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30 Cards in this Set

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changes that occur over time in a very large group of people

pretest-postest, changes may masquerade as treatment effects


changes that occur over time in a specific group of people due to normal development or experience

pretest-posttest, changes may masquerade as treatment effects


tendency for people to perform better the second time they take it

pretests-posttest, changes may masquerade as treatment effects


any change during the measurement or instrument may influence the research validity


choosing research participants from a nonrepresentative sample by using imperfect sampling techniques


problem introduced when people that are the same drop out of a study

selection x maturation interaction

two groups are different in their rates of maturation

regression to the mean

problem introduced when people are arranged into groups based on ability in pretest

testing x treatment interaction

interaction between taking a pretest and the treatment itself may effect the result of the experimental group

selection by treatment interaction

possibility that the outcome was only true for the group of individuals tested

reactive arrangements

participant behavior at least partly due to simply their participation in the experiment


research design in which the investigator exposes one or more people to a variable of interest and notes that the people exposed to the treatment felt, thought, or behaved as expected

a false experiment

control group

group used as the standard for comparison for assessing the effects of an experimental group

nonresponse bias

substantail portion of those invited to participate in a study refuse to do so

hawthorne effect

increase in productivity that may occur when workers feel their performance is being studied or they feel they are receiving special treatment


another term for mortality

homogenous attrition

when people who drop out are the same

heterogeneous attrition

when people who drop out are different

particpant reaction bias

patricipants may act in a way they would not usually act due to the fact that they are being studied

participant expectancies

form of participant reaction bias that occurs when participants conssciously or unconsciously try to behave in ways they believe to be consistent with the experimenter's hypothesis

demand characteristics

experiment subtly suggests how the participants should behave

participant reactance

form of participant reaction bias that occurs when participants attempt to assert theur sense of personal freedom by choosing to behave in ways they believe to be in opposition to experimenter's expecttions

evaluation apprehension

form of reaction bias that occurs when participants attempt to behave in whatever way they think will portray them most favorably

cover story

false story about the nature and purpose of a study

unobtrusive observations

observations that are made secretly without asking participants any direct questions and without letting them know their behaviour is being monitored

experimenter bias

investigtor's expectancies about participants lead to flase support for the expectations

double blind procedure

both research participants and experimenter unaware of the treatment conditions during an experiment


additional variable exists that may influence dependent variable and varies systematically along with the independent or predictor variable

should have been help constant but allowed to vary


held constant in a study but influences the relation between the independent variable and dependent variable

held constant but should have been allowed to vary


extraneous variable that inluences the dependent variable but that is evenly distributed aross experimental conditions