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25 Cards in this Set

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Provides comparisons of payments made and the principal reduction of the loan in the….

First five years

Informs borrower of the total amount of interest the borrower will pay over the loan term as a percentage of the loan amount

Total Interest Percentage (TIP)

What do LE not apply to?

Home Equity Lines of credit

Reverse mortgages

Loans to secure a fractional interest in real estate

Loans for mobile homes or dwellings not affixed to real property

Loans made by a person or entity that makes five or fewer mortgages in a calendar year

Loans made by non-natural persons

What do LE apply to

Vacant land or land consisting of 25 acres or more

Construction-only loans

Loans made to certain trusts utilized for tax and estate planning purposes

What happens if a mortgage broker completes the Loan Estimate?

Whole sale lender’s name (if known) must be used

Who has the ultimate responsibility to correct and timely deliver the disclosures to the consumer?


The estimate of charges and for all settlement services must be available for at least….

10 business days

What does the 10-business-say provision not apply to?

Interest rate, charges, and terms dependent upon the interest rate

How do determine if the loan was made in good faith?

Determined by the difference of the initial cost estimate and the final costs charged at loan closing

If closing costs on the Closing Disclosure are Greater than what is disclosed initially on the LE

LE not made in good faith

If closing costs on the Closing Disclosure are less than the LE

Acted in good faith

What are subject to tolerance limits?

Settlement service provider charges

Recording fees

What is the 10% cumulative tolerance?

The sum of certain charges cannot exceed 10% when lumped together

Fees that are paid to any party other than the creditor

Third-party charges

How long does the creditor have to refund the consumer who has experienced an excess amount of charges beyond the applicable tolerance threshold?

60 calendar days

Charges subject to zero tolerance

Any amount charge beyond amount disclosed must be refunded to the consumer

Charges subject to 10% tolerance

The Difference must be refunded to the consumer

When are lenders permitted to provide a revised Loan Estimate?

Changed circumstance in settlement

Changed circumstance in eligibility

Revisions requested by the consumer

Interest rate dependent charges

Expiration of 10 business day period

Delayed settlement date on construction loans

When must a revised LE be sent?

Three business days of receiving info sufficient to establish that an event permitting redisclosure has occurred

When must an LE be sent? (Not the 3 business day one)

4 business days prior to consummation

A revised Loan Estimate must not be….

Issued once the Closing Disclosure has been delivered

When is a revised LE considered received?

On the day it is provided

What if the revised LE is mailed or delivered electronically? When is it considered delivered?

Three business days after the disclosures are mailed or transmitted

Any day the creditors offices are open to the public for the purpose of transacting substantially all of the creditors business

Standard business day

A business day means all calendar days except Sunday’s and legal public holidays

4-business-day period prior to consummation