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11 Cards in this Set

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I owe a debt of gratitude to my tutors

Being grateful to sb who has helped u


Not credit

When u owe money to sb

Be (heavily/deeply) in debt to sb

Get/run/fall into debt

The organization sank deeper into debt

Nearly half of the students said they were in debt


He thinks that the world owes him a living (He's unwilling to work in order to get things)

U owe it to urself to take some time off.

U owe him an apology/explanation

I owe u a letter/drink

I owe u one! (Used to thank sb who have helped u)

I still owe u for the taxi

How much do I owe u? (Used to show that u want to pay sb for sth)


To let sb borrow sth from u for a short time

I lent my CD to Danial & I haven't got it back yet.

I lent Danial my CD & I haven't got it back yet.


To use sth that belongs to someone else & that u must give back to them later

Can I borrow ur pen for a min?

Can u lend me ur pen for a min?

Ur allowed to borrow six books from the library.

A rising tide lifts all boats

Its used to say that economy growth will benefit all participants in that economy & that economic policy should therefore focus on the macroeconomic environment first & foremost

Trickle down effect

Its a model of product adoption in marketing that affects many consumer goods and services. It states that fashion flows vertically from upper classes to the lower classes in society.

Trickle down economics

Is a theory that claims benefits for the wealthy trickle down to the workers. These benefits are tax cuts on business, high income earners and ... they will spend their wages to drive demands and economic growth.

Trickle down

Gradually benefit the poorest as a result of the increasing wealth of the richest


If sth trickles somewhere, it flows or moves slowly in small groups there

The tears trickled down her cheeks.

The first few fans started to trickle into/ away/ out of the stadium


If sth trickles somewhere, it flows or moves slowly in small groups there

The tears trickled down her cheeks.

The first few fans started to trickle into/ away/ out of the stadium

Trickle down/up

If money trickles down/up, it moves slowly from the richest/the poorest people or countries to the poorest/the richest people or countries