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16 Cards in this Set

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Point at which total revenue equals total cost

Break-even point

Fixed expenses that cannot be traced to individual segments or products; will continue if one part is eliminated

Common fixed expenses

Diff between total sales and total variable costs on a total basis (price minus unit variable on a per-unit basis); represents amt left from sales to contribute to cover fixed costs and profit

Contribution margin

Cost behavior-based inc stmt; costs are sep into fixed and variable cats; sales - tvc = TCM - tfc = Oper Inc

CM Inc stmt

Ratio of TCM to sales or of unit contrib to price; also computes as 1-variab cost ratio

Contribution margin ratio

Company’s relative mix of fixed to variable costs; useful to determine oper leverage

Cost structure

Estimates how changes in V & F costs, sales vol, & price affect profit

CVP analysis

Graph shows relation among cost, vol & profit, using tot cost line & tot rev line; intersect is break-even point

CVP graph

Shows degree to which fixed costs are used to obtain higher percent change in profit as sales change;

equals TCM/oper inc

Degree of operating leverage

Fixed costs that are directly traced to given segment and disappear if segment is elimin

Direct fixed expenses

Point at which 2 diff oper systems produce same income

Indifference point

# of units sold or amount of sales rev earned above BE pt

Margin of safety

This occurs when fixed costs are used to obtain higher change in profits as sales change

Operating leverage

Relative combo of products sold by a company; usually expressed in lowest whole units; ie 3:2 indicates for every 3 A units sold, 2 units of B are sold

Sales mix

A “what-if” technique used to see what impact a change in underlying variable has on the result

Sensitivity analysis

Ratio of tot VC to sales or of unit VC to price; also computed as 1-CMRatio, it reps the percent of each sales dollar used to cover VC

Variable cost ratio