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240 Cards in this Set

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Three stages of postmortem muscular changes

Primary flacccidity (irritability)

Post mortem rigidity

Secondary flacidity

Postmortem muscular changes in primary flaccidity

Muscles are relaxed, capable of contracting when stimulated

Pupils are dilated

Sphincters are relaxed

Rigor mortis time of peak

12 hrs

Stage of secondary flaccidity features

Flaccid muscles that no longer responds to stimuli

Start of decay

How many hours postmortem is stage of secondary flaccidity expected

After 36 hours post mortem

Conditions stimulating rigor mortis

Heat more than 75C

Cold - freezing

Cadaveric spasm/ instantaneous rigor - exhaustion/injury to nervous system or to the chest

Kinds of postmortem lividity

Hypostatic lividity

Diffusion lividity

Changes in the blood postmortem

Coagulation of blood

Postmortem lividity/postmortem sugillation/postmortem hypostasis

First organ to putrify postmortem


Findings that differentiate drowning and postmortem throwing into body of water

Water in middle ear

Water in stomach

Cadaveric spasm of the limbs

Hypostatic lividity

Liquid blood settles to most dependent parts of body

Diffusion lividity

Coagulated blood inside blood vessels or already diffused into tissue

Finding pathognomonic of suicide

Cadaveric spasm of limb used for suicide

Time hypostatic lividity completes

6-8 hrs

How many hours it takes to find maggots in dead bodies

24 hours

Presumption of death under the rules of court may be done after exceeding efforts of how many years

7 years

Presumption of death for purposes of succession is done after how long person is last found

10 years

For persons in vehicles that got lost, in danger of death, when can presumed death be declared without recovery of body

4 years

Post mortem examination stages




Preliminary examination of dead body

Surroundings, clothes, identity

Where to start autopsies


External examination of dead bodies

Position, approximation of time of death

Internal examination of dead body

Examination of orifices and foreign bodies

Infanticide definition

Killing of an infant <3 yo

Degrees of suicide

Primary: planned, deliberate, premeditates

Second: unplanned and provoked

Third degree: Accidental suicide by putting self in high risk situations

Killing a close relative (father, mother, child, spouse)


Intent that qualifies murder

Trachery, taking advantage of superior strength

In consideration of price, reward or promise

With fire, poison, explosion, shipwreck, derailment

On occasion of calamities

With evident premeditation

With cruelty

Death in tumoultous affray

Person was killed in a confused or tumoultous affray

Actual killer is unknown

Person who inflicted serious injuries are known

Guilty spouse in a valid marriage was killed by husband while having sex with someone else or just right after

Death under exceptional circumstance: surprise by spouse

Death under exceptional circumstance: Surprise of daughter requirements

Daughter is below 18 years of age

Daughter is living with parents

Parents caught her by surprise commiting sexual intercourse with seducer

Killing was done during or immediately after sexual act

Penalty for death or physical injuries under exceptional circumstances


Types of passive euthanasia



Patient is allowed to die without treatment


There is an attempt to extend life span with extraordinary treatment


Death from starvation is greater after losing how much body weight

40% of previous body weight

Death without food and water takes how many days

10 days

Death without food but with water occurs after how long

50-60 days

Factors that influence length of survival


Condition of the body



Who may sign death certificate

Attending physician

Municipal health officer, if no physician

Municipal mayor, if no health officer or physician

Municipal secretary, if mayor not available

When should dead body be buried

48 hrs postmortem

12 hrs postmortem if communicable disease

Exhumation can be done when

3 yrs

5 yrs, if death is due to communicable disease

If for crime investigation, anytime

Instances when cremation cannot be granted

Will of dead person

Identity of corpse is unknown

Cause of death is unknown

Penetrative wounds definition

Wounding agent enters body, piercing solid organs

Perforating wounds definition

Wound agent enters body and pierces hollow organs

Three types of physical injuries


Less serious


Less serious physical injury treatment required

10-30 days

Serious physical injury duration of treatment required

> 30 days

Slight physical injury treatment duration required

< 10 days


Unlawful and violent deprival of another of the use of a part of the body to render him less able in fighting

Green contusion time

4-5 days

Yellow contusion

7-10 days

Hematoma is usually found in which parts of the body

Bony areas

Hair bulbs are cut: incised wound or lacerated wound

Incised wound

Above larynx cut throat: suicide or homicide


Homicide: above larynx or below cut throat


Suicide: diagonal or horizontal throat cuts


Remote injuries

Force applied on areas not related to the head

Locus minoris resistencia

Injury is at opposite site of application of force or area of least resistance

Most common cause of cerebral compression

Subdural hemorrhage

Common rupture site of heart


Tatooing/stippling/peppering from gunshot wound is from what distance

Up to 24 inches

Flame from gun shot distance of shooting

Up to 6 inches

<3 in pistols

Smudging/smoke/blackening is found at what distance of shooting

Up to 12 inches

Souvenir bullet

Bullet has been lodged and remained in the body

Tandem bullet

2 or more bullets leaving the barrel one after another

Mechanical error of forearm

Electrical burn with crocodile skin apperance

Flash burn

Spark burn appearance

Parchment skin apperance

Types of asphyxia by strangulation



Compression of neck with stick


Manual strangulation/throtting

Types of asphyxia by suffocation



Injury to the hyoid bone: hanging or strangulation


Tete de negri

Bronze discoloration of the head and neck of a person who died in water

Gettler's test result conclusive of drowning

Chloride concentration in left side of heart

Turn tutle impact crashes

Roll over crash

Whiplash injury is acquired from which impact

Rear impact

Flexes elbow position seen in burned bodies

Puginistic/ boxer's position

Spectacle hematoma results from what fracture

Orbital floor fracture

Worst type of child abuser

Ignorant abuser

Fodere's test/hydrostatic test

Entire lungs are removed, put in water to see whether it floats or not. If floats, born alive

Breslau's test

Stomach and intestine are placed in water to see if organs float. Floats if baby born alive

Wredin's test

Gelatinous embryonic connective tissue in the middle ear is observed. If there is, baby was born dead

Legitimate children

Born in a marriage or within 300 days after dissolution of marriage

Legal medicine

Branch of medicine which deals with the application of medical knowledge to the purpose of law and administration

Forensic medicine

The use of medical science to elucidate legal problems

Medical jurisprudence

Branch of law which deals with the organization and regulation of the medical profession, the practice of medicine, rights, duties and obligations of physician with reference to physician-patient relationship

Medical Jurist

Physician who specializes in the science of legal medicine

A rule of conduct, just, obligatory, laud by legitimate power for common observance and benefit



A practical science which investigates the origin, development and function of law

Principle of stare decisis

A principle that when court has once laid down principle of law as applied to a certain state of facts, it will adhere to principle, and apply it to all future cases where the facts are substantially the same


Means sanctioned by law, of ascertaining in a judicial proceeding the truth respecting a mater of fact

Medical evidence

The means sanctioned by law of ascertaining in a judicial proceeding the truth respecting a matter of fact wherein scientific medical knowledge is necessary

Real or autoptic evidence

Form of evidence made known or addressed to the senses of the court (eg pictures, video, audio)

Testimonial evidence

That which comes to the tribunal through witnesses under oath in the presence of the tribunal

Experimental evidence

Experiments which may be required of medical witnesses to perform prove a certain matter of fact

Documentary evidence

Any written evidence presente dby a physician which is relevant


Earliest recorded medico-legal expert (2980 B.C.)

Code of Hammurabi

Oldest code of law

First police surgeon


Father of forensic medicine

Paulus Zacchias

Father of modern toxicology


First medical textbook printed in the Philippines

Manual de Medicine Domestica

Author of first medical textbook printed in the Philippines

Rafael Genard y Mas

Ordinary witness

Impart what he has perceived

May be invoked by physician in civil cases to protect the patient's right to confidential information

Privileged Communication


Written record of evidence given orally and transcribed in writing in the form of questions by the interrogator and the answer of the deponent and signed by the latter

Expert witness

Draw inference from facts by the use of scientific skills or knowledged on account of his training

Physical evidence

Articles and materials found in connection with the investigation and aid in establishing the identity of the perpetrator

Corpus Delicti Evidence

Objects or substances which may be a part of the body of the crime

Associative evidence

Physical evidences which link a suspect to the crime

Tracing evidence

Physical evidences which may assist the investigator on locating the suspect

Three types of physical evidence

Tracing evidence

Associative evidence

Corpus delicti evidence


Miniature model of a sciene or human body indicating marks of the aspects to be preservevd

Direct evidence

That which proves the fact in dispute without the aid of of any interference or presumption

Circumstantial evidence

The proof of fact from which, taken either singly or collectively, the existence of a particular fact in dispute may be inferred as a necessary or probably consequence

Devices which record psycho-physiological response

Polygraph/lie detector test

Word association test

Psychological stress evaluator

Truth serum

Hyoscine hydrobromide

Narcoanalysis or narcosynthesis uses which substances

Sodium amytal/ sodium pentothal

Word association test

Stimulus and nonstimulus words read to the subject who is instructed to answer quickly

Psychological stress evaluator

detects, measures and graphically displays the voice modulation that we cannot hear

Drugs used to inhibit the inhibitor

Hyoscine hydrobromide

Sodium amytal/ sodium pentothal


Emotional appeal

Scientific interogation technique wherein the interogator creates a mood conducive to confession

Mutt and Jeff technique

There are 2 investigators opposite in character- arrogant and friendly

Stern approach

Use of intimidation

Bluff on split-pair

Suspects are investigated separately

Scientific interrogation techniques

Emotional appeal

Mutt and Jeff technique

Bluff on split-pair

Stern approach

The subject is given the opportunity to make a lengthy narration


Expressed admission of guilt in a criminal case (eg "I killed Pedro"


Statement of fact (eg I owned the knife that stabbed Pedro)

Extrajudicial confession

A confession made outsidthe court prior to the trial of the case

Corpus delicti

The body of the crime or fact of the specific loss or injury sustained

Judicial confession

The confession of the accused in court

Law of multiplicity of evidence in identification

The greater the number of points of similarities and dissimilarities of two persons compared, the greater is the probability for the conclusion to be correct

Cow's gait

Swaying movement due to knock-knee

Paretic gait

Steps are short and feet are dragged

Spastic gait

Legs are held togethrt and toes are dragged

Festinating gait

Short accelerated steps

Frog gait

Hopping gait from infantile paralysis, use of hands to ambulate

Waddling gait

Similar to duck movement

Gait in tabes dorsalis

Ataxic gait

Gait in tertiary syphillis

Ataxic gait

Gait in polio

Frog gait

Hippocratic fascies

Nose is pinched, temple holliw, eyes sunken, ears cold, lips relaxed, skin livid

Mongolian fascies

Almond eyes, palecomplexiin, prominent cheekbones

Myxedemic facies

Edematous swelling

Portrait parle

Verbal accurate, picturesque description of person identifiede


Art and study of recording fingerprints as means of identification


Art of identification by comparison of fingerprints


Study of pores on the papillary or friction ridges of the skin for purposes of identification

Teeth at 9 yrs old

12 permanent (8 incisors, 4 molars)

Teeth at 11 yo

20 permanent teeth (8 incisors, 8 premolars, 4 molars)

Teeth at 13 yo

28 permanent teeth, no deciduous teeth

Age when alcification of 3rd molar begins

8-10 yo

Age when root ends of 3rd molar completely calcifies

25 yo


Science of hand writing analysis, documents to determine genuiness of authorship


Study of handwritinf to determine writer's personality, character and aptitude

Traced forgery

Outlining of a genuine signature from a document

Simulated forgery

Attempt to copy in freehand manner the genuine signature

Spurious forgery

No attempt to copy the genuine writing

Disguised writing

Deliberate attempt to alter writing habit or by imitating the writing of another

When is human skeleton unchangeable

After 20th year

Hess' Rule/ Haase's Rule

Determinatiom of age of fetus

Fetus <25cm: square root of length in cm = age in mos

Fetus =>25 cm: length in cm divided by 5.= age in mos

Types of physical examinations of blood and blood stains

Solubility test

Heat test


Solubility test

Recent blood shed is soluble in saline solution and imparts bright red color

Heat test

Solution of blood stain will impart muddy precipitate


Stains on dark fabric emit bluish-white luminescenve in dark room when sprayed with chemical solutions

Chemical examinations of blood and blood stain

Saline extract of blood stain + ammonia

Benzidine test

Guaiacum/Van Deen's/ Schombein's test

Phenolphthalein test/ Kastle-Meyer test

Leucomalachite Green test

Micro-chemical tests for blood stains

Hemochromogen crystal/Takayama test

Teichmann's blood crystal/ hemin crystals

Acetone-Haemin of Wagenhaar test

Precipin test

To determine whether blood is human origin

Adolescent hair

Scalp hair becomes long and thick

Somatic or clinical death

Complete, persistent and continuous cessation of vital functions

Molecular or cellular death

Death of indivudual cells

Apparent death/ state of suspended animation

Transient loss of consciousness or temporary vessation of vital functions of the body on account of diseass, external stimulus or other forms of influence

Magnus test

Ligature is applied around the base of the finger. If still with active circulation, pale around ligature and area of lividity distal to ligature

Icards test

SQ injection of fluorescein. If positive, it will spread in the vessels and skin will have greenish-yellow discoloration

Diaphanous test

Finger webs are viewed through strong light. If still alive, pale, light passes through and color is yellow

Winslow test

Sauver of water or mercury is placed on chest and abdomen

Algor mortis

Progressive fall of body temperature

Post-mortem caloricity

Rise of temperature of the body after death due to rapid and early putrefavtive changes in the first 2 hrs after death

Schourupus formula

Determination of time of death by examination of CSF

Ataxic gait

Gait in which the foot is raised high, thrown forward and brought down suddenly

Facies indicative of approaching death

Hippocratic facies

Rougue's galary

Photographic files of wanted or missing persons for comparison with the cartographic sketch

Qualified seduction

1. Virgin 12-18 yrs old

2. Committed by any person in public authority, priests, house-servant, domestic, guardian, teacher, or any person entrusted with education or custody of the woman

Punishment for qualified seduction

Prision correcional

Simple seduction

1. 12-18 yrs old woman

2. Single or widow

3. Sexual intercourse by deceit

Punishment for simple seduction

Arresto major


having carnal knowledge ofa a women under ff circumstances:

1. by force or intimidation

2. when woman is deprived of reason or unconsious

3. <12 yo, even without above conditions

Consented abduction

1. 12-18 yo

2. with woman's consent

3. with lewd designs

Punishment of consented abduction

prision correccional

Saline extract of blood stain plus ammonia result

Brownish tinge due to hematin formation

Benzidine test

White filter paper pressed on suspected blood stain and benzidine reagent is dropped on it. If there is blood, blue color appears

Guiaicum/ Van Deen's/ Schombein's test

White filter paper is pressed and rubbed on suspected stain, then solution of alcoholic tincture of guaiacum is added, then hydrogen peroxide or ozonic ether is applied by drops. If blood is present, blue color appears

Menstrual blood in microscopic test

Does not clot


Abundant vaginal cells

Doederlein's bacilli

Phenolphthalein test/ Kastle-Meyer Test

A reagent is dropped on a white filter paper with the stain and left for at least 10 secs. Positive result shows pink color after addition of hydrogen peroxide

Hemochromogen crystal/ Takayama test

Specimen and a drop of hemochromogen reagent is placed in between a slide and a cover glass and examined under the microscope. Positive test shoes crystals varying from salmon color to dark brown and pink, irregularly shaped rhomboids in clusters

Teichmann's blood crystals/ Hemin crystal test

Put in slide and dry: Specimen + drop of saline water + glacial acetic acid

Drown rhombic prisms of chloride of hematin are formed if positive

Acetone-haemin of Wagenhaar test

Specimen placed between glass slide and cover slip with needle to prevent direct contact of cover slip with slide. Drop of acetone and a drop of diluted oxalic acid placed under cover slip. Positive test shoes small, dichronic acicular crystals of acetone-haemin are seen

Conditions wherein there is delayed coolong of the body upon death

Acute pyrexial disease

Sudden death in good health


Death by asphyxia

Death of middle age


Want of access of air to the body

Small room

Warm surroundings

Conditions wherein there is advanced cooling of the body upon death

Leanness of body

Extreme age

Long-standing or lingering illness

Chronic pyrexial diasese with wasting

Unclothed body

Conditions allowing the access of ait

Large room permitting the dissipation of heat

Cooling more rapid in water than in air

When does cellular death occur after clinical death?

3-6 hours later

The fall of temperature by how many degrees is considered a sign of death

15-20 degrees Fahrenheit

Rate of cooling of the body when body temperature is normal at death

First 2 hrs, is one half of the difference of the body temperature and that of air

Next two hours, one half of the previous rate

Next two hours, half of the last mentioned rate

How many hours does it take for the dead body to adapt temperature of its surroundings

12-15 hours

Limitations of Schourup's formula

Age > 15 yo

CSF must be free of blood

No escape of CSF due to injuries

Death is within 15 hours of CSF collection

Tachenoid de la sclerotique

A spot in the slecra post-mortem. May be oval or round or triangular with base towards cornea. Starts yellowish but later brown or black. Believed to be due to the thinning of the sclera thereby making the pigmented choroid visible

Stage of primary flaccidity: acidic or alkalinic


Rigor mortis is early in which age groups

Elderly and newborns

Effect of heat on a dead body

Heat accelerates rigor mortis but temperature above 75 C will produce heat stiffening

Pugilistic attitude

Lower and upper extremities are flexed and the hands are clenched because flexor muscles are stronger than the extensors


The prominence of the superficial veins with reddish discoloration during the process of decomposition which develops on both flanks of the abdomen, root of the neck and shoulder and which makes tha rea look like a "marbled" reticule of branching veins

Temperature conducive to decomposition

70 F to 100 F (~21-37 C)

First part of body that putrefies in water

Face and neck or sternum

Microorganism that has a dominant role in decomposition

Clostridium welchii


Dehydration of the whole body

In saponificaiton, fats are transformed into what substances



Softening of the tissues when in a fluid medium in the absence of putrefactive microorganisms which is frequently

Methods of conducting a search

Strip method

Double strip/Grid navigation

Spiral method

Wheel method

Zone method

Strip method of search investigation

The area is blocked out in the form of a rectangle. TH searcher proceeds slowly at the same pace along the path parallel to one side o the rectangle

Double strip/ grid method of search investigation

Searchers will traverse first parallel to the base and then parallel to the side

Spiral method

Searchers follow each other in the path in the spiral manner beginning form the center towards the outside or vice versa

Wheel method of search investigation

Searchers gather at the center and proceed outwards along radii or spokes

Zone method

Whole area is divided into subdivision or quadrants and search is made in the individual quadrants

Punishment for assistance to suicide

Prison mayor

Punishment for assistance to suicide to the point of doing killing of the person

Reclusion temporal

Punishment for unsuccessful assistance to suicide

Arresto mayor, med to max

Punishment for infanticide if mother did the killing

Prision correctional

Punishment for murder

Reclusion temporal, max


Punishment for parricide

Reclusion perpetua to death

Punishment for homicide

Reclusion temporal

Death from syncope

Death due to sudden and fatal cessation of action of the heart

Death from asphyxia

Condition in which the supply of oxygen to the blood or tissues or both to both has been reduced below normal working level

Death from coma

State of unconsicousness with insensibility of the pupil and conjunctivae, and inability to swalloww

Arresto menor

One day to 30 days

Arresto mayor

One month and one day to 6 mos

Prision correccional

5 mos and one day to 6 years

Prision mayor

6 years and one day to 12 yrs

Reclusion temporal

12 yrs and one day to 20 yrs

Reclusion perpetua

20 yrs and one day to 40 yrs

Larger: exit or entrance wound

Exit wound

Gunshot wond on body part with superficial bone: inverted or everted


Tatooing in gunshot wounds are present only at what distance

Within 60cm

When is gunshot wound inverted

WIthin 60cm