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29 Cards in this Set

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if a particular response to a stimulus is followed by a "satisfying event" the satisfying event will strengthen the SR association, increasing the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated and vice versa
The Law of Effect
Usually little acts that people perform even when they are aware of no causal relationship between the action and its consequence
Superstitious learning
behaviors that naturally occur just before the occurrence of a reinforcer whose incidence is most likely to change as a result of coinciding with the reinforcer.
terminal response
behaviors that occur in the middle of the interval between reinforcers, whose incidence can also be altered by a correlation with subsequent reinforcers
interim responses
certain responses fit better with a particular reinforcer based on the animal's evolutionary history
attractive value of a reinforcer changes after instrumental learning occurs
reinforcer devaluation
an acquired feeling of futility in which people believe that they have no control over their situation
learned helplessness
an instrumental conditioning protocol in which the subject controls when it executes a response that delivers rewards (or avoids punishments) without experimenter intervention.
free operant
procedure that gradually modifies the animal's behavior toward the desired response
an instrumental conditioning protocol in which untrianed pigeons are placed into a conditioning chamber and, at a regular interval key is illuminated for several seconds, then food is delivered with no required relationship between the desired key peck response and the food delivery. Nevertheless, pigeons reliably begin to peck the key when itis illuminated before the automatic food delivery; at that point the feeder activation is made to require key pecks
A stimulus that, after being associated with a reinforcer, takes on a key property of the reinforcer in alternating the incidence of behaviors it follows
secondary reinforcer
applies principles of shaping and instrumental or operant conditioning to a broad variety of situations in education, business, and psychotherapy
behavior modification
individuals earn things for performing or not performing specific behaviors. these things can be exchanged for primary reinforcers
Token Economy
A phenomenon in instrumental conditioning in which irregular incidence of rewards following behaviors leads to greater persistence of the response during extinction.
partial reinforcement effect
reinforcement is given after a particular number of responses
fixed ratio schedule (FR)
the number of responses required before the reward varies randomly but has a constant average value
variable ration schedule (VR)
reinforcement is delivered following the first response after a particular amount of time since the last reinforcement.
fixed interval schedule (FI)
the duration of the minimum interval varies randomly but has a constant average period
variable interval schedule (VI)
each of the types of schedules results in a distinct behavior pattern that is typically recorded in terms of the running sum which is also called the...
cumulative response
in instrumental conditioning, the production of a consistent pattern of multiple responses that maximizes the rewards
matching law
subjects select each of several choices in proportion to their rate of success. Most humans do it animals don't
probability matching
a straightforward extension of simple instrumental responding, the last of which results in reward presentation
response chaining
animals are first trained to perform the final act in the sequence to obtain the primary reinforcer. they are trained to do the second to last task to get the stimulus for the last task and so on and so forth
backwards chaining
an instrumental conditioning protocol in which subjects are trained to perform a particular series of behavioral actions to receive rewards
serial patterns
a preprogrammed sequence that is initiated complete with sequencing and timing of its elements.
motor program
a stage of complex skill learning in which the learner remembers a list of instructions for the sequence to be followed
cognitive stage
a stage of complex skill learning in which involves substituting for the verbal memory a more direct representation of the sequence of movements that executes the skill
associative stage
a stage of complex skill learning the procedure is free of conscious control and direction. skill flows smoothly
autonomous stage
an experimental observation in which two treatments (typically two types of brain damage) are shown to have separate and distinct effects. In brain imaging research, IT is established when two separate tasks are shown to produce changes in activation in two distinct areas
double dissociation