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17 Cards in this Set

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What is the essentials of Criminal Law?

- A wrong against a person is a wrong against society

Relates to people and society

Crown Attorney? (Aka Prosecutor)

- Can prosecute the victim no matter their say

- The body that "goes on the offence" in a criminal proceeding

Think of Miles Edgeworth

What does law do?

- Protects individuals & society as a whole

- Keeps orders

Civil Law?

- Wrongs committed against an individual (not crimes)

- Involves compensation ($$$)

- Does not involve Jail

Not criminal

Criminal Law?

- Wrongs committed against society (including individual and is a crime)

- Involves fines, community service, imprisonment (not compensation)

Not civil

Crimes, and where is it found?

- Something that goes against our legal system and is illegal

- The Criminal CODE has it written down

What are the 3 responses to Immoral Behaviour?


- Criminalize

- Decriminalize

- Legalize

What do the responses of Immoral Behaviour do?

- Criminalize: To make a criminal offense found in the Criminal CODE

- Decriminalize: Punishable only by fine

- Legalize: Make it totally legal

What are the 3 Crime Severity?

- Summary Conviction Offence

- Indictable Offence

- Hybrid Offence


Summary Conviction Offences?

- Consists of Minor Offences

- Always adjudicated on in Provincial Court (Trial by judge alone)

- Prosecution must charge Accused within 6 Months

Aka Summary

Relates to Provincial Court

Indictable Offences?

- Consists of Major Offences (crimes)

- Have the rights of trial by jury

- There's no Statute of Limitations

Max. Penalty depend on committed offence

Statute of Limitation: Period of time to deal with Legal Actions

Hybrid Offence?

- Can be Summary or Indictment

- The Crown decides between the two

Is this Criminal or Civil Law?

- Two people get divorced.

Civil Law

Is this Criminal or Civil Law?

- You are thrown into jail for something

Criminal Law

Is this Criminal or Civil Law?

- Smoke marijuana in public areas and annoy a few people

Criminal Law

Is this Criminal or Civil Law?

- You get angry at the mall and punch someone

Criminal Law

What are examples of things considered taboo but is legal?

- Abortion

- Marijuana

- Same-sex Marriage

- Alcohol