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15 Cards in this Set

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1) Etiam senēs frūctibus sapientiae et cōnsiliīs argūmentīsque certīs saepe carent.
1) Even old men often lack the fruits of wisdom and reliable judgments and arguments.
2) Aut ingentēs montēs aut flūmina celeria quae dē montibus fluēbant hostēs ab urbe prohibēbant.
2) Either huge mountains or swift rivers which flowed from the mountains kept the enemy from the city.
3) Quoniam nimis fortia facta faciēbat, aetās eius erat brevis.
3) Since he was doing excessively brave deeds, his life was brief.
4) Illa medica facere poterat multa manū dextrā sed sinistrā manū pauca.
4) That doctor was able to do many things by means of her right hand but little by means of her left hand.
5) Vēritas nōs metū gravī iam līberābit quō diū territī sumus.
5) The truth will soon free us from the heavy anxiety that for a long time we were terrified by.
6) Quibus generibus scelerum sinistrōrum illae duae cīvītātēs dēlētae sunt?
6) By what kinds of evil deeds were those two states wiped out?
7) Quī mortālis sine amīcitiā et probitāte et beneficiō in aliōs potest esse beātus?
7) What mortal can be happy without friendship and honesty and kindness toward others?
8) Pater pecūniam ex Graeciā in suam patriam movēre coeperat, nam familia discēdere cupīvit.
8) The father had begun to move [his] money from Greece into his country, for [his] family desired to depart.
9) Ā quibus studium difficilium artium eō tempore neglēctum est?
9) By whom was the study of the difficult arts neglected at that time?
10) Ubi versūs illīus auctōris clārī lēctī sunt, audītōrēs delectātī sunt.
10) When the verses of that famous author were read, audience members were delighted.
11) Sē cito iēcērunt ad genua iūdicum, quī autem nūllam clēmentiam dēmōnstrāvērunt.
11) They quickly threw themselves to the knees of the judges who, however, showed no mercy.
12) We cannot have the fruits of peace, unless we ourselves free our families from heavy dread.
12) Nōn possumus habēre fructūs pacis nisi nōs ipsi metū gravī nostrās familiās liberāmus.
13) Those bands of unfortunate men and women will come to us from other countries in which they are deprived of the benefits of citizenship.
13) Illae manūs miserorum miserarumque venient ad nōs de aliīs terrīs quibus beneficiīs civitātis carent.
14) The old men lacked neither games nor serious pursuits.
14) Senēs neque lūdīs neque studiīs gravibus carēbant.
15) Who began to perceive our common fears of serious crime?
15) Quis sceleris gravis nostrōs metūs communēs sentīre coepit?