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77 Cards in this Set

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Alfred Adler
School: Psychoanalytic (partner of Freud)
Individual Psychology
Contributions: one is trying constantly to overcome childhood inferiority complex (studied birth order)
Mary Ainsworth
School: Developmental
Attachment Theory:
*Secure Base;
*Insecure ( Anxious Ambivalent);
*Insecure (Anxious/Avoidant);
Contributions: studied little kids in the Strange Situation Experiment (insecure vs. secure attachment)
Gordon Allport
School: Traits
Contributions:cardinal, central, and secondary traits
Cardinal - organize life (those that contribute to the dominant feature in someone's personality)
Central - characteristics of person (often used to describe a person)
Solomon Asch
School: Social
Contributions: line experiment, conformity (peer pressure)
Albert Bandura
School: Cognitive & Behavioral
Social Learning Theory
Observational Learning
Contributions: Bobo Doll experiment (imitation, modeling) and reciprocal determinism
Aaron Beck
School: Cognitive
Contributions: founder of cognitive therapy
Common thinking errors
Alfred Binet
School: Cognitive
Contributions: created first standardized test for intelligence (mental age)
Diana Baumrind
School: Developmental
Contributions: parenting styles (authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, uninvolved)
John Bowlby
Attachment Theory
Separation Anxiety; Stranger Anxiety

Prolonged Separation:
Walter Cannon
School: Cognitive
Contributions: Cannon Bard theory (emotions happen at same time as arousal)
Raymond Cattell
School: Trait
Contributions: 16 Personality Factors and surface traits
Leon Chesting
Black Experience:
Nurturing System - Individual is part of family, friends, immed community
Sustaining System - Individual is part of larger society

Dual Perspective - Person constantly shift btwn worlds (for minority can evoke conflict)
Noam Chomsky
School: Cognitive
Contributions: language acquisition device (innate aptitude for language)
-concepts of positive and negative feedback
Herman Ebbinghaus
School: Cognitive
Contributions: first to study memory, looked at forgetting curve
Paul Ekman
School: Cognitive
Contributions: 6 basic facial expressions (happy, sad, disgust, anger, fear, and surprise)
Albert Ellis
School: Cognitive
Contributions: rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT) (confronting irrational thoughts)
A - Activating event; B - Belief; C - Consequent affect; D - Disputing of the irrational belief; E- Effect
Erik Erikson
School: Developmental
Ego Psychology - Psychosocial Stages
1. Trust v Mistrust (0-1y)
2. Autonomy v Shame & Doubt (2-3y)
3. Initiative v Guilt (3-5y)
4. Industry v Inferiority (6-11y)
5. Identity v Identity Confusion (12-18Y)
6. Intimacy v Isolation (19-30+y)
7. Generativity v Stagnation/Self-Absorption (30s+-50+y)
8. Integrity v Despair (old age, 60+y)
First developmental therapy for whole lifespan
Hans Eysenck
School: Trait
Personality is genetic
Contribution: 3 Dimensions of Personality:
1. stability vs. instability;
2. extroversion vs. introversion
3. Psychoticisim
Leon Festinger
School: Social
Contributions: cognitive dissonence
Anna Freud
Defense mechanisms
Grg E Vaillant's levels are:
Level I - pathological defences (i.e. psychotic denial, delusional projection)
Level II - immature defences (i.e. fantasy, projection, passive aggression, acting out)
Level III - neurotic defences (i.e. intellectualization, reaction formation, dissociation, displacement, repression)
Level IV - mature defences (i.e. humour, sublimation, suppression, altruism, anticipation)
Sigmund Freud
School: psychoanalytic
Contributions: first comprehensive personality theory, first theory on abnormal behavior, and first type of talking therapy
Howard Gardner
School: Cognitive
Contributions: multiple intelligence theory
Visual - Spacial
Logical - Math
William Glasser
Reality Therapy
Reject concept of mental illness - Psychopathology results because person can not control environment in way that satisfies basic needs (belonging, power, fun, freedom)
Need to love and be loved; Need to feel worthwhile to themselves and to others.
Carol Gilligan
School: Cognitive
Contributions: revised Kohlberg's theory on moral development to look at difference in genders
Daniel Goleman
Contributions: emotional intelligence and immediate vs. delayed gratification
J. P. Guilford
School: Cognitive
Contributions: mental abilities (100+)
Jay Haley
Strategic Family Therapy
Presenting pbm viewed as symptom of response to current dysfunction in family interaction
Relabeling; Reframing; Directives; Paradoxical instruction
Focus on behaving differently
G. Stanley Hall
School: Developmental
Contributions: one of 1st American psychologists and first to study child psychology
Harry Harlow
School: Developmental
Contributions: monkeys & attachment
Frederick Herzberg
Job Enrichment Theory (a.k.a. Dual Structure Theory or Motivator-Hygiene Theory or Two Factor Theory)
Karen Horney
School: Psychodynamic
Contributions: child anxiety, overcoming helplessness and Electra Complex
Neurosis is due to disturbed human relationships.
William James
School: Functionalism
Contributions: 1st American psychologist, studied how mind adapts to the world we live in
Irving James
School: Social
Contributions: groupthink
Carl Jung
School: psychoanalytic
Contributions: collective unconscious and archetypes
Two Attitudes: Extroversion; Introversion
Basic Functions: Thinking, Feeling, Sensing, Intuiting
SW focus is to bridge gap
Lawrence Kohlberg
School: Developemental
Contributions: how moral dilemmas create moral development in men
1. Pre-conventional
Stage 1. Punishment and obedience orientation
Stage 2. Instrumental relative orientation
2. Conventional
Stage 3. Interpersonal concordance (good boy/nice girl)
Stage 4. Law and Order
3. Post-Conventional
Stage 5. Social law contract
Stage 6. Universal ethical principal orientation
Wolfgang Kohler
School: Gestalt (Cognitive)
(whole is sum of it's parts)
Contributions: insight learning (chimpanzees)
*Avoid use of diagnostic labels
Heinz Kohut
Object-Relations Theory
(worked with Mahler (stages of development)
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Contributions: studied end of lifespan, stages of death and dying
Denial; Anger; Bargain; Depression; Acceptance
Karl Lashley
School: Behavioral & Biological
Contributions: searched for engram (neuropsych/physical trace) for memory
Richard Lazarus
School: Cognitive
Contributions: thoughts precede emotions
Kurt Lewin
Leadership Climates: (Change Management Model)Authoritarian; Democratic; Laissez-faire
B=f(P,E) Force-Field Analysis
Marsha Linehan
Dialectical Behavior Theory (coping)
Skill building
Relations with others
Elizabeth Loftus
School: Cognitive
Contributions: eyewitness, reconstruction of memory
Margaret Mahler
(worked w Kohut)
(influenced by Bowlby, Piaget, Spitz)
Object Relations Theory
STAGES: 1) Normal Autism (0-1mo) Little awareness of otrs; 2) Sumbiosis or Normal Symbiotic (1-4mos) Attachment to caregiver, no sense of individuality, depreivation may lead to Bi-Polar) 3) Separation-Individuation (4-8mos through 36 mos) Development of ego, sense of ID & cog abilities; SUBSTAGES OF STAGE 3: 1) Differentiation from mtr/Hatching (4-8mos) ; 2) Practicing (8-15mos) Rapprochement (15-24 mos); 3) Achievement of Individuality (24-36mos) consolidation and obejct constancy
Abraham Maslow
School: Humanistic
Contributions: self actualization and hierarchy of needs
David McClelland
School: Cognitive
Human Motivation Theory
Contributions: box toss and achievement motivation
Donald Meichenbaurm
Cognitive-Behavior Therapy
Self Instruction Training
Maladaptive behavior is associated with patterns of thinking and response that do not result in mentally healthy outcomes
Used to treat depression, anxiety, phobias
Stanley Milgram
School: Social
Contributions: shock experiment and obedience
People are willing to obey even if it goes against morals.
Salvador Minuchin
Structural Family Therapy
Addresses family pbms by dividing family into subsystems.
Modify family rules;
Develop appropriate boundaries
Ivan Pavlov
School: Behavioral
Contributions: Classical/Respondent Conditioning
Making a connection between unrelated things
US>UR (Involuntary); CS>CR (learned)
Helen Perlman
Problem Solving Model
Contact Phase: ID pbm; ID Goals; Contract; Exploration
Contract Phase: Assessment & Evaluation; Plan of Action; Prognosis
Action Phase: Implementation of Treatment Plan; Termination; Evaluation
Fritz Perls
Gestalt Therapy
4 Major Boundary Disturbances

*Introjection- difficulty distinguishing btwn "me" and "not me"
*Projection- disown aspects of self by assigning to other
*Retroflection- redirect anger one has for another person inward
*Confluence- Absence of boundary btwn self and environment

(used empty chair)
Jean Piaget
Cognitive Development STAGES of learning/reasoning
Assimilation - looking for similarities
Accommodation - looking for differences (adaption=learning)
1. Sensorimotor (0-2y)
1. Impulsive and Reflex Actions
2. Primary Circular Actions
3. Practicing Secondary Circular or Repetitive Actions
4. Coordinating Secondary Schemes
5. Tertiary Circular Actions/Continuation of Experimentation w More Variability
6. Invention through Mental Combinations
2. Pre-operational (2-7y) Imagination, uses language & otr symbols, focus is egocentric
3. Concrete Operations (7-11y) understands conservation
4. Formal Operations (11+y) abstract reasoning
Robert Rescorla
School: Cognitive & Behavioral
Contributions: contingency model of classical conditioning (adding thinking to the process)
Carl Rodgers
School: Humanistic ; Person-Centered Therapy
Contributions: self-concept and genuineness, acceptance, and empathy (unconditional positive regard)
Hermann Rorschach
School: Psychoanalytic
Contributions: inkblot projective test
Julian Rotter
School: Social and Cognitive (Social Learning Theory)
Contributions: personal control (internal vs. external locus of control)
(self fulfilling prophecy)
Virginia Satir
Family Therapy. Styles of Communication (Poses)*Placater
*Congruent Communicator
Stanley Schachter
School: Cognitive
Contributions: 2-factor theory - you must experience arousal and interpret the situation to feel emotion
Martin Seligman
School: Cognitive
Contributions: learned helplessness
Hans Selye
School: No one in particular, physiological
Contributions: general adaption syndrome (how we respond to stress: alarm, resistance, and the exhaustion)
B. F. Skinner
School: Behavioral
Contributions: Skinner box, Operant Conditioning
Learning through reward and punishment
Charles Spearman
School: Cognitive
Contributions: g-factor of intelligence
concept of a coefficient of correlation
Robert Sternberg
School: Social and Cognitive
Contributions: triarchic theory of intelligence (analytic, creative, and practical) and triangular theory of love (intimacy, passion, and commitment)
Lewis Terman
School: Cognitive
Contributions: Standford - Binet
E. L. Thorndike
School: Behavioral
Contributions: first to talk about operant conditioning, law of effect
L. L. Thurstone
School: Cognitive
Contributions: 7 clusters of mental ability ---> used by Weschler to create WAIS and WISC
Edward Titchner
School: Structuralism
Contributions: brought psychology to America
Lev Vygotsky
School: Developmental
Contributions: looked at role of environment in intellectual development of children (zone of proximal development)
Karen Wandrei (James Karl)
Balance strength with problems
J. B. Watson
School: Behavioral
Contributions: c
Classical Conditioning and Lil Albert
Stimulus generalization; Extinction; Counter conditioning
Max Wertheimer
School: Gestalt
Contributions: creator of Gestalt psych. (whole is greater than the sum of its parts)
Benjamin Whorf
School: Cognitive
Contributions: learn language through environment and language and thinking influence each other
Joseph Wolpe
Counter Conditioning (Classical Theory)
Treat phobias
Wilhelm Wundt
School: Structuralism
Contributions: 1st psychologist
Robert Zajonc
School: Social
Contributions: social facilitation and mere exposure effect
Philip Zimbardo
School: Social
Contributions: Stanford Prison Experiment and roleplaying