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20 Cards in this Set

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refers to a set of interrelated concepts, definitions, and propositions that explains, describes, or predicts events or situations by specifying relations among variables. ____ by the nature are abstract or general ideas which have been conceptually developed and tested.

Structural Functionalism

the perspective which describes the society as a social system that has a social structure of its own, made up of different parts which are interconnected which works together in harmony to achieve balance and social equilibrium

Social System

A structure composed of multiple parts wherein each parts are dependent to each other.

Social group

any collection of human beings wherein the members are interrelated in a certain way and associates themselves as being a part of the same unit.

Social Order

- is how the society tries to remain stability and balance

Social Structure -

is the patterns in society that are continuously repeated and maintained.

Social Organization

- is the state of interdependence of multiple social groups. It is also used to refer to associations.

Family -

is the basic unit of life

Government -

is a group that is in charge of regulating and enforcing rules in the society.


is a way of giving or receiving particular knowledge or skills through deliberate instruction

Economy -

is the allocation, production and reproduction of various resources and products.


- is a set of beliefs, symbols and practices that aims to answer or understand various meaning of life


means that elements of society do their specific tasks or jobs in order to contribute to the social equilibrium


means that people disrupt the balance of the society, that is, if the social institutions fail to fulfill their function.

Manifest Functions

are consequences or effects that areintended and recognized by the norm.

Latent Functions

are consequences that are unintended or hidden.

Herbert Spencer

He is best known for the expression "survival of the fittest", which he applied in the society

Talcott Parson

He established Social Action Theory in order to integrate the study of social order with the structural and voluntaristic aspect of social order.

Robert Merton

Social roles were central to his theory of social groups. He emphasised that, rather than a person assuming one role and one status, they have a status set in the social structure.

Emile Durkheim

He analyzed how societies could maintain their integrity and coherence in the modern era