allows business firms to focus on:

Core competencies

All of the following are key drivers of employee engagement, except:

Establishing rules that drive competition and corporate strategy

The term "contingent workforce" can be used to describe:

All of the above

Part time, seasonal, on call, etc

A manager who adheres to a "Theory Y" approach, assumes that:

People motivate themselves, all one needs to do is give them direction

Which of the following strategies would Fredrick Taylor recommend to improve productivity?

Implementing a program of careful selection and training of all employees

The field of knowledge known as organizational behavior draws from a diverse set of scientific disciplines, both theoretical and applied in orientation, as exemplified in the disparate fields listed below except


A very significant and unprecedented impact of the Industrial Revolution on the organization of work processes and organizational behavior in human history includes:

Disruptive shifts stemming from the centrality of factories on production processes, the management of work activities and the utilitarian function generated with labor wages

Companies are taking positive steps to help employees address personal needs and family obligations because doing so:

Results in all of the outcomes described above

Which of the statements below is a false statement concerning the evaluation and grade assignment for the blogging components of this course?

Members of each team will receive identical blog grades reflecting the teams total score

The first articles and video clips assigned for this class describe how work and human organizations have changed since the end of the most recent glacial epoch or ice age, they suggest that:

As human communities developed from small clans and villages to modern global systems...

The concept of .... involves people's perceptions of the fairness in the manner by which others treat them

Interpersonal justice

Imposing new rules on workers without consulting them is thought to violate

Procedural justice

It is a company's responsibility to set clear... and train employees to recognize and follow them

Standards of Behavior

Companies whose leaders explicitly express strong ethical commitment returned... the value to shareholders


Which of the following laws forbids paying bribes to foreign officials?

Foreign corrupt practices act

Being ethical is not the same as being legal. Therefore, it is useful to think of the law as:

Providing the minimum acceptable standard to which companies must adhere

The idea that no cultures ethics are better than any other is embraced by which if he following:

Ethical relativism

In which stage of moral development does an individual do whatever keeps him/her from getting punished?

Preconventional level

The ..... asserts that ones own immediate interests are more important than the concern for others

Exploitative mentality

"If it looks ethical, it is ethical" represents which of the following mentalities

Madison Avenue mentality

"I'm going to do what society thinks is right" this is moral thinking at which of the following levels

Conventional level

Companies with reputations for testing people well are

Highly sought by prospective employees

Correlational coefficients are commonly used measures one encounters in behavioral science research papers and scholarly publications. Correlation coefficients...

None of the above

The actual validity of a proposed casual effect between a set of multiple independent variables on a dependent variable can be verified as empirically valid and true if the following evidence is present:

H1 can't be proven as valid, any lack of empirical evidence only supports the validity of H0

Learning is most accurately defines as

A relatively permanent change in behavior occurring as a result of experience

The case study on American Express exemplifies the belief that awards go beyond cash to include:

Training and educational opportunities for their employees

A feedback process that uses multiple sources from around the organization to evaluate one person is

360 degree feedback

Which of the following is true about stereotypes

Stereotypes allow people to do as little cognitive work as possible when it comes to thinking about others

Mary learns that she can avoid a fight with her supervisor by not taking too long a lunch break. This is an example of which of the following operations ?

Negative reinforcement

The performance appraisal process in organizations is

Often heavily influenced by perceptual bias

Managers consider... the most severe type of discipline they can impose before firing an employee

Suspension without pay

When berry wrecked the company car, his boss immediately assumed that the accident occurred because berry was careless. He never considered that another driver could have hit the car. This perceptual bias is called:

The fundamental attribution error

Research of bank managers showed that when employees were rated four months after beginning their jobs, their performance evaluations:

We're consistent with manager expectations, not performance

We all make inferences about people, but they may be inaccurate because

All of the above

People learn and retain skills longer when they

Participate in the learning process

When people repeat actions they have positive effects, and do not repeat actions that have negative effects, they are demonstrating:

The law of effect

How can we minimize bias in social perception and promote more accurate perceptions of people ?

Make more correspondent inferences

... is the tendency to show self discipline and strive for competence and achievement


In terms of core self evaluations, the extent to which and individual feels that he or she is able to control things is

Locus of control

The ability to understand complex ideas, adapt effectively to the environment, and learn from experience is known as an individuals...... intelligence


The personality dimension found to most closely relate to task performance is:


The ability to recognize and regulate personal emotions, influence those of others, and to be self motivating is an individuals

Emotional intelligence

Individuals with high self efficacy on the job

Tend to succeed more than people with low self efficacy

The success of sir Richard Branson, the creative force behind Virgin Enterprise defies........... perspectives and explanations about what drives the behavior of high school dropouts and what they can acheive


In terms of core self evaluations the persons belief about his or her capacity to perform specific tasks successfully is

Generalized self efficacy

Studies show that people tend to perform well when

There is a match between their personalities and the characteristics of the job they perform

If someone is low in achievement motivation they will

Seek very hard or very easy tasks

Machiavellianism is noted for which of the following pronciples ?

Do whatever it takes to defeat others or gain advantage over them

According to the interactionist perspective in organizational behavior

The environment is the dominant element in determining behavior

A tests ..... reflects its consistency and stability over time


While there are a variety of opinions on personality, an important determinant of human behavior is

The situation or setting of the behavior

Hector has a gift for getting jobs done. Whatever the task, he is able to figure about a way to do it. Hector is high in...

Practical intelligence

When people confront incompatible demands from their work and personal lives, they experience

Role conflict

According to some estimates, stress plays a role in ...... percent of physical illness


Smoking, drug and alcohol use, and violence are all examples of .... consequences of stress


The.... identifies various factor that lead to people's emotional reactions in the job and how their reactions affect them

Affective events theory

The.... identifies various factor that lead to people's emotional reactions in the job and how their reactions affect them

Affective events theory

Overt reactions that express feelings about events are called


The.... identifies various factor that lead to people's emotional reactions in the job and how their reactions affect them

Affective events theory

Overt reactions that express feelings about events are called


Happy employees are ....... than less happy individuals

Less inclined to resign

The gentech case study exemplifies a corporate- wide program that emphasized ......., an organizational philosophy about people and organizations taking joint responsibility for promoting health and preventing distress and strain

Preventive stress management

Which of the following is not an example of a self conscious emotion


When dealing with desk rage experts suggest that one should

Identify the trigger of the desk rage

Which type of stressor has the longest term effect on the body, mind, and spirit?

Chronic stressor

Research has shown that when people have social support

Their ability to resist the adverse effects of stress increase

Which of the following characteristics of burnout is associated with attitudinal exhaustion?


On busy days, Berry often deals with irate customers and has to "bite his tongue" to keep himself from saying what he really wants to say, this is referred to as:

Emotional labor

Which of the following is not a medical consequence of stress?

Alcohol abuse

Women are more likely than men to cope with stress by doing which if the following ?

All of the above

Talking to friends about probs, finding a way to cope with stress, eating a proper diet, and exercising regularly

According to the "value theory" people are dissatisfied with their jobs when

The outcomes they receive do not match the outcomes they desire

According to the "value theory" people are dissatisfied with their jobs when

The outcomes they receive do not match the outcomes they desire

In reference to the case study of canine companions inc which of the following statements is true?

CCI was a successful in recruiting volunteers to care and train dogs then to return the dogs after growing attached to them as well as recruiting volunteers to raise funds by promoting the transference of emotional contagion during their annual ceremonies

For diversity management programs to work, companies need

Total managerial support

The extent to which people identify with and are involved in their organizations corresponds with

Organizational commitment

During the past two decades the number of workers repeating that they are satisfied or very satisfied with their jobs:

Has been declining significantly

Values theory suggest that

What needs to be changed to improve job satisfaction is not the same for all people

Attitudes are...

Relatively stable clusters of feelings, beliefs, and behavior tendencies

Attitudes are...

Relatively stable clusters of feelings, beliefs, and behavior tendencies

The use of gain-sharing plans and other such long term compensation techniques is one way to:

Align the interests of the employees with those of the company

Attitudes are...

Relatively stable clusters of feelings, beliefs, and behavior tendencies

The use of gain-sharing plans and other such long term compensation techniques is one way to:

Align the interests of the employees with those of the company

For diversity management to work efficiently, organizations need:

Total and extensive support for affirmative action from top management

Employees who have high levels of affective commitment to their organizations:

Are less likely to resign or be absent from their organization

Studies have shown that job dissatisfaction tends to be associated with:

High rates of absenteeism

Research shows that the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance is:

Positive but not strong, satisfaction does somewhat impact performance

Unscheduled absences have been estimated to account for approximately ....... percent of payroll expenses


Based on her experiences, Kim believes that all women bosses are difficult to work with, so she's not looking forward to meeting her boss. It turns out that her boss is both competent and pleasant. Kim's "knowledge" of her boss is an example of which component of an attitude?


Job satisfaction is important because

Less likely to experience accidents, more productive than dissatisfied employees, less likely to quit, and are less likely to be absent

According to equity theory an underpaid person is likely to do which of the following ?

Ask for raise, steal from company, work less hard, look for a job somewhere else

To help strengthen employee commitment to goals, an organization should

Involve employees in the goal-setting process

Research on employee's actions to redress inequities on the job show that:

They will respond much as equity theory suggests

Vroom's expectancy theory suggests that motivation may be enhanced by:

Implementing a pay for performance plan

The best established finding about goal setting is that

Performance increases with specific assigned goals

In reference to the case study of Pixar Studios, Douglas McGregor's ....... are most likely to apply to the employees who are hired as animators

Theory Y assumptions

In reference to the case study of Pixar Studios, Douglas McGregor's ....... are most likely to apply to the employees who are hired as animators

Theory Y assumptions

Research on feedback and goal setting has shown that job performance is:

Enhanced most when feedback and goal setting are used together

In expectancy theory, ....... is the belief that effective performance will result in outcomes and rewards that are actually valued or desired by an employee


As proposed by the Job Characteristics Model, skill variety, task identity, and task significance together create the critical psychological state of:

Experienced meaningfulness

Jessica is trying to increase the freedom and discretion that employees have in scheduling and planning their work. Based on the job characteristics model, Jessica is trying to increase:


When speaking of motivation, it is apparent that:

Motivation is just one predictor of job performance

An individuals belief about having the capacity to master the performance of new tasks is called:

Self efficacy

Job enrichment programs have a number of limitations including:

lack of employee acceptance

The motivational fit approach stipulates that motivation is based on the connection between qualities of..... and requirements of the .......

Individuals; job