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116 Cards in this Set

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what % of canadians will have polyps by age 50?

30-40-50% by age 50-60-70

58 yr old male w/ no sx. & Fhx w/ neg. colonoscopy... next screening test?

10 year interval

CA screening with Fhx of CA

5 year interval

CA screening with fhx with benign polyps

3 year interval

sensitivity & specificity

sens: a / (a+c)
spec: d / (b+d)


PPV: a / (a+b)
NPV: d / (c+d)

Gardasil approval for whom?

Females aged 9-45 & Males aged 9-26

empiric treatment for nursing home acquired pneumonia with no underlying disease?


Most common illness associated with workplace exposure?


MIBI scan

thallium TI 201 & technetium Tc 99m sestamibi (MIBI) is the most frequently used myocardial perfusion scintigraphy tests.
Useful in pts with baseline EKG abnormalities, localize regian of ischemia, and prognostic indicators.
Also useful in pts with exercise limitations.
sesitivity 83% & specificity of 77%

Screening Mammography

recommended every year after age 50
(earlier if strong family hx of BC)

Which Clinical Trial phase has the highest rate of drug failure?

Phase 2
- the drug is studied in pts with the target dx to determine its efficacy

Relative Risk

RR = (a/[a+b]) / (c/[c+d])

If the threshold of a screening test is increased, how will it affect sensitivty and specificity?

sensitivity decreases, specificity increases

Who provides health services to First Nations, Aboriginal peoples, the Canadian military and veterans?

Health Canada
(also approve new drugs and medical devices)

Infectious diseases in Aboriginal Peoples

Botulism due to ingestion of fermented marine mammal meat, raw fish or salmon eggs.
AIDS is increasing
TB is declining, but still high prevalance

Chronic conditions in Aboriginal Peoples

heart problems and hypertension are 3x's more prevalant
Diabetes 4x's
arthritis and rheumatism 1.5-2x's

Disability in Aboriginal Peoples

hearing problems are twice as high
length of disability is twice as long

Example of fiscal policy

imposing additional costs (ie. taxes on tabacco and alcohol)

Example of legislative policy

implementing legal deterents (ie. smoking bans, legal alcohol drinking age)

Example of social policy

improving health beyond providing universally funded health care (ie. providing affordable housing)

Example of Community-Based Prevention

Saskatoon's "In Motion" program
- community based strategy to increase physical activity through collaborative community efforts
- "In Motion" now being implemented throughout Canada

Precontemplation vs. Contemplation

The individual is not seriously considering change and is not interested in any kind of intervention vs. the individual begins to seriously consider making the change within the forseeable future

Preparation vs. Action

the individual begins experimenting, making small changes;he/she resolves to make a serious attempt in the future (defined as 30 days) vs. the individual is involved in making the change, using different techniques

Top 5 Causes of Mortality in Females

1) Cancer 2) Heart dx 3) Stroke 4) COPD 5) Alzheimer's

Top 5 Causes of Mortality in Males

1) Cancer 2) heart dx 3) Accidents 4) Stroke 5) COPD

Formulating a Research question

Patient characteristics, Intervention of Interest, Comparison Group or Control Group, Outcome that you are trying to prevent or achieve

Cross sectional (prevalence study)

ex: examine the distribution of BMI by age in Ontario at a particular point in time

Case-Control (Retrospective)

ask cases and controls about exposures, expressed as ODDS RATIO...
Sir Richard Doll demonstrated the link between tobacco smoking exposure and lung cancer cases

Cohort (Prospective)

subjects sampled and classified on the basis of presence or absence of exposure to a particular risk factor... very costly and time consuming!
Framingham Heart Study: assessed the long-term cardio risks of diet, exercise, medications such as aspirin, etc.

Cost Benefit Analysis

weighing the total expected costs vs. total expected benefits

Cost Effectiveness Analysis (CEA)

a comparison of the relative expenditure (costs) and outcomes (effects) of two or more courses of action. CEA expressed in terms of a ratio: denominator is a gain in health from a measure and the numerator is the cost of the health gain


constant presence of dx in a given geographic area or population subgroup


any dx, infections or chronic, occurring at a greater frequency than usually expected in a defined community or institutional population over a given time period
OUTBREAK= localized, acute onset or is relatively short in duration


epidemic over a wide area, crossing international boundaries, and affecting a large number of people

Attack Rate

total # of people who develop clinical dx / population at risk

What is Municipal Government responsible for?

waste disposal, recycling, water and sewage treatment/collections/distribution

Public Health Unit?

enforcement of water and food safety regulations (including restaurant). Sanitation, assessment of local environmental risks, monitoring and follow-up of reportable diseases

Provincial Government?

water and air quality standards,
industrial emission regulation,
toxic waste disposal

Best way to measure the quality of health care during pregnancy and delivery in Canada?

perinatal mortality rates

MCC of vision loss in children

amblyopia - "lazy eye"

MCC of vision loss in elderly

macular degeneration

Most effective means of smoking cessation

1 mg Varenicline
4x's as effective as placebo. blocks nicotine receptors, preventing dopamine release

most effective doses of vit D and calcium for hip fracture prevention in postmenopausal women

800 IU Vit D & 1200 mg calcium

Causes of increased A-a gradient?

asthma, pneumonia, pulm. edema. atelectasis, COPD, intracardiac shunt

"double effect" for palliative care

increasing the dosage of morphine knowing it will probably hasten a patient's death


patient's ability to direct his or her own care

targert LDL in diabetics, CAD pts, ab aortic aneurysm, pv dx, etc. ?

<2.0 mmol/L

hypersensitivity to eggs for vaccines. avoid which?

yellow fever vaccine (contains highest amount of egg protein out of all)

most reliable predictor of survival in breast cancer is:

cancer stage at the time of diagnosis

probability of pregnancy after unprotected sex is highest at which time?

1 day before ovulation (30% probability)

MC infection of CNS in children younger than 1 year?

aseptic meningitis (echoviruses)

causes of neonatal meningitis (<1 month)

1) GBS 2) e.coli 3) listeria

causes of infant meningitis (28 days to 1 year)

1) s. pneumonia 2) n. meningitidis 3) h. influ

best test to assess nutrition status in elderly?

serum albumin

chlorine resistant bugs causing gastroenteritis?

giardia cysts & cryptosporidium oocysts

requirements for hospitalization for PID management

pregnancy, pelvic abscesses, uncertain diagnosis, compromised immunity & failure to improve after 72 hours of Rx

serum hCG peak at which menstrual week of pregnancy?

8-11 weeks

incidental finding of microscopic hematuria - next step?

U/S kidneys, urine cytology and cystoscopy if >40 yrs to detect trans cell carcinoma

prolonged aPPT, normal PT, TT, BT

hemophilia A!

prolonged aPPT, normal PT, TT, prolonged BT


peak expiratory flow (PEF) <60

severe pesistent asthma

PEF >60 but <80

moderate persistent asthma

recommended time duration for dual action antiplatelet therapy after drug-eluting coronary artery stent placement

1 year (ASA 162-325 mg + clopidogrel 75 mg)

flashing of light and visual field defect

retinal detachment

most important management in peripheral arterial disease?

smoking cessation

MCC of overflow tearing (epiphora) in neonates?

obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct

women should be tested for HPV DNA when...??

when a Pap smear shows ASCUS

most reliable sign of uterine rupture?

fetal distress

which race is at increased risk for prostate CA


fetus presenting in transverse lie, next step?


aymptomatic severe hyponatremia?

fluid restriction

symptomatic severe hyponatremia? (ie. seizures)

IV 3% saline at 100 mL/hr

verapamil + statin. increased risk for?

rhabdomyolysis (verap inhibits CYP 3A4)

S1-Q3-T3 pattern change on EKG

pulmonary embolus
-prominent S wave change in lead 1
-Q wave and inverted T wave in lead 3
- sinus tachy
- T wave inversion in V1-V3

diagnose: ventilation/perfusion scan or CT pulm angio

anaphylactic shock associated with which spinal tube defect?

myelomeningocele (due to chronic exposure to latex during repeated urinary catheterization)

cervical cap should not be left in for more than how many hours??

48 hours!

Most common hospital errors associated with preventable adverse drugs effects are in the stage of:


chorionic villus sampling

10-12 weeks


12-15 weeks

antidepressant to exacerbate hypertension?


% formula for burns

Rule of 9's for Adults: 9% for each arm, 18% for each leg, 9% for head,18% for front torso, 18% for back torso.

Rule of 9's for Children: 9% for each arm, 14% for each leg, 18% for head, 18% for front torso, 18% for back torso.

Parkland formula

4 x Mass(kg) x (burn% x 100)
fluid replacement within 24 hours
-first half delivered in 8 hours then remaining in next 16 hours

rear facing position for child seat safety should be used until:

12 months of age AND weights 10 kg (22 lbs)

booster seat for children:

at least 18 kg (40 lbs)

requirements for seatbelt

at least 36 kg (80 lbs) AND 145 cm

mild persistant asthma

symptoms occurring more than 2 days per week, but not daily, and use of albuterol more than 2 days/week, but not daily


NNT=1/absolute relative risk

ARR=control event rate - experimental event rate

eg. 3.2% - 1.2%

healthy weight gained for neonate daily (weekly)

20-30 grams/day OR 150-200 grams/week

which suture materials decreases both wound dehiscence and postpartum perineal pain?

polyglactin 910 (Vicryl)

doctor's privilege to practice medicine following rehab for narcotics is determined by?

provincial medical board

MC risk factor for frozen shoulder?


most accurate measurement with sono for estimating gestational age?

crown rump length at 10 weeks

ex of primary prevention

-giving immunizations to kids
-educating pts with no signs of heart dx of exercise and diet

ex of secondary prevention

- intervening pts with high blood pressure
- colonoscopy for pt with +Fhx
- mammograms

ex of tertiary prevention

-performing heart surgery on pt with advanced dx
- rehab for stroke pt

murmur(s) accentuated by valsalva


best treatment option for the MC type of skin cancer?

Mohs micrographic surgery for basal cell carcinoma

The doctrine of informed consent requires that the physician recommending a surgical procedure to a patient:

must explain all material risks

A 57-year-old woman with known Addison disease, maintained on fludrocortisone 0.1 mg/day and dexamethasone 0.5 mg/day, attends the Emergency Room after having experienced five days of nausea, weakness and lethargy. She is found to have a blood pressure of 105/65 and a pulse of 110. Serum sodium is 123 and potassium 5.9. Which of the following would be the most appropriate treatment?

Normal saline IVat 250cc/hr, hydrocortisone 100 mg iv q six hours for 24 hours

A 16-year old girl is brought to the Emergency Department approximately 1 hour after ingesting 20 diazepam 5 mg tablets. She is slightly drowsy and said she took them because her boyfriend left her. After initial medical management, which one of the following is proper treatment?

psych consult to assess suicide risk!

concerns for pt not competent to drive anymore... next step?

notify provincial motor vehicle licensing authority

You are a physician who stops at a serious motor vehicle collision. There is an elderly gentleman who is in severe respiratory distress from a flail chest, and hemorrhagic shock. You should provide medical care:

if the circumstances of providing treatment are within your skills and capability.

osteoporosis screening?

begin universal screening at age 65 of both men and women

contraindication for nicotine patch

under 18, pregnant, post MI period, severe arrhythmia, severe angina pectoris

one time screening test in male 65-75 yrs who have ever smoked

abdominal u/s ------ AAA

recommendation for influenza vaccination

recommend vaccine to everyone 6 months of age and older

Rx/ latent TB

isoniazid for 9 months (with vit. b6)

PPD test criteria

- greater than 15mm (no known risk factors)
- greater than 10 mm (immigrants from endemic areas, prisoners, home care residents)
- more than 5 mm (immunocompromised pts)

vaccine recommended for all international travelers

hep A vaccine

likelihood ratio

indicates how a positive or negative test correlates with the likelihood of disease

pt with small (less than 1 cm) tubular adenomas, including those with the only low-grade dysplasia, should have their next colonoscopy when?

5 years

the incidence of a particular dx is greater in men than in women, but the prevalence shows no sex difference. the most probably explanation is that:

the duration of the dx is longer in women

h.influ B prophylaxis for family contacts?


chance-corrected proportional agreement

KAPPA= (observed agreement - Chance agreement)/(1 - Chance agreement)

Framingham Risk Score

calculate 10 year risk of CAD
- age
- smoking status
- systolic blood pressure
- total serum cholesterol