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24 Cards in this Set

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Film Noir

Came from depression era and war time.Propaganda tool to express fear. Women in factories men at war

“Black film” 1946 by critics as hard boiled detective novels. Shadows. Chiaroscuro. Titled camera Angeles. Voice over

Film noir ww2

1941-45 reflect different anxieties from postwar era. Different circumstances in Hollywood production system

Noir post-war

Late 40s-50s psychological atmosphere. Paranoia about bomb, Cold War, HUAC, blacklist

Comics and pulp fiction

Familiarity in Noir as mications were urban. Intermingling of noir and war was in all media. Comics news reels pulp fiction novels.

Femme Fetal

Deviant spider woman. Frustrated and guilty. Man eater man eaten. Victim to own wiles.

Independent, irreverent, strong but defined by needs of central male character.

Paramount Decision

Supreme Court declares 8 companies guilty of monopolies. Majors ordered divest themselves of theatre chains. Ends block booking and vertical integration.

1950s audiences

Move to Siberia.

Drive in movies

Studios loose audience to TV

Rock and Roll draws young audience

Coming of TV

1948 first broadcasting in US

Hollywood underestimated TV and later was a threat. Studios put movies on TV 1/3 of broadcast material.

TV stars became movies stars. Hollywood made TV

Consequence of TV

Less discinction between A and B movies.

No distinction between big and small studios.

Stufios produce less films and raise budgets.

Independent producers come up. David O. Selznick Walt Disney

Hollywood reaction

Widescreen (CinemaScope, panabsion, vistavision)



Genre: western musical melodrama

Complex and realists stories

Aspect ratio

TV with similar aspect ratio 1.33:1 became threat to movie so they made widescreen

CinemaScope and vistavision . Flat made May 1953 and became common projection standard

Technicolor and melodrama

Worked perfectly together

New stardom

Sexuality, rebellious. Method/ realist acting. Dramatic. Pop culture icons and not divas

Narrative shifts

Social problems

Open endings

Complex narratives

Hedda Hopper gossip

Struggling actress to famed gossip writer. Reached 32m readers by 50s. Provided platform for anticommunism

Hedda Hopper influence

Mobilized readers to become “watchdogs” against threat.

Readers Shared gossip for sense of community

Used content and activism to accuse filmmakers of communism

Communist Symbolism: sci fibas metaphor for Cold War anxiety

48-62 Hollywood released over 500 sci-fi movies. Popular and cheap.

Monsters in films symbolizes communist foe.

Sci-fi taken less seriously which meant writers and more freedom

Blacklist orgin

Truman committee suspicious of Hollywood involvement with gov contract filmmaking( profits from military training films)

Started as searching for monopolies and turned into which-hunt” against political expression

HUAC house on unamerican activities committee

Hearing start 47. 19 ‘unfriendly witnesses testify’. 10 don’t answer and found guilty of contempt of Congress

Legal issues of 1st and 5th amendments

Legal tactics changed for 10 refusing to talk. Invoked 5th shield against self incrimination

Allowed witness to avoid naming names without being indicted for contempt of Congress. Taking 5th meant being added to blacklist

Naming names

Reagan and Disney friendly witnesses

Elia Kazaan

Testified in 52 naming 8 names. Received lifetime achievement award

Committee for 1st amendment

Sept 47 supporting 10.

Did not realize some Hollywood 10 were communists

End of balcklist

Began to end when Hitchcock hires Norman Lloyd as producer in 57