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11 Cards in this Set

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What is an indirect channel?

A long channel of distribution

What is a direct channel

A short channel of distribution

What is a multi-channel distribution system (advantages and disadvantages)

A type of distribution for which different kinds of intermediaries are used at the same level in the channel of distribution.


Disadvantage: requires careful coordination between the various distribution channels

What are the 4 main factors that influence channel selection?

Product and service characteristics, competition, company resources, intensity of distribution (intensive, selective and exclusive)

Intensive distribution

The availability of a product in the widest possible channel of distribution

(typically used by a company that wants to reach as much of the population as possible)

Selective distribution

The availability of a product in only a few outlets in a particular market

(suitable for goods that are purchased less frequently and for industrial goods such as accessory equipment)

Exclusive distribution

The availability of a product in only one outlet in a geographic area

(Sought for high priced shopping or specialty goods that offer the purchaser a unique value)

What are the 3 types of vertical marketing systems?

Administered vertical marketing system, contractual vertical marketing system, corporate vertical marketing system

Administered vertical marketing system

A cooperative system in which the organization with the greatest economic influence has control of planning the marketing program and identifies and coordinates the responsibilities of each member

Contractual vertical marketing system

A legal agreement that binds the members in the marketing channel

Corporate vertical marketing system

A tightly controlled arrangement in which a single corporations owns and operates in each level of the marketing channel