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201 Cards in this Set

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The foot is comprised of how many bones?
28 (the sesamoids are part of the windlass mechanism and intrical in the function of the foot in human locomotion)
The bone that is moves in a triplaner motion is what?
The largest bone in the human foot is what?
The bone that works with the fourth and fifth metatarsals is known as?
The four bones that make up the midtarsal joints is?
Calcaneo-cuboid / talonavicular
The anatomical location of the calcaneus that aids in preventing the heel from excessively everting is known as?
The calcaneal shelf
The largest plantar tuberosity of the calcaneus is?
The medial plantar tuberosity
What is the function of the medial plantar tuberosity?
To encourage lateral column loading and support the locking mechanism of the talus
The tendon that attaches at the calcaneus is?
Achilles tendon
A diagnosis that presents itself in the calcaneus is?
Achilles tendonitis
A diagnosis that presents itself in the calcaneus is?
Plantar fascitis
A diagnosis that presents itself in the calcaneus is?
Calcaneal apophysitis
Another name for Sever's Disease is?
Calcaneal apophysitis
An uncommon pedorthic diagnosis in the calcaneus is?
A stress fracture, a plantar nerve entrapment, cancer, foreign body
A common hindfoot pathology is?
Osteoarthritis, plantarfascitis, heel spurs
The hindfoot comprises what bones?
Two - Calcaneus / Talus
The calcaneus has a tuberosity that supports the talus known as?
Sustentaculem tali
The ligament that supports the talus is known as?
The spring ligament
The bone that works in conjunction with the first, second and third cuneiform is?
The medial column consists of?
The first, second and third rays
The lateral column consists of?
The fourth and fifth rays
The midline of the foot is?
The second ray
The keystone of the foot is?
The second ray
The second ray is crucial to the integrity of what joint line?
Lis Franc joint
The Lis Franc joint may have a pathology known as?
Lis Franc Fracture Dislocation
The second ray is know for what pathology at the base?
Osteoarthritis / Fracture Dislocation
The second ray is known for what pathology at the shaft?
Stress fracture
The second ray is known for what pathology on the dorsal aspect of the metatarsal head?
The second ray is known for what pathology on the plantar aspect of the metatarsal head?
Metatarsalgia / Callous / Corn
A deep lesion with no blood or pus present, under the 2nd MH is known as?
An IPK is abbreviated for what term?
Intractible Plantar Keratosis
The second and third interspace is known for what pathology?
Rarely, a neuroma; not a Morton's neuroma
The third and fourth interspace is known for what pathology?
A true Morton's neuroma
A stress fracture will present itself to a pedorthist in what location most frequently?
The third metatarsal, as the second metatarsal stress fracture will usually be treated by the physician. The reoccurance will usually prompt care from a pedorthist.
The longest bone in the human foot is?
The second metatarsal
The first metatarsal and second metatarsal are suppose to be the same length? True or False?
The largest metatarsal is known as?
The first metatarsal
The reason the first metatarsal receives few stress fractures is due to?
It's larger girth; which makes it unlikely for stress fractures
The diagnosis that is a growth plate disorder in the forefoot is?
A diagnosis that is a growth plate disorder in the navicular is?
A diagnosis at the navicular that makes the navicular protrude is?
Accessory navicular
A biomechanical malfunction of these locking joints will make the navicular protrude?
Midtarsal joint unlocking
The tendon passing around the cuboid is?
The peroneus longus
The tendon passing on the lateral side of the foot, which rarely has a diagnosis is?
Peroneus tertius; primarilly a swing phase muscle
Brevis means?
A tendon that makes the foot abduct is?
The peroneus brevis
A tendon that makes the foot supinate is?
Posterior tibial / anterior tibial
The fascia is known as what type of descriptive tissue?
A sheath. It is not a ligament nor not a tendon
The fascia attaches at the calcaneus and extends to?
The distal end of the digits; and has insertional bands at the metatarsal heads
The fascia may have bumps on it known as?
Fascial nodules
A prominent fascia should be treated with what treatment modality?
A fascial groove in the arch support or orthosis.
To treat a prominent fascia the positive cast of the patient's foot should have plaster taken away from or added to the positive mold to accommodate for this pathology?
Added to the positive mold so that when the carrier is pressed upon the positive mold, the carrier will have a valley (fascial groove) to relieve pressure from the prominent fascia
A calcaneal spur is often treated with what accommodation?
A heel spur accommodation; donut pad or U-shaped accommodation
The disadvantage to a heel spur accommodation is?
The skin will fall into the pocket and create a swollen pocket, painful to walk upon when barefooted. It may also aggitate the symptoms. It will add height to the orthosis, causing shoe fitting problems and limb length descrepancies
The diagnosis presenting a permanent disability in the medial arch if not treated after it ruptures is?
Posterior tibial tendon rupture
The diagnosis presenting on the plantar arch that is not posterior tibial tendonitis, plantar fascitis or arch strain is known as?
Peroneus longus tendonitis
Pain around the lateral ankle that is not osseous may be?
Nerve impingement, soft tissue impingement or peroneal tendonitis
Pain in the anterior ankle is known as?
Spurring or osteoarthritis
The metatarsal head have how many condyles?
The first metatarsal has how many sesamoids?
The hindfoot has how many bones?
The tarsus of the foot has how many bones?
The midtarsals of the foot have how many bones?
There are how many metatarsals in the forefoot?
The tendons on the top of the foot are known as?
The extensors
The tendons on the plantar aspect of the foot are known as?
The flexors
The tendons that may be affected causing drop foot are known as?
The extensors
A mallet toe may be due to what tendon?
The flexor tendon contracting
A hammer toe is know to occur from what tendon group?
Extensor tendon's
A claw toe is usually associated with what foot type / diagnosis?
Pes Cavo Varus / High Arch
A hammer toe is usually associated with what foot type / diagnosis?
Pes Planus Valgus / Low arch
A medially deviated lesser digit is caused from what? Name three differential diagnoses.
Genetic predisposition, injury, metatarsus adductus, internal tibial torsion, hallux rigidus, etc.
A fifth digit that is dorsiflexed may be due to what? Name a biomechanical theory.
The fifth digit is trying to balance a forefoot that is not in a healthy position / forefoot varus or valgus attitude
A protrusion on the dorsal aspect of the foot is known as?
A dorsal exostosis
One specific joint line may have an osteophyte on the dorsal aspect of the midfoot. Name the joint line.
First metatarsocuneiform joint
A dorsal exostosis on the first MPJ is known as?
Dorsal bunion / hallux rigidus
A long second toe is a precursor for what diagnosis?
A Morton's toe
The anatomical definition of a Morton's toe is what?
The first metatarsal is functionally shorter or anatomically shorter than the second metatarsal at the distal end
The danger of a Morton's toe is?
Excessive pressure of the second metatarsal may induce injury to the Lis Franc joint line
The hallux toenail may be twisted - what is the cause?
The lateral tendon is overpowering the medial tendon / a forefoot varus is present
The tendon on the medial aspect of the hallux is named?
The abductory tendon; moving the first ray away from the midline of the foot (the second ray)
The name of the tendon that moves the hallux toward the midline of the body is?
Adductory hallucis tendon
The tendon that is usually affected by shin splints is?
Anterior tibial tendon
The reason shin splints causes pain is because of what occurance?
The tendon is pulling away from the periosteum of the tibia
The achilles tendon is made up of what muscles?
Gastroc / Soleus
The full name for the gastroc muscle is?
Gastrocnemius muscle
The deepest calf muscle is?
The posterior tibialis
The largest calf muscle is?
The soleus
The calf muscle that is the most superficial is?
The gastrocnemius
The gastrocnemius function is to?
Flex the knee and assist with raising the calcaneus
The soleus contracts to perform what function?
Raise the heel
When the foot is ending swing phase and the gastrocsoleus is firing it is firing how?
When the foot is entering propulsion, the gastrocsoleus is firing how?
The pathology at the distal end of the second metatarsal head near the sulcus of the digit is known as?
Tenosynovitis; sometimes termed synovitis, capsulitis, bursitis, neuroma or often condensed into the common term of metatarsalgia
Can metatarsalgia occur in the dorsal aspect of the foot?
Yes: metatarsal = metatarsals, algia = pain; it does not mandate in the most common site of the plantar foot
A diagnosis that shoots pain distal and proximal and is often described as electrical is?
If a patient can not ambulate on their foot it may be due to?
A fracture and should obtain a confirmation from the referring physician
A hallux that has limited range of motion is known to have?
Hallux limitus
A hallux that can not dorsiflex 20 degrees may have what diagnosis?
Hallux limitus
A hallux that can not bend 20 degrees may have three differential diagnoses - name them.
Hallux rigidus, post operative screws/pins, surgical joint fusion
When a hallux presents a dark pressure mark on the center, plantar aspect of a pedigraph, harris mat or computerized pressure mat, it may indicate what diagnosis?
Hallux limitus; as the first MPJ can not move adequately, the joint distal to the first MPJ takes on the movement for this joint, at the proximal joint of the hallux causing an enlargement of the plantar aspect of this hallux joint
When adding a metatarsal pad to an orthosis, what intrinsic muscles may be affected adversely with this treatment modality?
The lumbricales; which primary function is to plantarflex the metatarsal heads for propulsion.
A metatarsal pad should be used primarilly when a patient has what pathology?
A plantarflexed metatarsal head; not a lesion or callous, as the elevation from the metatarsal pad may adversely affect the biomechanics of the forefoot planting upon the ground.
A prominent base of the fifth usually indicates?
Metatarsus adductus
A lesion on the medial aspect of the hallux which is not an ulcer may be termed?
A pinch callous
A pinch callous is often caused by three biomechanical factors named?
Pronation, external hip rotation or forefoot varus
External hip roration may also be termed?
Femoral retroversion
When the tibia is internally rotated it is known as?
Internal tibial torsion
When the femur is internally rotated it is commonly known as?
Femoral anteversion
When the patient has external hip rotation it may be due to what three factors among others?
Pronation/abduction of the foot
A tendon that attachs on the naviculur also attachs where?
To nearly every bone in the plantar aspect of the human arch
The tendon that raises the arch that is activated when the first ray plantarflexes is and inserts on the plantar aspect is?
The posterior tibial tendon
The tendon that raises the arch that is activated during early plantarflexion of the hallux and inserts on the medial base of the first is known as?
The anterior tibialis tendon
The tendon that is activated when almost simultaneously when the peroneus brevis adducts the foot is the?
Peroneus longus
The tendon that assist with abducting the foot the anatomically normal amount of 7 degrees is?
The peroneus brevis
The differential diagnosis for plantar fascitis that presents in the center plantar area of the arch is known as? Name three:
Plantar fascitis, peroneus longus tendonitis, posterior tibial tendonitis, arch strain, plantar fascia nodules, etc.
When the patient presents with pain on the dorsal aspect of the foot near the midtarsals, the more serious diagnosis would be?
Lis Franc fracture / dislocation
When the patient is diabetic and presents with pain on the dorsal aspect of the foot near the midtarsals, the more serious diagnosis would be?
Charcot Joint / Foot
The more serious diagnosis in the hindfoot that the patient may have who is not diabetic and has been diagnosed with plantar fascitis might be?
Ankle fracture undiagnosed
When the patient has pain between the digits it may be due to? Name three differential diagnoses.
Soft corn, foreign body, athletes feet, ulcer, etc.
When the patient presents with a lesion on the digit and it is not an ulcer it may be? Name three differential diagnoses.
Hard corn, callous, mole or wart
Name five plantar lesions
Wart, seed corns, corn, intractible plantar keratosis, mole, skin graft, callous, etc.
When the patient presents with pain on the anterior lateral ankle it may involve what?
Flexor tendons, anterior talofibular ligament, bony impingement, etc.
A pinch callous may be caused by external forces; name three.
Shoes, sock seams, walking barefooted.
A bony protrusion on the lateral foot may be due to three bony prominences, name them.
Base of the fifth, lateral fifth metatarsal head, fifth digit, or rarely the lateral ankle / mallelous.
A bump on the lateral heel may be due from supinating, termed what?
A haglunds due to a supinatory rock which is a movement occuring due to faulty mechancics.
A enlargement on the posterior lateral heel may be termed?
A haglunds, pump bump or spur; they are not necessarily the same diagnosis although they may have similar signs, symptoms and etilogies.
A bursa is know to be present most often in the foot where?
Calcaneal bursa
Sesamoids are located in various locations on the human body; some are important to the function while others are anamolies. True or False?
The eight sesamoids that are anatomically part of the human body are?
Two in each foot, one in each wrist and one in each knee.
The largest sesamoid is known as the?
Patella (located in the anterior knee)
The cuboid is part of the medial or lateral column?
The sesamoids are located on the dorsal or plantar aspect of the human foot?
The sesamoids are attached to bones? True or False?
False, they are encased in two tendons.
The tendons that encase the sesamoids are named?
The Flexor Hallucis Brevis
There are two flexor hallucis tendons, name them.
Flexor Hallucis Brevis, Flexor Hallucis Longus
The subtalar head is located in the region of what? A unique name that represents another pathology of inflammation.
Sinus tarsi; where sinus tarsitis may occur due to excessive forefoot to rearfoot motion
The talus consists of a head, neck and dome. Where does the clinician apply their fingers when assessing for talar head congruency and subtalar neutral position?
Talar head; the distal / front of the talus on the medial aspect of the talus and the anterior lateral aspect of the talus
The location that can be inadvertantly palpated when attempting to cast in subtalar neutral prone position is what location of the talus?
The talar dome. This bony prominence is too far up from the talus to be the talar head and is not the correct location to palpate to find subtalar neutral position.
The lateral talar head is located more laterally or anteriorally on the human foot?
Anteriorally versus laterally. Laterally is too far from the midline for it's location.
The medial talar head is located more medially on the foot? True or False?
A bony landmark to aid in locating the lateral talar head is?
Using the lateral talar dome, then gliding one finger anteriorally while inverting and everting the foot, until the lateral talar head is palpated on full excursion into a neutral position
A bony landmark to aid in locating the medial talar head is?
Using the navicular and gliding the finger slightly proximal toward the medial mallelous approximately 3-6 mm while inverting and everting the foot, until the medial talar head is palpated on full excursion into a neutral position
The navicular is the talar head? True or False?
The navicular is also known as what name?
Scaphoid; also a canoe shaped bone
The calcaneus is also known as what name?
Os calcis
The fibularis tendons are also known as what name?
Peroneal tendons
A bone in the human foot shaped almost perfectly square is describing what bone?
The cuboid
The calcaneal inclination angle for a normal foot in most humans is what degree?
18 - 22 degree of dorsiflexion from the plantar tuberosity of the calcaneus to the plantar aspect of the first metatarsal head
The apex of the arch for a scaphoid pad is located directly below what bone?
To control the foot biomechanically, in a collapsing foot, one might consider having the apex of their orthosis or scaphoid pad where?
In the region of the sustentaculem tali; the kickstand of the human foot
A arch pad or scaphoid pad that extends under the distal medial and posterior medial aspect of the calcaneus is usually termed what?
A medial heel wedge versus a scaphoid pad or biomechanical scaphoid pad
The apex of the orthosis near the distal or mid shaft region of the first metatarsal is known as what theory?
Root / Rootian theory
The apex of the orthosis near the midtarsal cuneiform joints is known as what theory or orthosis name?
Rootian functional / functional foot orthoses
Intrinsic posting which skives the posterior medial aspect of the calcaneus is known as what technique?
The Kirby Skive; usually a removal of approximately 9 mm of the medial aspect of the positive cast, to create a raised area on the carrier of the orthosis
Cutting the positive cast into two sections representing the hindfoot and forefoot is known as what theory?
Dual Axis or Biaxial
Cutting the positive cast into four pieces representing the hindfoot, midfoot, forefoot and first ray is known as what theory?
Extrinsic posting does what to the first ray?
Dorsiflexes it; which causes the four muscle quadrants to not work anatomically efficiently or appropriately as they are designed
Intrinsic posting does what to the first ray?
Plantarflexes it; which allows the four muscle quadrants to work more anatomically efficient, improve timing and restore energy as they are designed
When the heel is not resting on the supporting surface during stance, this is known as what?
When the heel is elevated with a heel height of over 1" this foot may not be a typical cavus foot but a more severe cavus foot known as?
Tali pes equinus varus
Name four diagnoses that may affect the posterior tibial tendon as it is strained.
Strain, Antalgic/pain, tear, attenuation, pre-rupture, rupture, disease, disability, etc.
A collapsed foot is know biomechanically as what diagnosis?
A forefoot varus in open chain
A high arch foot is known biomechanically as what diagnosis?
A forefoot valgus in open chain which may present as a true forefoot valgus, or instead be a plantarflexed first ray. Two through five metatarsal head planes must then be analyzed to see what their position is relative to the first ray position and the vertical heel
In closed chain when a heel is everted, the forefoot should be in what position?
Varus in open chain
In closed chain when a heel is inverted, the forefoot should be in what position?
Valgus in open chain; use caution as this foot may instead have a plantar flexed first ray as it's true diagnosis
When a foot is pointed toward the midline this is known as?
Intoeing, adduction, metatarsus adductus, internal hip rotation aka femoral anteversion, clubfoot, cavus foot if the hallux and first metatarsal can be seen from the posterior view versus any of the lesser digits on the lateral side of the foot, etc.
When a foot is pointed away from the midline this is known as?
Out-toeing, abduction, external hip rotation aka femoral retroversion, posterior tibial tendon dysfunction if more than three of the lesser digits are showing laterally, etc.
LLD is the abbreviation for what term?
Limb length descrepancy; one leg shorter than another either anatomically or functionally.
The causes of one leg shorter may include what? Name seven or more causes.
Femur shorter, Tibia shorter, pelvic tilt, scoliosis, stroke, hemiplegia, Blount's disease, Legg-Calve-Perthe's disease, equinus, Polio, etc.
When a patient presents with loss of fat pad the diagnosis is termed?
Fat pad atrophy
When a digit is overlapping another digit the diagnosis is termed?
Overlapping digit
A crippling arthritis is commonly known as being?
Rheumatoid arthritis
Name the most distal amputation to the human foot.
Distal tip amputation
Name the amputation to the phalanges.
Digital amputation
Name the amputation that occurs midshaft of the metatarsals.
Transmet amputation
Name the amputation that occurs proximal to the Transmet amputation
Choparts amputation
Name the amputation that leaves only a stump of the foot remaining and is not usually within the scope of pedorthic practice in regards to a "filler".
Symmes amputation; requires the assistance of an orthotist or prosthetist in most cases although the pedorthist may dispense custom shoes, high-top in nature, etc.
The most common sprain is known as what?
Inversion sprain; anterior talo-fibular ligament sprain
Pain presenting in the heel for the first ten steps is often termed?
Plantar fascitis
Pain presenting at the lateral fifth metatarsal may present with what three pathologies?
Tailor bunion, corn/callous/lesion, stress fracture to the proximal fifth metatarsal
Capsulitis can be in any joint line? True or False?
Synovitis can be in any joint? True or False?
Which three locations of the human foot have high incidences of osteoarthritis?
First MPJ, midfoot and hindfoot/ankle
A long second digit is the scientific way of diagnosing a Morton's toe. True or False
A soft corn is known as what diagnosis?
Heloma Molle; soft corn
A hard corn is known as what diagnosis?
Heloma Durum; hard corn
The base of the second metatarsal is uniquely described at the cuneiform joints as being what?
Sandwiched in, giving structural intregrity to the arch and Lis Franc joint complex.
The dominant plane of the calcaneus is?
Frontal; eversion and inversion
The dominant plane of the midfoot is?
Transverse; abduction and adduction
The dominant plane of the metatarsal heads is?
Sagittal; dorsiflexion and plantarflexion
The dominant plane of the talus is?
None; it moves equally in all three planes, which represents six motions
The dominant plane of the ankle is?
Sagittal; dorsiflexion and plantarflexion
The dominant plane of the second metatarsal is?
Sagittal; dorsiflexion and plantarflexion.
The foot is engineered to be how many degrees away from the midline?
7 degrees in abduction; known a the angle of gait
The foot is engineered to be how many inches away from eachother in the resting calcaneal stance position?
3 inches; known as the base of stance
A forefoot or rearfoot deformity measuring greater than what degrees is considered excessive in the biomechanical sciences?
6 degrees of forefoot varus, forefoot valgus, rearfoot varus all in open chain or rearfoot valgus in closed chain; as we know that rearfoot valgus is an anomaly. The human foot is engineered to be 4-6 degrees inverted in open chain.
There are how many joints in each digit?
Two joints, but only one joint in the hallux
There are how many bones in the forefoot of the human foot?
19 not including the sesamoids, with the sesamoids there are a total of 21 in the forefoot
Toes that deviate from one another are known as what?
Splay toes
Splay toes are a common precursor to what?
Neuromas within their interspaces as the bones pinch the nerves due to the splaying of the digits, like chinese chopsticks