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161 Cards in this Set

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A patient concern is the ____________associated with birth
A concern of the pt may be experience (it could be 5th child or 1st)
True or False
The unpredicitability of the natural process of birth may be a concern because_________
birth is a natural process but it is on its own time schedule
A concern of the pt/family may be intimacy. Why?
They may view this as personal/private time
A concern of the nurse may be that ___________is present but cannot be eliminated
A nurse concern may be that she has never had a child
True or False
The nurse concern of unpredictability:
there are guidelines but individuals vary
A nurse concern is being allowed into families ____________and___________life and space
Why during labor contractions is the maternal blood supply to the placenta gradually stopped?
The spiral arteries supplying the intervillous space are compressed by the contacting uterine muscle
List the three phases of the contraction cycle
The increment phase of the contraction cycle begins at the _________and spreads throughtout the _________
The acme phase of the contraction cycle is what?
the most intense or peak of the contraction
The decrement phase of the contraction cycle is the period of time in which the contraction _________intensity as the uterus _____________
A nursing intervention of the nurse asking assistance of the husband sharing with wife when the contraction is at which phase of the contraction cycle
Describe Intensity
how strong the contraction is
How often the contraction are is the_____________
The duration of the contraction is from beginning to end. What is the duration of labor contractions?
the average lenght of contractions
Effective uterine contractions
(list 3)
---pull the cervix upward at the same time
---the fetus and amniotic sac are pushed forward
--like pulling the cervix over the fetus and amniotic sac
During uterine contractions blood flow to the placenta temporary stops causing what?
---a relative increase in the mothers blood volume which in turns temporarily increases bp and slows pulse
Before labor what is the shape of the cervix?
cylindrical and 2cm long
What causes causes the cervix to be pulled up and becomes shorter and thinner (effacement)?
uterine contractions
Effacement is what?
the est. % of the amt the cervix has thinned
--fully thinned is 100% effaced
What causes dilation?
when the cervix is pulled up and the fetus pushes down the cervix dilates
How is dilation measures? What is complete dilation?
10 cm
A maternal response to pregnancy is increase of depth and rate of respirations which may lead to what?
Hyperventilation is rapid, deep respirations that cause the laboring women to ____________co2 through exhalation resulting in resp __________
How can you help a woman experiencing hyperventilation?
---help her slow down respirations
--use brown bag or cupped hands to restore normal co2 level
True or False
A full bladder may interfere with fetal decent
An increase in blood volume allows the woman to what?
tolerate the normal blood loss of 500ml during vaginal birth
List signs and symptoms of impending hypovolemic shock due to blood loss
--increased pulse rate
--falling bp
--increased resp rate
What is normal fetal HR?
When does engagement occur?
when the presenting part fully enters the pelvic inlet
List the components of the birthing process
List the powers of the birth process
--uterine contractions
--maternal pushing efforts
What are uterine contractions?
1st stage of labor, primary force moving the fetus through the maternal pelvis
What are maternal pushing efforts?
second stage of labor (full cervical dilation to birth) women add voluntary pushing efforst to the force of contractions
What are the passage elements of the components of birth?
--maternal pelvis and its soft tissues
--bony pelvis is the more important to the outcome of labor
--bones and joints do not usually yield to the forces of labor
--softening of cartilage does occur with the hormone relaxin
--pelvic measurements are essential in determining if the fetus may be delivered vaginally
True or False
The passenger component of birth is the fetus plus the membranes and placenta
What must occur to the head to accommodate the birthing process?
the shape of the fetal head must change shape (molding)
What is the fetal lie? (It is a variation in passenger component)
orientation of the long axis of the fetus to the long axis of the woman
What is the longitudinal lie? (It is a variation in passenger component)
99% of the lie is longitudinal or parallel to the long axis of the woman
---either the head or buttocks of the fetus enters the pelvis first
The transverse lie (a variation in the passenger component) is where the ________axis of the fetus is at __________angels to the womans long axis
--only occurs in 1% of births
An oblique lie is what? (It is a variation in passenger component)
an angle somewhere b/w a longitudinal and transverse lie
The normal fetal attitude is one of flexion, explain
smallest anterior-posterior diameter of the fetal head enters the pelvis
--9.5 cm
Name the 4 variations of cephalic presentation
One variation of cephalic presentation is vertex, which is most common, explain postion
head is fully flexed and is most favorable for normal progress
Decribe the military variation of the cephalic presentation
head is in a neutral position, neither flexed or extended
The brow varation of cephalic presentation is what?
fetal head is partly extended
the face position varation of cephalic presentation is what?
head is fully extended and fetal occiput is near the fetal spine
Psyche component of the birthing process is what?
a crucial part of child birth, anxiety, fear, fatigue interfere with the ability to cope
What happens in lightening?
--fetus descends towards the pelvic inlet near the end of the pregnancy
--increase in pelvic pressure causes greater urinary freq and more leg cramps
What are signs of true labor?
--contractions are progressive
--effacement begins to occur
--cervical dilation begins
What are signs of false labor?
--contractions are NOT progressive
--effacement does NOT occur
--cervical dilation--no dilation noted
Why should the mother come to hospital for an eval when a trickle of fluid is coming from her vagina?
--this may indicate rupture of membranes (ROM)
--requires eval for infection or cord compression
_____________women usually have shorter labors than do nulliparous women
When should a woman be instructed to come to the hospital for soon after labor begins
if they are multiparous and have a hx of rapid deliveries
Name the 3 phases of the first stage of labor
Why should vagnial exams only be preformed when necessary?
the risk ofinfection by carrying microbes upward towards the uterus
Which type of gloves should be used to do a vag exam after membrane rupture?
Describe the latent phase of the first stage of labor
--early & easy phase
--0-3cm cervical dilation
--lenght varies w. individual
--woman is social & excited
If cath is required why is a small pillow placed under one hip to assist in displacing heavy uterus from the inferior vena cava?
--promotes normal placenta blood flow while allowing adequate view of urethra
Decribe the active phase of the first stage of labor
--cervical dilation 4-7cm
--effacement is complete
--request for pain meds
--FHR should be assessed q 30 min, for high risk q 15 min (these are minimiums)
To help mother relax what is a nursing intervention?
if pt lying supine, recommend turning to side to prevent vena cava syndrome
Frequent maternal position changes helps to (list 2 nursing interventions)
--reduce discomfort from constant pressure
--promote fetal decent
What is the essential part of nursing in labor?
--help the woman manage pain
--pain is expected and normal and can not be fully relieved
Describe the transition phase of the first stage of labor
--8-10cm cervical dilation
--blood show increases with complete cervical dilation
--parter is confused b/c their actions they took a short while ago are not comforting now
The second stage of labor is from _____________to ______________
complete dilation
birth of newborn
During the second stage of labor a vulva bulges and encircles the fetal head, this is described as_______
crowning and is shortly before birth
The third stage of labor is from _____________to_____________
delivery of newborn
delivery of placenta
The forth stage of labor is _____________to____________
delivery of secundines
is usually defined as the initial hour of postpartum
During the forth stage of labor, the mother usually chills for up to 20 min, what nursing intervention can be done?
use of warm blankets comforts the mother
After delivery the fundus is massaged to stimulate contraction. What should be done after 30 minutes if the fundus is soft?
massage fundus
Why after delivery does the nurse throughly dry the infant?
to reduce heat loss from evaporation
When does meconium stained amniotic fluid occur?
--when fetal o2 is compromised, is causes relaxation of rectal sphinter which allows passage of meconium into the amniotic fluid
--Ausculatation of FHR
--palpation of uterine activity
--noninvasive measures
These are examples of what?
low technology
List advantage of high technology
--supplies more data
--printed record
--fetal responses to contractions
--coach can use monitor to anticipate the next contraction
What are the disadvantages of high tech monitoring?
--decrease mobility and freq monitor adjustments
--difficult to obtain clear tracing w. obsese mother
--mother may focus on getting a good tracing than being comfortable
List nursing interventions r/t FHR monitoring with a doppler
--gel is required
--warm gel in hand if possible
--let mom know before you apply gel
--wipe gel off after done
What does the tocotransducer "Toco" monitor?
uterine activity
Where should the toco monitor be placed?
--over the fundus
--where the most intensive uterine contraction occurs
--external use only
--belt holds in place
When should the toco be used?
with a woman who has a hx of HTN
Should you teach the pt and family about the monitoring equipment
When is continuous fetal monitoring used?
--when oxytocin is used
--if utero-placental exchange may be compromised
The scalp electrode is an internal fetal monitoring device that is used after ______________
the membranes have ruptured
What does an intrauterine pressure catheter measure?
actual intrauterine pressure
What is an assuring response of the vibroacoustic stimulation test?
an increase in FHR by 1-20 bpm after stimulation
When do early decel's occur?
only during contractions as the fetal head is compressed
T or F
Early decels are mirror images of contractions
Early decels are or are not associated with fetal compromise?
are not
Do early decels require intervention?
When do late decels begin?
well after the contraction begins
Name the 3 phases of the first stage of labor
Why should vagnial exams only be preformed when necessary?
the risk ofinfection by carrying microbes upward towards the uterus
Which type of gloves should be used to do a vag exam after membrane rupture?
Describe the latent phase of the first stage of labor
--early & easy phase
--0-3cm cervical dilation
--lenght varies w. individual
--woman is social & excited
If cath is required why is a small pillow placed under one hip to assist in displacing heavy uterus from the inferior vena cava?
--promotes normal placenta blood flow while allowing adequate view of urethra
When do late decels begin?
well after the contraction begins (often near the peak)
What does late decels reflect?
impaired placental exchange or uteroplacental insufficiency
What nursing intervention is needed to improve placental blood flow and fetal o2 supply?
give o2 per face mask and turn mom to L) side
What causes variable decels?
reduced flow through umbilical cord (cord compression)
What is the nursing intervention of variable decels?
turn mom to L) side, if not relieved turn to her R)
When a mom's membranes rupture what should we assess for? Why?
variable decels
the amniotic fluid may carry the umbilical cord to a postion where it may be compressed b/w the maternal pelvis and fetal presenting part
What are reassuring FHR patterns?
--FHR acceleration w. movement
--fetus is tolerating intrapartum stressess
What are nonreassuring FR patterns?
--favorable signs are absent or sign that are associated w. hypoxia or acidosis of fetus is present
--but NOT to say fetal hypoxia or acidosis has occured
Why does increasing non additive IV fluids increase fetal oxygenation?
--fills vascular system
--makes more bllod available to perfuse the placenta
--corrects hypotension
What should be done in response to nonreassuring FHR patterns?
--identify the cause of the pattern
--evaluate for probable cause
--evaluate maternal VS
--identify prolapsed umbilical cord (if vaginal exam is not contraindicated)
--reposition woman to avoid the supine position and/or improve pattern
What should be done to IV fluid rate to respond to nonreassuring FHR patterns?
--increase rate of infusion of nonadditive IV fluid
--also adminster o2 via face mask at 8-10L/min
List the physiologic effects of pain during labor
--increase in metabolic rate and o2 demand
--increase in production of catecholamines, cortisol, glucagon
--less o2/waste exchange for fetus
--decreased placental perfusion*****
List the sources of pain r/t labor
--tissue ischemia: hypoxia of the uterine muscle
List the four potential sources of pain r/t labor
1) tissue ischemia:uterine tissue hypoxia during contractions****
2) cervical dialtion
3) Pressure and pulling on pelvic structures
4)distnetion of the vagina and perineum from presenting part
One variable in childbirth pain is cervical dilation, explain
stretching of the lower end of uterus
Pressure and pulling on pelvic structures causes pain why?
--pressure or pulling on structures such as ligaments, fallopian tubes, ovaries, bladder and perineum
--may have referred pain to back and legs
Distention of the vagina and perineum causes pain why?
--marked distention occurs with fetal descent
--feeling of burning, tearing or splitting (somatic pain) Enters spnal cord at S2, S3, S4
Fetal positions can cause the woman to have increased discomfort. The fetal position that is L) occiput posterior causes.....
--each contraction pushes the fetal head against the mother's sacrum
--results in intense back discomfort
--have support person apply firm pressure to the sacrum
Psychosocial factors that influence the perception and tolerance of pain are
--previous experience with pain
--preparation for childbirth
Childbirth prep is considered successful if the outcome
--pt rehearsed labor
--practiced skills to master or cope with the pain of labor
When is the best time to ask questions or do procedures?
after the contraction is over
When is the best time to teach non-pharmacologic pain management to an unprepared laboring woman?
in the latent phase
--non pharm methods may be the best option in advanced labor (8cm dilation)
What is progressive relaxation?
teaches the mother to tense and relax muscle on cue
What is touch relaxation?
relaxation in response to touch of the individuals coach
What is disassociate relaxation?
Used in Bradely and Lamaze method (sense of contracting and relaxing muscles) Goal is to teach the women to consciously to release certain sets of muscles
What does disassociate relaxation teach the mother?
--helps the women learn to relax her body even when one group of muscles is strongly contracted
What is visual imaging?
--mom imagines her body opening up to let the baby out
--provides the individual with a physiological response to imagination
What type of breathing is used during the first stage of labor?
--cleansing breath
--various breathing techniques known as paced breathing
Why is beginning and ending a contraction with a cleansing breath an important aspect of proper breathing?
--helps the women clear her mind to focus on relaxation and the signals the coach that the contraction is beginning or ending
What should be done if the woman is loosing control?
--make eye contact with the women and breath along with her (support person supposed to do this)
What is a direct effect on the fetus from pharm pain management?
respiratory depression
What are indrect effects of pharm management?
--does not pass into placenta
--effects maternal response
--meds that cause hypotension may reduce blood supply to placenta
--fetal hypoxia may occur with poor placenta perfusion
What should you admin a narcotic at the beginning of a contraction?
--less meds will be transferred to the fetus
--during a contraction blood flow to the fetus is reduces which limits the transfer
What is the least favorable position for labor and why?
supine because of vena cava syndrome which reduces blood flow that can compromise fetal o2 supply
After injection of the epidural what must the nurse monitor?
--maternal bp
--epidural may produce maternal hypotension from vasodilation
Why should the nurse place a wedge under the women's right hip after epidural injection?
--tilting the hip to the L) relieves compression of the vena cava and compensates for a lower bp w/o interfering with dispersal of the epidural meds
How often should we do an resp assessment after epidural injection?
every hour
What is a spinal h/a and adverse effect of a subarachnoid block?
--leakage of spinal fluid
--treat with best rest and IV fluids
--may use blood patch
What is a pudendal block and why is it used?
--anesthetizes the lower vagina and perineum
--provides anesthesia for an episotomy and use of low forceps if needed
A local provides anesthesia for the perineum at the site of the episotomy, is this the safest route?
yes because it rarely has any adverse effects on either the mother or fetus
What are the adverse effects of general anesthesia?
--maternal aspiration of gastric contents
--resp depression
--uterine relaxation
General Anesthesia****
Risk:Aspiration of stomach contents
What does the aspiration of acidic contents lead to?
--possible airway obstruction
--potentially fatal complication of general anesthesia
What are two contraindications for an amniotomy?
--head must be engaged to prevent prolapse of the cord
--can not be at a negative station
What is the priority nursing intervention after an amniotomy?
Assess FHR for 1 minute
What indicates cord compression?
deep or long variable decels after contractions or persistent bradycardia
What should you assess after amniotomy?
--note quantity, color, odor of fluid
--assess temp q 2h and report above 100.4, FHR above 160 may precede temp elevation
What must the nurse monitor after admin of oxytocin (pitocin)
1) Uterine activity, FHR and pattern, perform Leopold's maneuver and vag exam to assure cephalic fetal presentation prior to admin of pit
2) when pit was started
3) throughout the labor
When is it safe to use pit to induces?
--pregnancy is past 42 weeks
--if contraction pattern represents hyperstimulation of the uterus, and inadequate resting time b/w contractions to allow placental perfusion
--contractions q 2 min lasting 90 sec
Doc may order tocolytic drug to stop over stimulation of uterus
--terbutaline (brethine) subq
--mag sulfate IV
What is internal version and when is it used?
--where they stick their hand up the vag area and turn baby around!!!
--mapresentation of second twin in a vag birth
--only used during vaginal birth to manipulate the second twin to a presentation that allows it to be vaginally
Why is a tocolytic drug used when external version is necessary?
--to relax the uterus before and during the version
--makes manipulation easier
What indicates a comlication of external version?
--fetal bradycardia persisting 10 min after version
--may indicate that the umbilical cord has been compressed and the fetus is having hypoxia
Why does a empty bladder help with labor/delivery?
--an empty bladder provides more room in the pelvis
If forceps or vacuum is used what should be assessed after delivery?
--assess infant for trauma
--assess mom for vaginal wall lacerations or hematoma (edema & discoloration of labia and perineal area)
What nursing intervention can be used to help decrease swelling and pain if forceps or vacuum is used for delivery?
apply ice
What is a maternal indication for use of vacuum?
materal exhaustion
--a mother who is exhausted will be unable to assist with expulsion of the fetus
When is the only time that a mediolateral episotomy is to be used?
if the woman has a short perineum
Does the mediolateral episotomy extend in the rectum?
thank god
What are nursing considerations for the mother with the mediolateral episotomy?
--assess mother for vaginal wall lacerations or hematoma
--apply ice to decrease swelling and for pain relief for 1st 24 hours
The woman who has had the classic inscison made into the upper uterine segment is at risk for uterine rupture because
the upper part of the uterus contracts forcefully during labor, incision in the area may rupture in subsequent pregnancies
Where must the foley bad be placed before the c section?
--placed near the head of the table because the anesthesia clinician must monitor urine output during the surgery
Why is an oral antacid administered before a c section?
--general anesthesia may be needed unexpectedly
--oral antacid neutralizes gastric contents and reduces potential injury if the women vomits and aspirates during anesthesia
What is the fetal risk of an elective c section?
--preterm due to miscalculation of gestation
--inadvertent preterm birth
What are the risks for mother and fetus post c section?
--persistent fetal bradycardia (below 100)
--intensive maternal pain
--elevated materal pulse with decrease bp
How often should the uterus be assessed after a c section?
q 15 mintues: must maintain contraction of uterus to control bleeding from the placental site. Boggy or soft uterus after delviery (C-section or vag delivery)