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17 Cards in this Set

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what is communication - (communication model)

-communication: process of transmitting information from one place to another

-a social process involving 2 or more people

-personal contact isn't necessary

-agreement isn't necessary

-effective organizational communication involves everyone - both senders and receivers

perception - selection, organization (three types), interpretation, retention attribution theory

-perception: process by which individuals select, organize, interpret, and retain information from their environments (perception filters are the personalities, psychology, or experience based differences that people ignore or pay attention to)

selection problems

-selection perception:

*notice and accept objects which are consistent with our values and beliefs

*ignore inconsistent information

organizational problems

-closure: tendency to fill in the gaps of missing information (assume that we do know is consistent with what we don't know)


-figure ground:

perception of others

Attribution Theory:

*we have a need to understand and explain the causes of other people's behavior

-General reasons to explain behavior

*Internal attribution: the behavior was voluntary or under their control

*External attribution: the behavior was involuntary and beyond their control

formal VS. informal (grapevine) communication systems

Formal System

*for official information

*follows organizational structure


-bulletin boards, memos, in-house publications, staff meetings

formal VS. informal continued

Informal System

*superimposed over formal system

*aka "the grapevine" or "rumor mill"

*spontaneously developed by the employees

*tends to be very accurate (maybe 95%)

*cuts across horizontal and vertical lines

*liaisons or gatekeepers (Stu will use gatekeepers on test)

*can you eliminate the grapevine

verbal (written and oral) and nonverbal (including kinesics and paralanguage)


*oral and written

-Non Verbal

*any communications that isn't spoken or written

*body language (kinesics) & paralanguage

-kinesics: movements of the body or face

-paralanguage: pitch, tone, rate, volume, and speaking pattern of a person's voice

verbal and non-verbal continued (advantages and disadvantages of ORAL and WRITTEN)



-fast and easy to use

-promotes feedback and interchange


-may suffer from inaccuracies

-leaves no permanent records

verbal and non-verbal continued (advantages and disadvantages of ORAL and WRITTEN)



-tends to be more accurate

-provides a record of communication


-inhibits feedback and interchange

-more difficult and time consuming

direction of communication

study powerpoint slide (don't need to memorize)

one way VS. two way communication




*non-threatening to sender


*probability of misunderstanding (receiver resentment and frustration)

one way VS. two way continued



*clarification of message

*receiver input (sender-receiver involvement)


*more time consuming

*threatening to sender


-communication is a 2-way street

-hearing is a physiological act

-listening is a psychological act

*requires attention, energy, and skill

-can process very quickly

*speak about 120 words per minute

*comprehend 4 times that amount

how to become an active listener

1. Clarify Responses

*ask questions to clear up ambiguities

2. Paraphrase Responses

*restate the speakers phrases in your own words

3. Summarize Responses

*review the speaker's main points

two types of feedback

1. constructive

-give immediate feedback

-make feedback specific

-make feedback problem-oriented

2. destructive

-do all the opposite and be a bad manager essentially

suggestions for effective writing

-have an audience centered approach

-use a dictionary and a thesaurus

-let someone critique your work

-keep words simply (know your audience)

-write concisely, but completely

-be specific rather than vague