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62 Cards in this Set

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Strength, muscular endurance, power, and flexibility.

musculoskeletal fitness

The amount of force that a muscle can exert.


The amount of weight that a group of muscles can lift one time.

1 - repetition maximum (1RM)

The ability to contract muscles many times without tiring or to hold a muscle contraction for a long time without fatigue.

muscular endurance

The ability to use strength (produce force) quickly.


It involves both strength and speed.


Examples of this area of fitness include the ability to jump high or throw objects long distances.


Strength, muscular endurance, and power are the components of ________.

muscle fitness

Reps is short for _____.


The number of consecutive times you do an exercise.

repetitions or reps

One group of repetitions done together.


The exercises used to develop muscular endurance and strength differ only in the number of ____________.

repetitions and amount of resistance.

To develop strength, you would use ___________ with fewer repetitions.

high resistance

To develop strength, you would use high resistance with ________________.

fewer repetitions

To develop muscle endurance, you would use ____________ with more repetitions.

low resistance

To develop muscle endurance, you would use low resistance with more ___________.


This type of endurance is general (not specific to one part of the body) and it allows your entire body to function.

Cardiorespiratory endurance

This type of endurance can be specific to part of your body. You might have this type of endurance in your lower body but not in your upper body.

muscle endurance

Because it involves a strength component it is often referred to as explosive strength.


High overload (high resistance) builds strength, whereas more moderate overload repeated many times builds ____________.

muscular endurance

Exercises for power require overload for _______.

speed and strength

The reverse overload principle applies to muscle fitness--if you don't use your muscles, you'll lose ___________

muscle fitness

Exercise that increases resistance (overload) until you reach the desired level of muscle fitness is referred to as _______.

progressive resistance exercise (PRE)


progressive resistance exercise

You should gradually increase your load or resistance over time in order to best improve your muscle fitness, and avoid injury.

principle of progression

To build your arm muscles you need to overload your arm muscles is an example of the principle of _______.


You need to give your muscles time to rest and recover after a workout.

principle of rest and recovery

Muscles you consciously control.

voluntary muscles

The __________ of each muscle connect with bone in two places, the origin and the insertion.


Muscle fibers apply force to bones when they ____.


When muscles pull on your bones to produce movement of your body parts.

Isotonic contraction

An isotonic exercise involves ________.


Involves the shortening of the muscle.

concentric contraction

Involves the lengthening of the muscle.

eccentric contraction

Is sometimes called a braking contraction because the lengthening of a muscle works against gravity to slow the lowering of a weight.

eccentric contraction

The lengthening of a muscle slows the weight down so the weight does not drop too quickly.

eccentric contraction

Occurs when muscles contract and pull with equal force in opposite directions so that no movement occurs.

isometric contraction

In these exercises body parts do not move.

Isometric exercises

This type of activity involves doing isotonic muscle contractions explosively.


Some examples may include: Jumping rope, hopping on one foot, jumpingonto boxes.


A type of isotonic exercise in which the velocity of movement is kept constant through the full range of motion.

Isokinetic exercise

Contract slowly and are usually red because they have a lot of blood vessels delivering oxygen to the muscle.

Slow-twitch muscle fibers

These muscle fibers generate less force but they are able to resist fatigue.

slow-twitch muscle fibers

A muscle with many slow-twitch fibers has good ________________.

muscle endurance

Muscle fibers which, contract quickly and are white because they have less blood flow delivering oxygen.

fast-twitch muscle fibers

They generate more force when they contract, and for this reason muscles with many of these fibers are important for strength activities.

fast-twitch muscle fibers

Have characteristics of both slow- and fast-twitch fibers.

Intermediate muscle fibers

Muscle fibers used in activities involving both types of muscle fitness and cardiorespiratory endurance.

Intermediate muscle fibers

Muscle fibers most used in endurance activities.

slow-twitch muscle fibers

Anincrease in muscle size.


Not only can PRE cause hypertrophy of muscle fibers and muscles it can also result in more muscle fibers being called upon __________.

to act at one time

Exercises done using all or parts of your bodyweight as resistance.


How much weight or resistance you can overcome regardless of body size.

absolute strength

Strength adjusted for body size.

Relative strength

The first part of the system involves increasing repetitions to a certain number at a certain weight. The second part of the system involves increasing the weight or resistance once a certain number of reps has been reached and repeating the process. This system will provide a progressive overload.

The Double Progressive System of PRE

1. Enables people to work longer without getting tired 2. Reduces risks of back problems; muscle soreness and/or injury. 3. Improves posture. 4. Decreases percent body fat. 5. Improves lean body mass. 6. Decreases heart rate 7. Reduces risk of heart disease and diabetes. 8. Strengthens bones; prevent osteoporosis. 9. Mental health benefits; looking and feeling your best, higher quality of life.

Benefits of having good muscle fitness.

Tend to be safer, weights can't fall of the lifter, a spotter is not needed, and your are able to isolate on specific muscles.

Benefits of resistance machines.

Relatively inexpensive, do not use as much space, balance is required, and more muscles can be used at one time.

Benefits of using free weights

Inflexibility is caused not by resistance training but by ________.

incorrect training

Training muscles on only one side of a joint and failing to stretch muscles can result in an athlete becoming ________.

muscle bound

Failing to move muscles through a full range of motion while lifting weights or performing resistance training can result in the athlete becoming ______.

muscle bound

Condition in which a person is obsessed with building muscle.

Body dysmorphia